Mud Balls

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Black Cloud
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Mud Balls

Post by Black Cloud »

April 15, 2020

Mysterious Decorated Mud Balls Excavated at the Ancient Poverty Point site in Louisiana

Abstract highly decorated mud balls have been excavated at the ancient Poverty Point Site in Louisiana. They were baked to make them durable through the ages. The designs are abstract, and the patterns represent Spider webs, lotus pods, the sun, an owl. They are dated to 1700 BCE. Poverty Point inhabitants used cooking balls to prepare food, using them as hot rocks. These are different.

These decorated balls were made from soil as far away as the Tennessee River Valley and the Gulf Coast, hundreds of miles away. Were pilgrims bringing these balls to Poverty Point?

The Belleville News Democrat has the report here with a photo of the artifacts. ... 21501.html
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“For every woman is at heart a witch.” -Charles Leland
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Mr Crowley
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Re: Mud Balls

Post by Mr Crowley »

Being reluctant to answer the most basic questions creates a perception about you, so you'll get little, if any input, from members whom would normally input.

Ever hear of Pleasant Point, USA? There are at least two of them in the US: one in Maine, and other in West Virginia. I have an attachment to both--so ironic--but that's another topic.

An article that calls American artifacts 'mud balls' speaks volumes! And snowflakes have the gall to call me insensitive.

"Were pilgrims bringing these balls to Poverty Point?"
What do you think?
After all, it's your question.

I'll share my thoughts, based on understanding My Homeland's history. But first, I want to hear your thoughts about 'pilgrims bringing these balls to Poverty Point.'
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Black Cloud
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Re: Mud Balls

Post by Black Cloud »

I think a crafty witch could bake some mud balls like those pictured in the article and use them as an Earth element on their altar.
"People with a high tolerance for boredom can get a lot of thinking done." -Stephen King
“For every woman is at heart a witch.” -Charles Leland
“Men argue, nature acts.” -Voltaire
“Our life is the creation of our mind.” -Buddha
“Any person capable of angering you becomes your master.” -Epictetus
“Facts don’t cease to exist because they are ignored.” -Aldous Huxley
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Re: Mud Balls

Post by BlackMirror »

Cool I like the idea. And it's Point Pleasant, WV not Pleasant Point.
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