How would I call up a Wind?

Talk, spells, rituals, and questions about the four elements.
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How would I call up a Wind?

Post by WaterChestnut »

Hi guys, I have recently been on the move, and some of the places that I am visiting are quite hot and humid. I was wondering if there was a quick way to get a slight breeze. Would I have to ask the Wind Gods? I have also heard that you could whistle a certain note three times you can call up some winds. If someone could please help me I would be so grateful. Thank you :)
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Re: How would I call up a Wind?

Post by SpiritTalker »

the old three knot spell. You bind the wind into each knot, but only untie the first one to release the spell. 2nd and 3rd get strong or stormy. Cancel those by burying the string with last 2 knots still tied, or burn them.
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Re: How would I call up a Wind?

Post by Negoni »

You can also try to do a rain spell if you want.

Re: How would I call up a Wind?

Post by virginialuther12 »

I agreed with starlight
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Re: How would I call up a Wind?

Post by Shekinah »

As in all Magick what you wish to materialize in the physical world must first be created in the mind. Mental Visualization is the key to all Magick. Create a mental image of hot air rising and cold air falling to fill the void, visualize wind flowing through trees or grass. Don't expect the Gods to do all the work :-) use a little Quantum physics. You can perturb the Higgs field with your mind to influence probabilities.
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