What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

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What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

Post by explorer »

When I star gaze I noticed its very rare to see anything with the earthly eyes, if any anything I'm sure its a military test ship that we see. If you've ever read starseeds take on this it seems more through the mind's eye viewing as if the ships are multi dimensional like with spirit people yeah. It's very rare to have an earthly eye sighting. I feel very drawn to the starseed path as I feel the e.t's could teach us a few things but I've never seen a ship yet but have spirit activity happening regularly so I would say the e.t's vibrate on a higher level than your average spirit people. It's a very interesting topic to read on yeah.
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Re: What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

Post by Sakura Blossom »


Would you mind clarifying a bit about what you're talking about? Are you talking about stargazing or spotting UFO's? Or a combination of both?

Thank you!

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Re: What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

Post by explorer »

Yeah a bit of both. I'm very in to this but not had the pleasure of seeing anything yet but I've read alot of the reported sightings the people have seen. I was looking to see the differences between spirit activity and e.t activity. To me it seems the e.t's are more in the distance observing but the spirits are active regularly. I find it fascinating to read on yeah.
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Re: What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I'm responding to the content, as the post is several months old.

I have seen UFOs three times in my life, in 1972, 1977, and 2013. I was with another person who witnessed the first two, and alone in my car for the last.

1972 while on a lake side dock, on a clear, starlit night, I saw an elongated black triangle moving silently and very slowly. I can't judge size or distance because there isn't anything to compare it too. It filled a lot of sky, more then a football field. the person I was with was frightened and insisted we go indoors, and ran ahead of me. I stayed to watch, not as frightened, & very curious. Then suddenly I was scared to be alone, out in the open on the end of a dock, and headed inside, stopping often to peer up through the trees, until I finally just we inside. Oddly, we never talked about it.

1977 a friend and I were driving along a northbound highway. The weather was sunny, not a cloud. I saw a streak in the sky out the window and mentioned to my friend, who was driving, that I just saw a UFO. We laughed and continued whatever conversation we were having, eventually turning onto a westbound two lane road. After several minutes of driving through woods alternating with farmland, a round shadow directly over the car hood kept growing until it was larger than the car. We stopped talking, and kept driving at the same speed of 55mph. We both leaned foreword to look up from the front windshield, and as we did the shadow crossed the road, went up the embankment and disappeared. It was gone before we ever saw what cast the shadow and flew with us.

2013 on a lovely clear day I was driving on the expressway, headed home from work. Traffic began to slow and halt, crawl ahead, halt again as often happens in the misnamed "rush" hour. During one of the full stops, I saw a silver-white bar of light out the left window at what you call the 10:00 position in the sky. Traffic nudged ahead and I kept glancing at the bar of light. As if I was seeing something on it's edge, the bar tilted and became a white, elongated triangle, with no
features. Traffic stopped. I watched the triangle for another two or so minutes. It just stayed where it was, not going ahead or, or up or down, or anywhere. It just held still. Traffic crawled ahead and stopped. The triangle began to fade,
became transparent, and poof! Was gone. On TV it's called cloaking.

I have read some various star seed commentary by Brad Steiger and participated in 11:11 meditations, and I am a trance medium which means I let spirits speak with my voice. The ETs of my experience certainly seem quite physical versus a spirit presence. The ones I have direct evolvement with are the Grays. My abduction experience is written about under that topic. I have only a little experience and there is so much more I can't imagine.

I have had dreams of Nordics who had great senses of humor. I think I met one in the flesh when i was in college, and i blew the opportunity because the telepathic experience scared me. I don't know if they are dreams or encounters. It really doesn't matter. While there probably are ETs with higher spiritual development - I certainly hope there are - there are plenty of very physical species. I think some are less physically dense, and some are Time travelers, and some are what the human species will develop into. It is a vast subject and we only see a tiny bit of it. We need to be wise, oh so
very careful, respectful, and be nobody's fool at the same time.
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Re: What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

Post by . »

SpiritTalker wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:30 pmI have had dreams of Nordics who had great senses of humor
What you meant by Nordics?
North Europe people worshipping Odin?
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Re: What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

SapphireRoad wrote:
SpiritTalker wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:30 pmI have had dreams of Nordics who had great senses of humor
What you meant by Nordics?
North Europe people worshipping Odin?
Nordics are a suspected type of Extraterritorial who are from the Pleiades star system If I’m not mistaken. They are called Nordics because they are tall, handsome, white hominoids with with white or blond hair and typically with blue, or sometimes purple eyes. I think the general consensus is that most Nordics are benevolent and helpful to humans. But, like any race of beings, your going to have good and bad. If I’m wrong on any of these details a simple google search should lead to information and corrections.

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Re: What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

Post by SpiritTalker »

SapphireRoad wrote: Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:48 am
SpiritTalker wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:30 pmI have had dreams of Nordics who had great senses of humor
What you meant by Nordics?
North Europe people worshipping Odin?
Perhaps it would be more accurate to have used “Norse” but a physical ET Nordic could apply to the one I’d encountered more than as star seeded.
Edit - I had to go back and re-read my old 2016 comment the concept of Star Seeds as Implanted souls into earth container-bodies vs a physical extraterrestrial origin ... both appear to be happening on the earth plane.
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Re: What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Now, on Starseeds there are some things that I don’t think are quit understood fully. Many people find themselves drawn to the solar system, star gazing, and searching for answers. Searching for truth. However, there are some that believe the term “starseed” refers to extraterrestrials who replace human souls with their own.

They think that these extraterrestrials either exist on separate planes or dimensions than our own, or at least have access to these other planes of existence. They wish to be able to carry out physical plans on earth so they seek out young children and approach them in their dreams. They form relationships with the children and eventually ask them to basically switch places with them. The child agrees, all of this taking place during dreams, and the child’s soul leaves their body and goes to space or the other plane and lives with the extraterrestrials. The extraterrestrial who made the deal will implant their soul into the child.

The problem is, by doing this the extraterrestrial can’t actually remember who they are, where they are from, or what their “mission” is. *face palm* So now they just think they are a human child, the learn and grow as a human child does, but they are always drawn to the sky. Through their curiosity they will hopefully stumble upon something that will wake them up and remind them who they really are and why they are on Earth in the first place..

I’m not totally sure I buy into this fully.. so, I am one of those drawn to the sky, start gazing, searching for answers, but I don’t think I’m an extraterrestrial soul in a human body. One thing is that Starseeds are missing their earliest memories. Those left with the child’s soul. I remember many many things from my early childhood. So unless we swapped when the me that I think I am was an infant, I’m not sure that’s what happened to me. The other thing is that they say Starseeds have been through a period of trauma. This makes the swap easier for some reason? I have, fortunately, been through no serious trauma in my life. But then again, would I remember if I’m not the original
soul? Maybe this does happen but I don’t think all star gazers are these Starseeds, like myself.

Another thing I don’t like about this theory is it’s seems extremely inefficient. If most cannot remember why they’ve come in the first place, they have to seed so many just to ensure someone wakes up in time to do something.

Now, I’ve also heard the argument that many of the greatest humans in history were in fact these starseeds. Mostly scientists like Tesla & Einstein, but there are others. They come and provide knowledge and technology that we couldn’t have otherwise. Some think religious figures like Jesus and the Buddha are these starseeds. That kind of makes sense because the Buddha found “enlightenment”, maybe that’s him realizing who he was and his purpose for coming to earth. And, there is a story in the Bible about Jesus, I will paraphrase, where he’s 12 and he goes and spends the day at a temple. When he comes out he tells him mother he knows he’s God’s son and he knows who he is and what he’s capable of now. For someone like me who believes all Gods are extraterrestrials, this fits the paradigm. Anyways, you can look more of this up if you’re interested.

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Re: What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

Post by SpiritTalker »

https://www.gaia.com/article/maria-orsi ... ny-secrets

Some of these concepts go back to medium Maria Orsic, the Vril and Thul of the 1940’s, and then back to ancient Sumerian Anunnaki culture. You gotta figure ETs have been around as long as this planet was of interest. Zechariah Sitchin’s & Graham Hancock’s books are making a lot of sense in re-evaluation of history. The head spins.

As a planetary population I believe we have not been told the truth by the folks who have been made privy to the knowledge. It’s about time to figure it out for ourselves.
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Re: What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

Post by . »

Rosie - sounds like a sci-fi released for either profit or deliberate population deception.

Pleiades are seen now at last degree of Taurus and 1st degree of Gemini. When we were born it was just last degree of Taurus.

SnowCat has here topics mentioning her memories to be of Pleiadean origin. With info she put on site with her age and ogham tree birth it is no secret to astrologists that she was born with south lunar node right there at last degree of Taurus. South node is said to be marking last visit of soul's journey prior to reaching Earth.

I have south node at 20° Cancer which is conjunct with Castor of Gemini, or perhaps Muliphen 3rd of the dog stars around Sirius. This way one can look up star influences taking place, starting from birth.

As you can see it is quite rare for people to hit exactly that point of 1° degree for Pleiades with parts of their chart.
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Re: What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

SpiritTalker wrote:https://www.gaia.com/article/maria-orsi ... ny-secrets

Some of these concepts go back to medium Maria Orsic, the Vril and Thul of the 1940’s, and then back to ancient Sumerian Anunnaki culture. You gotta figure ETs have been around as long as this planet was of interest. Zechariah Sitchin’s & Graham Hancock’s books are making a lot of sense in re-evaluation of history. The head spins.

As a planetary population I believe we have not been told the truth by the folks who have been made privy to the knowledge. It’s about time to figure it out for ourselves.
Yes! Everyone should read one of these books! Or both! Also, SpiritTalker there is a documentary on Hulu atm that I think you may enjoy, called Above Majestic. It has introduced me to the Q-anon theory I saw you mention in another post. Talk about head spinning.. mine is still spinning over that and I watched it 2 weeks ago!

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Re: What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

SapphireRoad wrote:Rosie - sounds like a sci-fi released for either profit or deliberate population deception.

Pleiades are seen now at last degree of Taurus and 1st degree of Gemini. When we were born it was just last degree of Taurus.

SnowCat has here topics mentioning her memories to be of Pleiadean origin. With info she put on site with her age and ogham tree birth it is no secret to astrologists that she was born with south lunar node right there at last degree of Taurus. South node is said to be marking last visit of soul's journey prior to reaching Earth.

I have south node at 20° Cancer which is conjunct with Castor of Gemini, or perhaps Muliphen 3rd of the dog stars around Sirius. This way one can look up star influences taking place, starting from birth.

As you can see it is quite rare for people to hit exactly that point of 1° degree for Pleiades with parts of their chart.
Interesting points SapphireRoad. All I really know about where it’s located is that it’s in the shoulder of the bull (Taurus). It’s appears in many ancient cultures from Native American, to Hebrew and obviously in the mother cultures of the Mediterranean.

I don’t want to go as far as to call the starseed theory sci fi or fictitious, I just don’t think we have all the information on it yet. Like
I said, from what I know about it it seems extremely inefficient. I also don’t think it’s the only reason that someone would be drawn to exploring the stars. Sometimes people are quick to call themselves starseeds when they feel that desire to explore the stars without understanding what they are saying. And, then some people believe they are true starseeds in this context and even have YouTube pages talking about their extraterrestrial selves and their missions and some of them are just talking out of their A$$... in my opinion anyways.

I think if there are real starseeds in this way, they will make their mark and be remembered by history without revealing their true nature, like the scientists or religious figures mentioned earlier. Again, that’s just my opinion.

I would like to have a star chart done on my birth and have someone explain it to me. It would be interesting to say the least!

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Re: What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Rosie, thanx for the tip.
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Re: What do you think of Starseed Paths and Stargazing?

Post by . »

RosieMoonflower wrote: Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:47 pmI don’t want to go as far as to call the starseed theory sci fi or fictitious, I just don’t think we have all the information on it yet.
Yeah it is hard. For instance it would be more logical to say some people come from planets orbiting such stars, not stars themselves.
On the other hand a theory that everyone has his very own home star could explain the blazing essence of the soul... or perhaps not.

I think sci-fi is to say that someone leaves body to leave it living for another soul. I think it can happen, but not as a common phenomenon. Rather extreme thing.

There are some people who feel out of place their whole lives, dealing with challenges either advanced, or just plain odd.
Now how do you explain it? To me it seems quite apparent that such is more service/mission and less karma oriented, but I might be wrong.

Given the current scope of information we have
pragmatical conclusion is love yourself and who you are
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