Star map

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Star map

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One for this year's spring.
One for the year number one by the ways of the Julian

So that you get the idea of how they move.
Supposed to make a full circle in some 25500 years.

Once upon a time 19th July was Egyptian new year as it was the day of the Heliacal rising of Sirius.
Nowadays it is around 6th July.
panorama noted.png
panorama year 1.png
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Re: Star map

Post by barker »

SL: Please, what do star maps do? I have studied astrology and astronomy, which I allow are the studies of peace and war, effectively. Do the maps shed any light on spirituality, in your own opinion?
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Re: Star map

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If you can identify by position of your astro elements your befriended and hostile stars you can establish telepathic connections without being deceived.

You can summon friends from your stars to ward off hostile inter-dimensional beings.

Ptolemy in Tetrabiblos mentioned stars in a comparison to the influence of seven planets, it might shed some light but it is rather outdated for us.

The map as I put it suggests that I still find it appropriate to start Aries at the Spring Equinox.
Taken the 80's and +- 25 years here are some hints on star positions:

Pleiades 29° - 30° Taurus
Sirius 14° Cancer
Arcturus 24° Libra
Betelgeuse 29° Gemini
Vega 15° Capricorn
Altair 1°30' Aquarius

and so on....

I like to think of it as the rational counter-balance to many "starseed channelings" that often rather deluded mediums happen to channel from deceitful entities... or maybe not so, maybe sometimes they hit it right.

If you identify the indisputable good spots in your chart and if they happen to hit significant stars you might be attempting the re-connection with your home or friends.

If you get lucky to do it right you might engrave name of a suitable star into suitable candle and let it burn while sleeping to stay fully protected from the undesired alien visits. I'm not sure if I ever fully succeeded with that as it really is just an add-on to the standard occult lore.

I think that the Southern Lunar Node hints a lot on who you are, or at least on a last visit of your space journey prior to reaching the Earth.
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Re: Star map

Post by barker »

Oo'er, sounds awesome.

SL I have a very hostile Pliades (lots of raver kids knowing better, i suppose), although I have survived thus far. Arcturus is very promising. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Star map

Post by barker »

I am a Capricorn - does this mean anything into how I make a start on nutting this out? I can get quite a keen sense of "who" the stars are and what they might be like, just by reading them. Just need a kick in the right direction... barker
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Re: Star map

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Yes you can feel their vibe just by their names often. Also you can get stellarium astronomical software to observe your sky at the given moment to help you identify at what stars you are gazing to see what kind of emotion you feel towards them. Here's a screenshot from the program.

There are much more notable stars that those few I mentioned. Here are just some ... 1500-2005/

Being a Capricorn makes you good at discerning lies doesn't it?
Star constells streching throughout Capricorn are Sagittarius, Peacock, Lyra, Eagle and some more. You've got to see your exact date to see which stars you hit with the Sun and other astrological elements.
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Re: Star map

Post by barker »

I am in a very happy sector - thankyou for sharing. :wink:
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Re: Star map

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Sometimes calling home goes like this:

Me: "Yo, you're there?"
Them: "Yep, we are."
Me: "Great, how's it going?"
Them: "Good, focus on your Earthly tasks."

At this point I might even add:
"But I miss home."
To get the reply: "Don't be a cry-baby."

In 2018 as I grew yet another wave of hate for the formal job they sent me a dream where we were walking together with dignity and inward joy and they commented "We are no slaves if we wear the slaves' garments deliberately."

I'm planning to make a bigger post here actually, bit tired to find the concentration to measure words carefully.
Also it is pain to extract star positions from graphical tables and to rewrite them is driving me nuts.

Still if anyone were to send me their time of birth by private message I could identify the hints on their star origin in a blink of an eye.
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Re: Star map

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barker wrote:Arcturus is very promising.
Right now, Mercury getting into one degree orbit reaching Arcturus, next day and half or so.... enjoy and observe.
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Re: Star map

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Venus in one degree orbit reaching Arcturus, next day and half or so, if major love affair occurs, you've got something going on with that star system.

Florence Welch has Venus at Arcturus, for artist Venus position always reflects in her art. Nice to listen to


You can see the dragon embracing whole perimeter except the part from some 17° Libra to some 10° Sagittarius
if this dragon would be something like Apep from the Egyptian lore, the one that devours souls after death so that they stay entrapped in the cycle of rebirth
the area from 17° Libra to 10° Sagittarius could be the area of spiritual clarity?

Lol now it hits me, Atreides = Arcturus, well encoded, Frank Herbert, I did not get it until now.
Dune (1984) is fun to watch.
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Re: Star map

Post by barker »

I do believe Arcturus wants peace, love and understanding... the most.
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Re: Star map

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Yes they seem too kind for this world, but Bootes is yet another Greek warrior I think and that is their star constel.

Ok now reaching one degree orbit, Sun conjunct Arcturus. Just like this year I'd say, people born 18 october +- 1 day under the influence of Arcturus by their Solar position. To be observed how these days feel like, it is a slow research from my part.
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Re: Star map

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Sorry for that one again, but Mars reached the 1 degree orbit of Arcturus, gives us 2-3 days of interesting influence to observe.

Ok some quick corresps. from my memory.

Let's say people aged 35 +- 20 years.

People born 6th July +-1 day. Hit the Solar position of Sirius.
Born 13-14 March hit main Pegasus star Markab.
Born 5-6 March hit main star Ankaa of Phoenix and Achernar main star of river Eridanous (perhaps only star said to be beneficial of Eridanous in Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos)
Born 18 July +- 1day hit the Procyon star position this one is the main of Small dog, Sirius being the main of the Big dog. (Canis Minor & Major)
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Re: Star map

Post by MizLynn3 »

I feel that the star maps also help you see how we move in space. How we are moving to a higher frequency another dimension. Hence all the earth changes at this time. I feel it.

We want peace, we love the beauty in everything and know that it’ll come.
We miss hope, but want to help you feel what we do every day. Don’t loose faith.

I got this today while doing some writing.
It belongs here.

Love n Blessings.
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Re: Star map

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MizLynn3 wrote: We miss hope, but want to help you feel what we do every day. Don’t loose faith.

I got this today while doing some writing.
It belongs here.
It does. Nice.
Thank you I kind of needed it.

By the way Neptune's hitting that position of Ankaa & Achernar ... just some 0°20' past. Moving slowly.
Meaning sensibility and psychic powers enhanced towards the clarity of Phoenix.

For those of you that don't feel like using astro software (which is easy)

search 'Swiss ephemerides' for planetary positions (attention to midday and midnight versions)
search 'Fixed star ephemerides' for star positions (but here ain't much on the net directly I believe)

Blessed be
I can make StarLight out of it.
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