TwilightDancer's Book of Shadows

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TwilightDancer's Book of Shadows

Post by TwilightDancer »

Welcome all! :fairy:

A few things I will be sharing here from my personal Book of Shadows. They are in no particular order and will be posted at my leisure. All spells posted will be of my own making or my own version. These will be copied directly from my B.O.S. Feel free to comment if you like.

Have questions? Ask me!


If you copy/paste my spells elsewhere, I expect credit.
Lady stir your cauldron well, chant your words and sing your spell
Come and taste of the cauldron's brew and magic she will give to you

TwilightDancer's Book of Shadows
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Re: TwilightDancer's Book of Shadows

Post by TwilightDancer »

Witches Bottle:
A witches Bottle is a way to remove a person's negativity from you life without causing harm to them. You don't want to harm them, you just want to stop the harassment. A simple google search will show you that there are many many ways to create these bottles, so keep in mind this is just my version of it. Now once you have done this spell, do not instigate anything further with this person. This is a way for you to wash your hands of the situation. If this is a person that you interact with on a daily basis, You will still be interacting with them, it just wont be a negative, stressful experience.

What you will need:
-A positive mindset (Just like you wouldn't cast any other spell out of anger or with malicious intent, this is no different)
-Small Jar with screw on lid (I always use baby food jars for this as they are the perfect size).
-Paper and Pen
-Candle and lighter
-Salt (If regular salt is all that's available that will do)
-Red Wine or Vinegar (Whichever is available)
-Sharp objects: Tacks, shards of glass, nails, pins, needles (The most important part as these are going to attack that negativity and with the Salt and Vinegar, neutralize it)

What to do:
Fill the jar with the sharp objects and salt. Fill it the rest of the way with the Red Wine.
Light your candle. Write down the name of the person harassing you on a small piece of paper. Picture them clearly. Light the paper and allow it to burn completely to ash. As it burns, Visualize their negativity turning to smoke and disappearing entirely. Add the ashes to the jar. Line the lid of the jar with hot wax from the candle.
Twist the lid onto the jar to secure it.

Usually when I'm finishing the jar I will chant something to go along with what I'm doing. The chant I use changes every time because every situation is different. This step is not required but does help me focus on the outcome.

The Jar should be buried off your property.

*Other Versions of this will include putting something that belonged to that person inside the bottle such as a cigarette butt or dirt from the ground that they've recently walked on. This step is optional as it's not always achievable.
Lady stir your cauldron well, chant your words and sing your spell
Come and taste of the cauldron's brew and magic she will give to you

TwilightDancer's Book of Shadows
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Re: TwilightDancer's Book of Shadows

Post by TwilightDancer »

Beltane Fertility Pouch:
A spell to aid fertility.
(This is in no way a substitute for medical treatment.)

What you will need:
-Velvet Pouch
-Clear Quartz
-Rose Quartz
-Dried Flower Petals (collected at Beltane)
-Herbs: Lavender, Rosemary, Valerian Root

The pouch I'm using is burgundy and gold.
The day I chose to construct this was Friday.

Charge with intent and place under mattress.

(short and sweet!)
Side note: There is a Full Moon this coming Friday, Sept. 16th.
Lady stir your cauldron well, chant your words and sing your spell
Come and taste of the cauldron's brew and magic she will give to you

TwilightDancer's Book of Shadows
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Re: TwilightDancer's Book of Shadows

Post by TwilightDancer »

Purification/Anxiety Bath
This is my favorite bath for purification and stress relief. It's also amazing after an intense workout. The salt is great for sore muscles. Rosemary has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits. Lavender is also beneficial for sore muscles, encourages relaxation and eases stress.

What you will need:
-Bath Salt (Charged with intent)
-Lavender Buds
-Lavender Essential Oil (6-7 drops)
-Chopped Rosemary
-White Candle
-Purple Candle
Lady stir your cauldron well, chant your words and sing your spell
Come and taste of the cauldron's brew and magic she will give to you

TwilightDancer's Book of Shadows
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Re: TwilightDancer's Book of Shadows

Post by Bychan Wulf »

Great recipe! It fits perfectly on Imboloc, and the ingredients are also easy to find around the house....or at least in an average witche's house. :fairy:
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Re: TwilightDancer's Book of Shadows

Post by TwilightDancer »

Thanks Bychan!

I have lavender everything! :lol:
Lady stir your cauldron well, chant your words and sing your spell
Come and taste of the cauldron's brew and magic she will give to you

TwilightDancer's Book of Shadows
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