Me vs christain:what you can say to christians part 3

Discussion of Christianity and other religious systems. How can we explain our faith to Christians? How can you merge your faith in Jesus with your belief in the metaphysical?
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Me vs christain:what you can say to christians part 3

Post by Rainbowkiss »

Christian: So faith in Jesus can land you in hell?

Me: False faith can land you in hell(faith alone)

Christian: Do you believe Hitler is in hell?

Me: Yes I believe Hitler went to hell, he believed in god, but failed the test which grants you automatic entrance into heaven. Hitler lacked good works, his wicked deeds and hatred caused him to fall.

Christian: What works are needed? What is the works that you say god is looking for?

Me: God is the good works needed to attain eternal life. God is love. Love is the way to heaven and only through love can you come to the divine. This is the message of Jesus.

Christian: Jesus stated ''I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but through me.'' ''God so loved the world that he sent his only son and who soever believes in him, will not perish but have eternal life.''

Me: Have you ever stopped to ponder ''what does Jesus mean by he is the way, the truth and the life?'' ''What does it mean to believe in Jesus''? One man asked Jesus what it takes to have eternal life. Jesus replied loving God, yourself and your neighbors.'' I wonder why a lot of Christians ignore this? Jesus stated that if you truly believe in him, you will do the works he does. Jesus was a kindhearted soul who befriended many people and helped them out of love and compassion. He was not a bigot or a bully. When Jesus stated he was the way, the truth and the life'' he meant he was the trustworthy example of what we need to do to attain eternal life. We do not reach the divine through acceptance of Jesus as our personal savior, this is like a pledge of allegiance or a ''cop out.'' It's like apologizing to jesus, than giving him the finger and letting him do all the work for us. Jesus did not want us to rely on his death on the cross, he wants us to take up our own cross and be like him.''

Christian: What does the bible say about love other than god is love?

Me: love is patient, kind,humble, does not boast is not jealous,is not rude,is not arrogant, is not selfish,hard to anger and does not keep any record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, always perseveres,forgives,protects,hopes,trusts and never fails.

God is love, whoever lives in love, lives in god and god in him.
Whoever does not love his brother, whom he has seen cannot love god whom he has not.
He who loves has been born again and knows god
Love is god, whoever does not love, does not know god
We know when we have passed from death to life if we love our brothers, whoever does not love, will remain in death.
we are left with faith and grace, but love is greater than both these.
Love is the fulfillment of the law
If I speak in tongues but have no love, I am only a resounding cymbal. If I have the gift of grace and the power to move mountains but have no love, I am nothing
If you believe you are saved when you are nothing, you are deceiving yourself.
Love covers over a multitude of sins(a big verse that refers to universal salvation.''

Me: Those were some of the verses I know, and you mentioned hell. Let's talk about that later.
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Re: Me vs christain:what you can say to christians part 3

Post by kalicokitty »

If only Christians were willing to have conversations like this...most of the ones I've interacted with have been hateful and verbally vicious, or they simply refuse to talk about religion (mine anyways) at all.:c
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Re: Me vs christain:what you can say to christians part 3

Post by Kat »

fanatics are hatefull and have no converation. of any religion. depends on each person
*Blessed Be*
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