NewB Tips & Spells without candles or incense

Frequently asked questions about witchcraft, Wicca, magick, paganism, and the occult. Subjects include love spells, Ouija boards, curses, Law of Attraction, and what to do if you don't have the needed tools, ingredients, altar, etc.
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NewB Tips & Spells without candles or incense

Post by SpiritTalker »

Substitutions that pay attention to elemental symbolism are quite do-able. Substitute battery candles for live flame, the symbolism is obvious & battery makes electricity that is the Fire element. Substitute aerosol mist for incense; DIY with light salt-water & lemon juice or tea 🫖

Prepare a Workspace
. Sweep & straighten up in general, mist with aerosol
. Meditate in your planned area a few times before setting up gear & project good vibes for a clean slate to work on
. Purify the table with a salt-water wipe before setting up gear, bless it with aerosol or incense, anoint with oil to hold a charge & magnetize 🙌🏽 with power
. Tools - the🗡 blade commands & a 🪄wand invites, both represent the God; the cup 🍷charges potions & represents the Goddess; A pentacle ⭐️ protects and charges offerings & spells; Incense🥢 or aerosol sets a mood, purifies & is an offering
. See topic “altar arrangements” viewtopic.php?f=163&t=38981

Sacred Space
. Place your gear within the planned work area; start & end each pass at north
. Broom sweep 🔄; mist with aerosol; 👉🏼 point-&-push to cast circle ↩️
. Air-draw an invoking pentagram ↙️🌟 to begin and, when your tasks are done, end with a banishing pentagram ↗️⭐️ & ground yourself

For LED candle spells, instead of dressing the candle with oil, anoint and magnetize a sigil or petition paper & slip it under the LED🕯. Set the timer. When it times out the spell’s done. You can re-use the LED again & again. Shred the sigil at a liminal hour - dawn, noon, dusk, midnight - to release its power.
. To Make a Sigil - write your intent in a few words, cross out vowels & duplicate consonants. Make a hieroglyph from the remaining letters & draw a circle around it.✂️ Cut out the encircled glyph. This is your sigil.
. To Make a Petition - use a small piece of paper. List the goal 3 times one below the other. Turn the paper 1/4 turn & overwrite it with the recipient’s name 3 times. Turn the paper 1/4 turn & overwrite all with your name three times.

All purpose incantation inspired by the Witch’s Rune - “Earth, water, air & fire, work Ye now as I desire. X I now acquire, by earth, water, air & fire.“

See “Simple Spells” topic. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=36682

DAILY - salute the Sun & Earth and 4 winds; “Hail to Sol, Hail to Gaia, Hail to Boreas, Eurus, Notos, Zephyrus” - N,E,S,W.; light a gratitude

(source, “Spell Crafters Compendium”:T. Paajanen)

E-☁️ - 🪄wand, 🥢incense or aerosol; chant, sigil; 🟡; intellect; marjoram, mint, sage; bubbles; citrine, tiger eye
S-🔥 - 🗡blade, oil, candle; 🔴; vitality, passion; bay, cinnamon, rosemary, pepper; jasper, volcanic obsidian
W-💦 - 🍸cup; bottle, potions; 🔵; emotions, psychism; lemon, rose, kelp, thyme; seashells; turquoise, amazonite
N-🪨 - 🌟pentacle, stone; grids, knots; 🟢; prosperity; metal, grains, mugwort, patchouli, salt; jade, hematite

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Re: NewB Tips & Helps

Post by . »

It is also notable that once registered, you are eligible to use the advanced search engine. You can browse the forum by the keyword content.
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Re: NewB Tips & Helps

Post by SnowCat »

Newbies will not have requests for readings approved though, until they have participated enough to have their name change colors from gray to purple.
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Re: NewB Tips & Helps

Post by SpiritTalker »

Free PDFs

Gardner’s BOS ... hadows.pdf

Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft is a free PDF ... hcraft.pdf

Cunningham’s Solitary Wicca ... tioner.pdf

Kybalion - Hermetic Principles ... balion.pdf

Aradia Gospel of Witches

Encyclopedia of Mythology

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