Curious about Christianity and Witchcraft

Discussion for and about Christian witches and pagans. How do you merge your two belief systems? Please be kind to Christian witches. I have come to believe that it is a very valid belief system.
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Curious about Christianity and Witchcraft

Post by Middleagedseeker »

:D Hello Christian Witches! I'm a 40something woman that was raised Christian but am now feeling especially drawn to the goddess. I have read about gnostic teachings but never heard of Christian witchcraft per say, until I found a book in goodwill The Path of the Christian Witch by Adele St. Claire I think? I'm very much drawn to the Virgin Mary even though I wasn't catholic. If anyone else out there could offer some guidance I'd really appreciate it
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Re: Curious about Christianity and Witchcraft

Post by Holdasown »

loona wynd
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Re: Curious about Christianity and Witchcraft

Post by loona wynd »

Middleagedseeker wrote::D Hello Christian Witches! I'm a 40something woman that was raised Christian but am now feeling especially drawn to the goddess. I have read about gnostic teachings but never heard of Christian witchcraft per say, until I found a book in goodwill The Path of the Christian Witch by Adele St. Claire I think? I'm very much drawn to the Virgin Mary even though I wasn't catholic. If anyone else out there could offer some guidance I'd really appreciate it
I have a few thoughts. The first thought is that you might want to look into Enochian magic. Enochian magic is a style of magic and a magical tradition created by Jhonn Dee in the Renaissance. This practice deals with angelic beings. Its channeled magic but may be of interest to you.

Secondly you may want to look into forms of ceremonial magic. Most ceremonial magic uses angelic forces and is done under the concepts of a monotheistic religion, mainly Christianity. The basic circle casting techniques found in Wicca are developed from the LBRP which is a Ceremonial magic ritual. The LBRP calls on the arch angels and the spirit of God and the heavens to create a circle and cleansed space.

Thirdly you may want to look into a type of Hoodoo. Hoodoo is an American tradition and style of magic. It developed out of slavery and the ancestral religion of the slaves as they adapted to survive in America. Many aspects of Hoodoo are developed from a syncretic force of various forms of Christianity and Catholicism and the tribal religions of the slaves prior to slavery. Today you can clearly see the Christian elements such as using the psalms in spells and the reference to saints, prophets, and angels found in Christian lore.

Finally you may want to look up how Mary was venerated historically. Mary has not always been ignored in main stream Christianity. Mary is only one form that feminine divine has been seen in Christianity. There was Sophia and also the Holy Spirit (often depicted as feminine). Hope this helps.
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Re: Curious about Christianity and Witchcraft

Post by Violet »

Middleagedseeker wrote::D Hello Christian Witches! I'm a 40something woman that was raised Christian but am now feeling especially drawn to the goddess. I have read about gnostic teachings but never heard of Christian witchcraft per say, until I found a book in goodwill The Path of the Christian Witch by Adele St. Claire I think? I'm very much drawn to the Virgin Mary even though I wasn't catholic. If anyone else out there could offer some guidance I'd really appreciate it
Hi, this page on Mother Mary and many similar goddesses / entities may be of use to you.

Mary is related to the sephirab Binah in the Jewish Kabbalah, the feminine creative principle linked to the masculine principle in Chokhmah. For centuries the feminine principle has been undermined and subjugated, but this was half of the equation from the beginning of creation.

I have been thinking of acquiring Doreen Virtue's Mary: Queen of Angels Oracle Cards to develop a more personal understanding of Mary. They look tempting!
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Re: Curious about Christianity and Witchcraft

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Very glad to come across this thread. I have always thought that Jesus was referring to the female aspects of God when referring to the Holy Spirit.
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