Teen Abusive Relationships-A Thread to give hope and empower

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Teen Abusive Relationships-A Thread to give hope and empower

Post by reikihealer83 »

Hello Teens,

I know that this is a forum for learning about all kinds of things pagan but I have been recently moved to add this to the teen section. It is about abusive relationships with teens.

To anyone who is in an abusive relationship and is too scared to speak out do not be afraid to. No one has the right to beat on you or make you feel inferior with their words or deeds. I am posting this to give empowerment and help to all those suffering in silence out of fear and self hatred which is never right to feel no matter what. Remember that if you are in an abusive relationship, please tell someone and get help. There are always people who can help you. To all of you out there, remember you are amazing and no person has the right to hit you, verbally tirade you, or make you feel horrible about yourself.


If this was out of line please feel free to delete it and let me know. I did this for everyone (but especially teens) because I feel it is important for people who have been in abusive relationships or are in one (heavens forbid) to know that they are not alone and that there is always help and that they should never be hit or abused in anyway by someone who claims to love them.
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Post by NightRose »

If I could figure out how to sticky this topic, I would. I think this is needed, and is in no way out of line.
(EDIT: Figured out how to sticky. This is now a sticky)

I've known a lot of people in abusive relationships. I know it's scary, and I know you always think it will get better. It almost never does...so to anyone out there in that position, please leave while you still can.

Post by jadesutil »

Looking to find answers to the troubled ways of your struggling teen? There are a number of good boarding schools that can prove to be very helpful.

If you are a parent evaluating wilderness schools for a teen struggling you may feel overwhelmed by all the options available to you. Wilderness schools for troubled teens including wilderness treatment programs are some of the likely options that you might want to gather more information about before being certain of the steps you would like to initiate to address the growing problems you and your teen face.
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Re: Teen Abusive Relationships-A Thread to give hope and emp

Post by valerian moon »

My family is emotionally abusive to me and they mess with my head.
like, my mom knows I flip out when I think people hate me, even if I don't know them at all, but then she turns around and tells me I'm pathetic and nobody likes me.
I've said things about it before but they always lie to the police and the psychiatrist at the mental hospital because every time my grandpa beats me up I get sent to the mental hospital. Only my therapist believes me.
You may call me Valerian Moon, or simply Val.
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Re: Teen Abusive Relationships-A Thread to give hope and emp

Post by Xiao Rong »

I'm really sorry to hear that, Moon Raver. I've been through abusive relationships too, and it's the worst when no one believes what you're saying, or they just brush it off. What you're going through sounds like a heck of a lot more than emotional abuse though ... You mention looking into getting legally emancipated - how is that going? Also, you might have child abuse resource centers in your area who can help you or provide confidential advice ...
~ Xiao Rong ~ 小蓉 ~ Little Lotus ~
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valerian moon
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Re: Teen Abusive Relationships-A Thread to give hope and emp

Post by valerian moon »

My therapist said first I have to prove I can hold down a job, which I cam, but I want to have a job that I can't get at 16, which would be caring for disabled children and adults. I could get a job at the flea market but honestly.
my mom said that if I can prove myself to be self sufficient and mature (not doing very well) she'll sign the papers so I wouldn't have to pay for legal representation.

I mean, the fact that nobody believes me just because all my friends wish they had a mother like mine, I feel like screaming at them that they wouldn't last as long as I did in a house with three other crazy people but they all say she's so nice and cool.
You may call me Valerian Moon, or simply Val.
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Xiao Rong
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Re: Teen Abusive Relationships-A Thread to give hope and emp

Post by Xiao Rong »

Yeah, I imagine there are lots of liability issues and required training for working with disabled children and adults. But maybe you can demonstrate responsibility and self-sufficiency in other ways - perhaps volunteering with disabled children and adults? Really, any job will prove those things, although of course it would be ideal if you could work in your chosen field.

That's really awful. It's especially crappy because abusers are often sooo good at hiding how abusive they are and make it look like they're perfect parents/spouses, and it just makes it harder for other people to see in to what's really going on. Sending love and light your way, Moon Raver.
~ Xiao Rong ~ 小蓉 ~ Little Lotus ~
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