Resonance, Vibration, and The Environment

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One Walker
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Resonance, Vibration, and The Environment

Post by One Walker »

What is it about the outdoors that attracts us so much? Being outdoors is the number one pastime we engage in despite being creature who live in enclosures. Why? Yes, we enjoy doing things outdoors but what is the underlying reason? We like being near water whether it be a small stream or an ocean. We like to go for a walk in the woods. We like wandering through fields of tall grass. Why? It makes us relax. It makes us feel better. But why?

Because there is a specific resonance pattern, a vibration, that we respond to out there and that is good for us. If you sit buy a lake or ocean you inevitably end up watching waves lap against the shore, don't you? Why is that? Because we are drawn to the vibrations set up in that wave motion. The rhythm of that wave pattern sets up a soothing resonance within our bodies. If you start looking around you can see this same vibratory pattern all around you. Tree limbs in the wind do the same thing. So do the grasses in the field. That swaying or pulsing flow sets up a sympathetic vibration within our bodies that is soothing and helpful. We even do this on our own. Have you ever rocked or gently swayed a baby? Sure you have. But have you ever noticed that when a group of older women gather together and a younger mother with a child is introduced into the group ALL the other women will start rocking or swaying? They don't even know they are doing it. It is an unconscious, sympathetic act. It is The Creative Forces working through them.

But these days we seem to be spending more and more time indoors watching TV, playing video games, or surfing on the Internet. And note how much more unhappy people in general are these days. Note how many feel lost, helpless, hopeless, etc. How many feel the need 'to escape'? Perhaps they need to escape outdoors, eh? Perhaps they need to reconnect with the world outside.

One Walker. :mrgreen: ::coolglasses::
We have seen what Power does.
We have seen what Power costs.

One is never equal to the other.

Re: Resonance, Vibration, and The Environment

Post by dreaming_lucid »

I know what you mean. Nature is a real healer, and it is ultimately what we rely on for our lives, yet it seems industrial civilization has made it so that we are separate from nature. Not only is this spiritually deadening, giving us a sense of being lost, I think it also makes us more vulnerable as individuals and as a species.
One Walker
Posts: 594
Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:42 pm
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Location: Minnesota, USA

Re: Resonance, Vibration, and The Environment

Post by One Walker »

I absolutely agree. In fact, I wish I could get outside right now but there's another blizzard coming in so I'm stuck until at least tomorrow afternoon. Ah well. Maybe I can get back to working on that Free Energy electro-magnetic system and get it up and running. If I can, and if I can get it shielded right, I'll be all set to move into the great outdoors (and that might be soon if I can't land another job quick! LOL).

One Walker. :D
We have seen what Power does.
We have seen what Power costs.

One is never equal to the other.

Re: Resonance, Vibration, and The Environment

Post by dreaming_lucid »

That might be cool if you were able to make free energy happen. My personal take is that it would have to be kept a closely guarded secret for you and your loved ones, however, because I would imagine anything with that sort of potential would create a further systems imbalance in some other area given the sort of society we have constructed...although I'm guessing collaboration/ sharing info is helpful in such a project. I have a friend who thought a lot about free energy using magnets too, but I think it stayed mostly conceptual for him. I don't know anything about it, other than it just seems like magnets would have the ability to make that possibility come true. I also think its kind of interesting that the world has been around for billions of years working off of the free energy of the's only now that we have money, complex financial schemes, and industrial civilization that we have a shortage of wealth, food, energy, etc. Kind of opposite of what the official story tells us. smiley08_borg Good luck on the job thing. I'm looking at possibly moving into a teepee myself.
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