My future life long journey regarding the fae

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My future life long journey regarding the fae

Post by gentlelamb »

Ok so this is gonna be long but I'd appreciate it if you read or at least skimmed it.

So I've been researching fairies/pixies/sprites/elves/brownies/ any other fae, etc. religiously everyday, almost all day for a solid year. I've looked up and researched pretty much everything the Internet has to offer but I'm sure there's still more, anyway the point is I know an awful lot (not trying to brag).

So I've looked up how to make offerings and all things on how to communicate with them and I've done all of them. I've left quite a few offerings here d d there and I talked to them a lot for the first 4 months of my research. I even got so into them that I looked up how to become a fairy. I did a REALLY serious ritual (my first ritual ever) to the fae asking them to become a fairy. And after it was done I got in bed and listened to some fairy meditation music and meditated for about an hour. And I got this really really really huge surge of energy (it no joke felt lie I was high, and I've been high before so I know what I'm talking about) and I saw in my minds eye while I was meditating this flower land in this misty green beautiful enchanted forest with little tiny people inviting me in and showing me numerous things like tiny houses and this really pretty tree they all seemed to like. It was a magical experience.

But later on my grades started dropping in school so I had to focus on that. So first of all I'm terrible at school, so when my grades got worse my anxiety disorder and especially my ocd got SO. f*cking. BAD. And I was in Spanish and we were studying out verb tenses right before a quiz and I was working myself all up, blowing things way out of proportion on how important this ONE quiz really was, on the verge of tears (I actually cried a little bit for half a second) and right about to have a full fledged panic attack when something beautiful happened. I got this really vividly clear image in my minds eye- I was looking at this meadow, a beautiful breath taking view, and I was sitting under this gorgeous tree. I could sense the spirit of the tree and it was a woman. A long haired woman smiling. The tree was holding me and consoling me and rocking me back and forth, but it was really the woman doing it. I instantly felt better and relaxed and loved. I didn't know what that meant or what it was so I appreciated it subconsciously and dismissed it for a little over a month. Later on i conceitedly decided it was Gaia, selfish right?

Later on I made a friend who's a follower of Artemis and a very accomplished astral traveler. I told him about my experience during that ritual and in Spanish class and my previous research about the fae. I told him how it must've been Gaia and he was like.... No. Gaia doesn't do that. That must've been s nature spirit. He also said that that experience during the ritual was the fae communicating. That that was there way of saying "we hear you loud and clear. Let us share something with you". And he said they excepted me. I was super excited that I told him I had to go, and once I did I spoke to the fae. I sat on my bed and focused my energy and spoke to the air (them in intention) and said "I know Ive been gone for a while but I'm here. I'm ready to help any way I can. I'm so honored that you've even acknowledged me." And once I did...I kid you not, I'm being dead f*cking serious, I saw moving bright specks of light all over my room. Some I could only see out of the corner of my eye and went away went I looked directly at. Others wee the size of quarters and moved directly in front of my face in like a playful little loopdy loops. Needless to say I was in awe of that moment.

Ever since then I've made sacrifices, dedicated my whole garden to them, talked to them on a regular basis, and every other week (sometimes a couple times during the week) I see them in my room. I love them ok? I just do. I feel special to them or just really god damn lucky. I still know very little about them because that's all they've done, let me see them in that form (although a couple weeks ago they did hide my headphones for two weeks and I found them outside in my garden -_-, little pricks). I'm going to dedicate my whole life to getting to know them but I would greatly appreciate any information anyone knows about them to help me grow closer to them. Thank you for reading and blessed be.
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Re: My future life long journey regarding the fae

Post by SpiritTalker »

If they snatched your ear phones maybe they'd enjoy some foot stompin' music while you weed the garden, or read out loud in a quiet corner some time :D You've done the reading as you've said so you know the drill and the cautions. Just keep researching. Show respect and keep your wits about you. Respect their differences and different values. Look at some YouTube videos and view with discernment.

Never use poisons in the garden. I made that error and made them so angry they knocked over my Madonna statue. I've re-glued her. The tough guy plants that have repopulated the damaged area have given a life, death, rebirth message that teaches me about nature...and apologies are meaningless in their world.

I recommend companion planting to control garden bugs. Plant marigold and basil around borders, but you can research that some more. I kept an area of my yard weedy and untouched, so the nature spirits could have a safe place where I wouldn't blunder in, and bcs i live inner city, where there's not much undisturbed natural areas close by.

I became interested in the Fae because of a couple experiences with the larger, non-twinkly types (possibly a Brownie and a Gnome) that I've mentioned elsewhere on the forum.

Re: My future life long journey regarding the fae

Post by bdonnadio »

Love this. Very inspiring for me. I have always had strong belief in Fae, but have been diving in deeper lately.
Really glad I read this
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Re: My future life long journey regarding the fae

Post by gentlelamb »

I'm glad I could help c:
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Re: My future life long journey regarding the fae

Post by SpiritTalker »

Well, I've just had a nice experience recovering a lost item with the Fae's help. :fairy: I have kept my spare house key in the garage, inside a hollow rock, buried in the bottom of a barrel of birdseed. A week ago I noticed the hollow rock was exposed, and worse,the key was missing. I dumped the few inches of seed and searched it carefully for the key but did not find it. I assumed a squirrel had runoff with the treasure, and was also concerned a two legged thief might have taken it.

So, I asked if the Fae knew where the key was, would they have pity and leave it where I could not fail to see it. And yesterday, when I came home from the grocery store, there lay the key, on my foot path between garage and house! I walk with a cane & have to watch where I put my feet, and the key hadn't been laying there earlier. So I put out a big bowl of milk as a treat last night. And this morning, that bowl was licked clean. :mrgreen:
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Re: My future life long journey regarding the fae

Post by gentlelamb »

That's so great! Glad you rewarded them with a treat
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