Recently I've discovered that there is a Slavic equivalent of Voodoo/Hoodoo dolls - Żadanice.
Unlike the dolls in other traditions, Żadanice (also known as Motanki) are supposed to be household guardians, lucky charms or wish-fulfilling amulets etc.
They are made out of fabric scraps - no sewing, only knots and ties allowed. Their purpose depends on what they're filled with.
Żadanice have no faces because it was believed that if they had any facial features they'd gain free will

Ziarnuszka - a female rag-doll filled with buckwheat; is supposed to guard the household's abundance, making sure that the family is always well-fed and never lacks basic supplies;
Bogacz - a male rag-doll also filled with buckwheat; is supposed to attract abundance into the household;
Bogacz and Ziarnuszka - both should be placed in the main living room of the house (sadly I don't know who's the owner of this photograph, found a link here)
Love attracting doll - a female rag-doll with a birch tree twig inside; is supposed to attract love into her owner's life;
Love attracting doll (Found here: Click)
A prosperity doll - a tiny rag-doll charm with a button inside; is supposed to protect the owner, attract luck, health and prosperity;
Prosperity rag-dolls - should be carried around, just like regular amulets (Source: same as the first photo)
There's probably much more but that's all I could find for now. I'm truly fascinated by those rag-dolls and I'm definitely going to make one for myself soon.
I hope anyone found this thread informative and/or interesting