[b]Wicca for Beginners, Fundamentals of Philosophy & Practice[/b]
By Thea Sabin
Llewelyn Publibations, 2006
15th printing, 2018; sells for $15.99 US;
242 pages text plus 9 pages further reading suggestions; 9 page index
[b]What I particularly like about this book is the author’s emphasis on developing a personal, working foundation[/b]. I think this helps make Crafting more effective.
1. What’s Wicca .pg.1
. Wicca is a “new old” religion
. Wicca is an earth religion
. Wicca is experiential
. Wicca is a mystery tradition
. Wicca is European shamanism
. Wicca is a system of magic
2. Some Basic Wiccan Principles & Ethics . Pg.21
. Principal #1 Deity becomes a polarity
. Principle #2 Deity is immanent
. Principle #3 the Earth is divine
. Principle #4 psychic power
. Principle #5 magic
. Principle #6 reincarnation
. Principle #7 sex is sacred
Wiccan Rede & 3-fold law
Ethics & Empowerment
3. Fundamental Wiccan Tools: visualization, grounding & shielding pg.41
. What is energy?
> ex.1 hand to hand, ex.2 sticks & stones
. Energy follows thought: visualization
> ex.3 everyday things, ex.4 party game, ex.5 location, location
. Grounding & Shielding
> ex.6 Taproot & Grounding tips, ex.7 Shielding, ex.8 shielding with a partner
4. Trance, Meditation & Pathworking Pg.65
. Trance
>ways to induce trance : breathe, candle, water, notebook, maze, imagine stairs, mugwort,
crystal ball, watch fish, trace a spiral, drumming, dance, ti-chi
. Turn off the Mind Chatter
> ways: write it out, visualize washing it away, 4-count breathing, 3rd eye breathing
. Trance with Meditation & pathworking
> to exercise the mind, to do magic, to set a dream, to get psychic information
> to talk to the gods, build an astral temple, to get psychic information
. Tips and examples of meditation & of pathworking are given
5. The Circle: A Wiccan’s Sacred Space Pg.89
. Why do you need a circle? When do you need a circle?
. Preparing the space, marking the circle
. Casting the circle
6. The Four Elements and the Four Quarters Pg.99
. Earth, air, fire, water; the beings of the elements, attuning with the elements
. Quarters - calling quarters, invoking & banishing
. Witch’s pyramid
7. Getting to Know the Wicca Gods .Pg.117
. The Goddess, the God, introducing yourself
. Other gods
. Getting to know them, 4 points of etiquette
. Calling gods into your circle
8. Tools, Toys and Altars Pg. 137
. Primary tools - athame, wand, chalice, cauldron, broom, censer & incense, salt & water, candles, utility knife, statues, Book of Shadows
. Altar layout
. Consecration
. Ritual instructions
9. The Wiccan Holidays and Wheel of the Year .pg.155
. Imbolc, Spring Eqx, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lammas, Fall Eqx, Samhain, Winter Solstice
10. Putting It Together: Using What You’ve Learned Pg. 177
. Writing ritual, bells & whistles
. Ritual preparation & wear
. Performing the ritual step by step
11. So You’re Curious About Magic Pg. 195
. What is magic? What is a spell?
. 12 steps for a great spell
> set a goal, examine your will, consider ethics, work toward the goal in the mundane realm, choose the best time, involve other people or beings (or not), choose location, choose correspondences, write the spell, prepare your space & yourself, work the spell & know it is successful
. Sample spell
12. Where Do I Go from Here? .pg. 215
. Solo or group - pros & cons
. Solo networking - take a class, join a study group, Pagan publications
. What to look for in a group
. Eclectic or Traditional - what are the differences? List of Traditions
. Am I a real Wiccan? - About dedicating
. Further reading .pg 243
. Index .pg. 253.
Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin
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