Two turtles and a lizard

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Two turtles and a lizard

Post by Firebird »

Okay so dreaming for me is a rarity anymore and when I do remember I'm wondering why I'm remembering.
So the one I had the other night was my two turtles in their pen and for some reason a larger lizard had been introduced about the size of a iguana or a small baby alligator but it looked like a horned toad though way bigger than a horned toad is. I remember the smaller Turtle looking at me and started screaming out help, like he didn't want to be in there and at the same time I was stepping through lots and lots of broken glass with my bare feet.
I don't know what's up with this ....anyway I thought I'd make a note I had that dream on Thursday night, today is Saturday. Okay all for now.
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Re: Two turtles and a lizard

Post by corvidus »

Maybe your turtle is getting the turtle-flu?

Toads are one of five 'poisonous creatures' in Taoist philosophy.
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Re: Two turtles and a lizard

Post by Firebird »

Thanks corvidus, I wonder about animal implications, and Im sure there is a message there somewhere if I was able to remember the dream in the first place.
A horned toad is a lizard rather than a toad, I don't know they call 'em that. They look more like little dinosaurs than either a lizard or a toad. The fact it was so huge and out of proportion was the weird thing, and how did it get in the turtle run? Dreams are so weird. I was completly unaffected by the glass, but I remember thinking oh crap I had no choice but to walk through it (and it was about an inch deep of pure shards of broken glass) to get to the turtle run.
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Two turtles and a lizard

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Hey FF! I know this is old, but I'm going through some of the dream threads tonight. Can I assume the turtle would have been in danger of being harmed by the horned toad? Or, would there be another reason he wouldn't want to be in there at the same time with it? Trying to get a better idea of the dream before giving my 2 cents.

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