Suicide Help Hotlines

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Suicide Help Hotlines

Post by Moon_Stone »

First of all: STOP... TAKE A BREATH... AND WAIT.

Secondly, if you've come to this post and are reading it now, you are reaching out. This alone shows you that you truly do want to live -- you're just desperately upset, and don't know where to turn or what to do.


United States (US) Suicide Hotline:
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
or: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)

United Kingdom (UK) Suicide Hotline:
08457 90 90 90

Ireland Suicide Hotline:
1850 60 90 90

Canada Suicide Hotlines:
Click here to select your province and receive hotline list for your area.

Everywhere else- Suicide Helplines:
Click here to select your area and see your hotline list

On the web...

International & Everywhere else
Some other good links - note, some of the links on the top of the page are not functional but there are valuable numbers that could also be of help if you scroll down a bit.

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Post by Moon_Stone »

Good point, Elicit-- and thanks for your kind words as well.

I only hope the info helps someone... at least it's easy to find here. :28:

Bright Blessings.

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Re: **Where to find help**

Post by ebenb84 »

i'm really glad that you posted this. i've read a lot of posts where people were talking about suicide and these people have really been on my mind. so thanks for posting this...

Re: **Where to find help**

Post by spiritsoul »

One can also talk to a doctor in their area or search for free mental health services in their areas if they don't have insurance.
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Re: **Where to find help**

Post by valerian moon »

Here's a guide I wrote on how to write a list of coping skills for any negative reaction to emotion, such as self harm, fighting, or just plain feeling crappy. I wrote it all by myself :)
it describes the different kinds of coping skills and examples of them, as well as times you might use them.

Identifying coping skills that work for you can be hard for some people, so here are some tips:

There are two types of coping skills: mental and sensory. Mental coping skills get your mind off the feeling. Examples would be reading, watching TV, listening to music, or meditating.

Sensory coping skills engage your body to prevent you from using negative coping skills such as cutting or purging. Examples would be exercise, breathing, cleaning something, or playing with dogs.

There is also "dealing with it" coping skills, which don't distract you from the feeling, but allow you to vent about it. Examples are writing about it, talking to a friend about the problem, or drawing the feeling.

Remember, there is always an alternative to self harm. It doesn't have to be your first resort.

Identify the feeling that makes you self harm.
Is it anger? Rejection? Hurt? Depression? Anxiety? All of the above? Make as many lists as you need.

Identify coping skills, both mental and physical, that will make you either not want to self harm, or lessen the urge. They have to be specific to YOU. Don't just write down "breathing" because your therapist recommended it. It doesn't work for everybody! And that's okay! Maybe breathing might not work, but some weird thing might. When I was 14, one of mine was to lay in bed and scratch at my sheets instead of scratching myself. It really worked.

What makes you happy?
What makes you laugh?
If butts make you laugh, then write down "Google pictures of funny-looking butts" if it will help you not self harm.

Basically what I'm trying to say is, make it individual. You don't want a list of coping skills if they don't work, right?
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Re: **Where to find help**

Post by valerian moon »

also, for those in florida, HOPE family services has a 24 hour helpline for survivors and victims of domestic violence (941) 755-6805 and i'm pretty sure they have bilingual operators there, as this is florida. they also have a thrift shop for emergencies and financial crisis, my great grandmother used to work there, it's called the HOPE chest. for more information about HOPE go to

and I think they help people with mental illnesses too, not just victims of domestic abuse.

and if not, they can direct you to someone who can help.

just DON'T go to manatee glens. it'll take you (literally, not exaggerating) 7 months to get an intake appointment.
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Re: **Where to find help**

Post by Vesca »

To find resources on.. just about anything from suicide to abuse to gambling to shelters in the USA.
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Re: **Where to find help**

Post by valerian moon »

more links and stuff
this is the page on my main blog of all the resources i've compiled
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Re: **Where to find help**

Post by loona wynd »

I've found that you can always go to the local ER if you are in real need. They always have some one somewhere on staff to talk to and help. They may then be able to tell you where you can go from there. I believe many local crisis centers will provide taxi services or rides if they can. There is help out there. Find it and use it.
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