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Post by BabyBear »

It has been suggested not once but three times that i need a sleep journal so im going to give it a shot both online and one for me at home.

Dream One
happened end of week one of March 2014:

Im running with this man and ik that were having to run from both the government and this other group of people. Its post apocalyptic with zombies running around and yet ik this area is a clean zone and that after we get across this really messed up metal bridge that we will be safe. The man is some what tall, maybe around 5 ft 10 or so, brown blond hair, grimy looking with a white long sleeve tshirt, green cargo pants, a brown belt and a couple of hand guns and a knife strapped to his ankle and a machete on his hip. Im skinny in this dream from all the you know apocalyptic stuff and everything. me and this guy are running because we know something or like have something both the government and the other group are fighting to get, and were are jungle gyming across this bar on the side of the bridge and we jump down through this houses roof and end up finding this women running through the house trying to find her son/daughter and we are like we cant help you then we hear the zombies are coming from the woods outside the house and the child is crying from the field area srounding the house and i cant let anything happen to the child knowing i could have at least tryed so he sighs and we both run to the stairs to go down and they are blocked with furniture and zombies are down there and i wake up yet for some reason ik the child is this cute little balck kid with a boys tank top and some red shorts and hes like 7 or 8 ish.

Dream Two
happened during weekend week one of March 2014:

This girl with a white t shirt/tank top, black hair in a pony tail, jeans, and a tan/olive skin ton, with a rifle/sub machine gun. There are two other girls with her. They bang on the door and yell out my sisters name "JESSICA JESSICA" they are loud and scare my family we all huddle in this dining room area off of the door they are pounding on and the kitchen in front of them. They bust the door and they come through look at us mean like and then go to our back porch through a door on the other end of the kitchen and you can hear them shooting clearing off the back porch of giant bugs like small dog sized bugs and stuff. And everyones scard and wont move and after a few hrs i say F*** this and take the trash that i was in the prosses of taking out and go open the back door, the girl slams it shut on me and i yank it back open and walk out and she looks at me like im impressed you had the balls to do that then we get to talking and become friends, we go off from the porch and end up on this old rune building thats basicly like a scaffolding of runed building and clime to the top and all look out. On my right is this purple house covered in plants and vines and trees growing out of it and for some reason ik that thats the house the girl lives in, and in the middle is my house and its in bad shape but its decent and on the other sided and behind all the places scattered around is runes buildings and mixes of over growth and dessert like were in a post apocalyptic world. animals running free, some are way bigger then they should be.

Dream Three
happened some time this week or weekend week one/two March 2014:

Im on a bus with a bunch of high schoolers, its loud and the bus driver is getting angry at everyone, Im sitting on the siting in the set behind my boyfriend and were holding hands talking, hes siting facing me not the front and his duddy is in the set beside him. I dont know anything about them feature wise, we are some where near the middle of the school bus and were on this dirt road with woods all around us. My sister kadee shows up taking a bad of weed and tucking it into the waist of her pants and sliding into sit on this guys lap beside my bf and i get up and sit on his lap. the bus gose off course. I cant remember if its was a kid trying to take over the wheel or if we were avoiding something but the bus crashes into a tree in the woods and we get off the bus, about 5 of us atleast me included. We wonder around and then for some reason im alone back at the dirt road and this bus is waiting there, the bus driver and all the kids are there its night now and all the kids are siting almost zombie like looking at tv on screens almost like a coach set on a plane, then there is this like since that people are out there and scared so (im still on the steps going onto the bus) i run down and see that the 4 or 5 people are running to the bus and something is chasing them, suddenly im midway between the bus and them and am running with them from whatever it is and then this big fire monster like a dog or dragon of fire or something comes from the side of the bus and jumps on top of it and i dont know if its scaring it off or what then the dream ends.
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Re: SJ:Samantha

Post by BabyBear »

March week 3: 3-16-14
I had two dreams

Dream One:
Toddler size gummy animals and white chocolate horses, like a circus.
They were in a supermarket and playing around you know like clowns and tumblers and acrobats and a leader only all in a row for some reason like a kanga line.
Store manger comes back and they run to hide out the back parking lot slash ware house area and get caught.

Dream Two:
dragons a black one a red one a blue one a purple one and a green one.
something about 4 corners ie north south east west.
The black one is replaced with another black one.
Blue and green one are feathered.
There were baby ones also.
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Re: SJ:Samantha

Post by BabyBear »

week 3 March 17th 2014

We are in a class room on the floor in a circle the lights are off but its not to dark cus its still daylight outside. there are 8 of us, a set of twins in the corner to the right of me, other people scattered about along the walls of the room. My sister Jessica is to my left one or two more between her and my boyfriend and my boyfriend is right beside me. We are holding hands and huddled like the twins are. To my right in between me and another person, that is separating the twins from the bomb, on the middle of the wall connected to mine is this bomb, its hissing not ticking for some reason but we know its going to go off soon.
My sister Jessica crawls across the room and huddles with me and my boyfriend. For some reason we all know that we are connected and that the person who made the bomb was effected by something we did and instead of running out of the room like everyone else did in the school we have all stayed in our places huddled saying our last goodbyes like a collective suicide because we feel we deserve it. Its not like we really did anything, more like one of those because we made the person stop in the hall way an event never happened that should have, or that because we started dating the person who made this bomb didnt have any excuse not to be home anymore and things happened or something like that.
The bomb starts to smoke like a fog machine and we know its about to go off and my sister jumps and i loose her hand and we just barely start holding our hands again when the bomb goes off.
Now this is where i start waking up so im not sure if this is part of the dream or my thoughts as im waking up but, I feel like everyone survives it and are found in the rubble.
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Re: SJ:Samantha

Post by BabyBear »

March week 4

3-24-14 Dream
Im doing obsticaul courses in this college hallway and you have to jump throw a gap without touching the word on the bottom and the wall above the gap and there are lazers between each gap four in total till you get to a blue simi see throught glass wall with a red button in the center you hit. Now you have two options do the ruff obstacle course that is about balance and speed or go back through the gaps and hit the bottom at the end freeing up the place so we can actually turn everything off and walk through the hall to the other rooms or whatever.

I deside to run thought the ruff path out the side window gap that opens up and you have doge stuff and run and it gose in a line then turns and you either jump into a pool or into this crazy slide thing thats open and looks like a melted little kiddie pool. I jump to the slid thing run along the rim of the pool and jump back into the starting point to hit button.

Only now this rival like coed frat house group comes out and my team come up behind me and some how we end up in a bet. The bet is we cant find all the eggs that they stole and hid. We accept the challenge and why everyone one spits up im drawn to this room and immediately i start finding all these little robin eggs and stuff like on the tapestry on the wall and chicken eggs that look like the rock eggs on the shelves and all sorts and i find that im filling this gallon ice cream bucket slap full of eggs and am starting on the second when my team shows up.

They hadnt found really any and were praising me and everything and then it cuts to this screen kinda like in the hunger games or any of those this person was eliminated kinda movies and its basically a tweet and the head of the house for them (we both have two old men runing our teams) comes on over the text saying some girl was aliminated for talking to this person and the tweet was
the girls name was eliminated the persons id number then the number of eggs gotten out of the number of eggs hidden and i cant rember if its 1592 or 1519
so something like:

L***** was eliminated for talking to AZH0****** ????/1592 eggs left

I think that the number of eggs in total is important for some reason idky
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Re: SJ:Samantha

Post by BabyBear »


minecraft dream idk what it was just minecraft crafting and thats it


Me, my mom, my two sisters.
We are in temporary housing till the lady in our new home is moved out.
The day we move out my dad is shopping wood in the back and halfway through the morning were not in the temp house were in my aunts yet its not my aunts. My mom and sister jess have this odd shot gun and im stopping them from shooting out the back to window to spook my dad into shutting up or something. My aunt pulls up and and my mom and sister stop struggling with me and i snatch the gun ran and put it on the shelf and we ran and started packing and for some reason we have all of it packed and kadee up by the time my aunt comes to the back porch and walks in.

other things in the dream:
my aunt gives us Tupperware
I make a comment about me being the cook
my aunt morphed into someone else half way through the conversation and is talking about a cooking contest cake
instead of being at the door in the house like we were were exiting a convent store
there are two parked cars blocking the exit door i accidental hit the white car and it dents and i get into our white car

the temp house:

has alot of dogs
the new house:
has a old anticish bottom floor, a new modern top floor with all the bedrooms, and the basement is all high tech computer stuff
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Re: SJ:Samantha

Post by BabyBear »

i think the white car was important for some reason
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Re: SJ:Samantha

Post by BabyBear »

3-29-14 NOT A DREAM

I decided i would also document all the unusual things that tend to happen to me also in this dream journal because its usually that i get them after i sleep.

So today i woke up to a thunderstorm with thunder that actually made my house tremble it was so loud. But i also woke up to this giant ring bruise that takes up about half my neck. I would have to say this is the most bizarre of the aforementioned things that happen when im asleep. Ive had bruises, scratches, goose eggs, even bit marks a time or two but never a bruse this huge.
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Re: SJ:Samantha

Post by BabyBear »


I'm a senior in high school. I'm heading to a music class wondering why I'm in it. Its been 3 years since I left Band and I miss it but there is no way I'm going back. Especially to a music singing class something I stopped doing in middle school. I enter and the class is already started and they are taking turns singing verses to a song in pairs and dancing this chirography. I get the next verse (the teacher a shortish lady with brown hair is calling names out and says the girl that just walked in) I sing kinda trying to learn the dance at the same time and the teacher stops the class at the end of our verse. She asks who I was and why I wasnt here yesterday. I tell her that they made a mistake and I shouldnt be in this class. She says "Are you sure?" I leave and bump into this girl that I use to kinda talk to during high school and turn to the right and my friend Abby is with her. I ask them what class they have and tell them to let me grab my stuff Im changing classes and walk back into the classroom and grab my bag and jacket. The teacher says "I dont give up easily" as I walk out the room. The hall is empty and i walk down to the end left hand door and its black in there but music is playing. I go in and its like a quite rave/party setting. people are siting on the floor or laying some standing against a wall. I bump into my friend Darius and hes happy that im there. I walk around the perimeter and find myself siting on this bench beside the cd player. On the floor in front of me is the girl I talked to and a 1 year old baby boy. Above them is Abby layed out on the floor and beside her there is the teacher sitting cross-legged. I ask what kinda class this is and they say its some kinda club.

  1. I needed to finish 2 classes in 2 subjects to pass.
  2. I was thinking about just droping the last class of the day cus im trying to change my 6542 to something in the 1000s. (It had something to do with report cards and that its rare to get past the 800s before you graduate).
  3. I keep thinking that I would regret not taking the music class but had already set my mind to not taking it, something along the lines that after a week or two I would be all about the class and end up being the best in it probably.

Dream JULY 25, 2014

Backstory: me and my people are being hunted by a group who wonts to enslave us for our abilities. We can open a portal to a 2nd demention that they believe is the land of the Fairy what they dont know is that that is just the land inbetween our land and Faery Realm and that only the first born son of each family can open up that portal unless they are my family where the first born son or daughter can. Also each of the families have their own special ability, some can cloak their presence others can manipulate plants its just depends on the family. Also certain members in the families develop a second ability. Its always random and no one knows why or how many they will get. I am the first born daughter of my family and my secondary ability is being able to shift into birds. I have been on the run since I came of age and ended up with a group of four people a week before the dream takes place. The man i end up with had the ability to cloak his presence hence his life as a body guard.

We had just dropped off the other two in our group and were heading to my gramas to talk about the group after us and what we found out in the last couple of weeks. After a couple of days we start falling for each other but deny it. I tell him about my bird ability and we talk about ourselves.
We reach My gramas and everyone is there from all the families and my sisters. He speaks to our people about everything and me and him banter during his talk about my first time learning about discrimination when a black boy's parants tell him hes not allowed to play with me. We end up walking away from everyone and get into how he plans on going along and leaving me here. I tell him no and that I love him and couldnt let him go to fight the enemy alone and we talk some more and admit that we love each other and he understands and we will go fight them together like we have been. We turn around and he puts his arms around me and we link fingers and look up and everyones grining and laughing. I tell eveyone we plan on getting married and that we will be leaving soon. I call my sister over and they are in lace sun dresses with flower crowns and we laugh as i tell them i wish i had a camera to take a pic of them, I hug and kiss them good bye call jesse fruit loop one more time. i turn to my grama and take out the flashdrive of info we stole from the enemy and upload it to her computer. "Its the least we can give you" and then leave.
As we get to the campsite we see the enemey jumping out of trucks and messing up the tent and supplys. he spins the truck around and we run through a tent, its the leader having sex. We keep driving with the truck full of the enemy guys not far behind us. We talk about the posiibilitys as to how they found us and I feel horible cus I think its the flashdrive uploading info to gramas computer that alerted them to our location. We end up crashing into this house. As I wake up I hear this women screaming and see the enemy slice her before she runs into the house and dont think just change into a dove and fly over to a tree. Its dark now and now that Im not panicking and I notice all the enemy is ransacking the house I fly to the truck to see if He's okay. Hes cloaked crouched beside the truck waiting to take a move. He sees me flying close and whispers as he holds his hand out "Is that you?" I land in his hand and chirp. He sighs and holds me to his chest. We start moving down the street and he tells me that if we get caught he wonts me to fly away then kill him. I understand and agree with a chirp but dont like it.
We finally make it to my gramas and the doorway is filled with blood on the floor and plates broken and strewn everywhere.

  1. I know Jessica and Kadee are fine.
  2. I don't know the man i fall in love withs name but ik he is tall, has black hair, sorta dark skin, hes not build build but he has some muscle.
  3. This was seen not from my body but as a outsider yet It was me at some points.
  4. I dont understand why I know a whole back story but I do
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Re: SJ:Samantha

Post by BabyBear »

DREAM JULY 27, 2014

**I waited to long so this is going to be peices and its two dreams that merged together as I was sleeping**
  1. Im in a royal family cause my dad came and got me from my uncle's farm after he was done battling for the king (hes a knight). I hate it here and wont to go back to the farm where we dont have to follow all these etiquette rules and people don't make fun of me for getting dirty.
  2. I wonder arounf the castle and end up outside where I see this man setting up this soccer looking field only there are 2 bears and 2 moose on the field and to the side by the columned pathway is 2 octopuses (these two are with the women on the playing team and are lookouts). I walk to the end of the path way and stay by the Octopuses. Beside us is on of the monuments that I have learn are transport portals between realms and out comes a man. Hes actually a wolf man but I like them. He comes over to watch and he explains the game to me. I see this women now who is in on of the playing uniforms and i see her stretching and I say shes going to loose like that. She looks at me and I tell her why she will lose saying that she didn't pad her breast right and she was not aerodynamic enough. The man smirks at me cus he picked up on it to but was surprised a little kid like me (13 or 14) noticed it after only hearing about the game not even seeing it. The women fixes her stuff and starts practicing and I says shes going to win. He laughts because they have never won before but his eyes twinkly like he knows that now that I said it it will happen or something.
  3. noe onto the 2nd dream that mixes with this one. Im now 17 or 18 and Im still in the court, I have some how been forced to conduct the Christmas chorus this year against all of my wishes. I am at the last rehearsal and everything is perfect. We are meshing carols together into one really long one with verse based solos and its based off of this book so we have a whole vision of PJs and hot cocoa. I wrap up the rehearsal and tell the kids to all come wearing Christmas PJs and bring a mug. I turn to the door and there is my wolf man grinning at me, he winks and then i walk up to him and we hug/embrace.

DREAM JULY 29, 2014
This was in random bits so im just going to list the random bits
  1. Zombie apocalypse at my dads house only now its more swampy and we have to cross a bridge to get to the yard so its good for camping/looking out and making sure zombies dont come in to the kids. So two adults are always posted watching for zombies.
  2. We are gathering supplies about to leave for better place to hold up and I see this shelf full of sea stuff and i end up taking two shells both looking like fluorite. When we hear out lookouts getting attacked,
  3. Also every time I wake up irl I picture this big square room/shop and the shop also has this big crystal square and im in the middle. I woke up two times during the apocalypse dream and went back to sleep.
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Re: SJ:Samantha

Post by BabyBear »

DREAM JULY 30, 2014

**I was thinking about Haven and my zombie survival pack when I went to sleep and yes im a big enough nerd to have one but its also a general bugout bag lol**

In this dream i start out as a man and end up as a women so its two points of view.

I (as a man) go with my gf to my ex's house to warn her about her brother so she can get her kids to safty and so she dosent end up with her trouble ie Dukes trouble in Haven. She ends up not believing it then siding with her brother when he shows up and she gets activated and how the kids arnt safe. I (as the women now) grab the kids and guard them as my bf looks around and plans a way out cus the kids mom and uncle now have use trapped in her house but we have the house boarded up.
We wait till its almost dawn then get the kids out of bed and sneak them out but we get caught.
this part is a big blank cus i dont remember it_______.

Im by a army truck the kids are playing in the front yard now. A colonel, me and my boyfriend and two civilians are also there. The colonel has a shot gun and the two civilians males have two guns each. We see Jerry's Ice Cream truck floating in the air above the power lines and I take the colonels gun and see if i cant shoot it cus its been so long since ive shot a gun. I shoot and miss but the colonel smirks cus he know that i would have made it if the bullet could go that high. He says im a great shot and that it would have landed. One of the civilians gives me a pistol and I turn and aim at the street lamp and was about to shoot when I wake up.

DREAM JULY 31, 2014

This log is in word association cus there isnt much of a dream just words associated to one main theme/word.

Square Bedroom
  1. Looks like somone elses
  2. magazen photo shoot
  3. ??Platymoose??? have no ideal what a platypus moose is
  4. clean but was dirty
  1. camping
  2. bridesmaid
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Re: SJ:Samantha

Post by BabyBear »

Dream Aug 1, 2014

I move into this creepy trailor, to everyone else its normal but I can see how it was in the past. Its haunted by this little boy who committed suicide. I think because his parents died. He goes crazy and starts hurting/ trying to kill people. I can seem to control him enough to stop it for a bit but after awhile I end up trying to exorcise him like in the movies. It dosnt work but the hurting stop for a while. Finally he starts again and I have had enough. I make sure everyone is in the room at the end of the hall and block off the doorway with salt and the end of the hall with salt so hes trapped in his room and the hall. He comes to me and I hold him down and I banish him from coming near me or anyone I know and any places I end up or go.

There is a lot more but this is the jist of the dream and it was creepy but didn't scare me like it would have years ago.

  1. This sorta seemed like a memory but I can't tell if its mine, someone else or hasn't even happened yet.
  2. The spirit had been dormant but was connected to me and only listened to me, it was like It liked me and we were connected spiritually maybe or because of my abilities thats why it listens to me im not sure.
  3. He about 10 give or take a couple of years, has black hair cut old 50/60s style, wears a blue and white striped shirt and cant remember if he was wearing shorts or pants.
  4. The house was set up kinda like the one i am in now, front door opens into the living room right by the hall, the hall only has doors on the left and its a middle room, a bathroom then at the end a door that opens to a 2nd bedroom.
  5. I have a feeling that I tryed to tell people what was going on but no one would listen and that I was much younger in this or the girl who did it was im thinking the boy and me were the same age or he was just older them me. and that people think hes an imaginary friend not real.
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Re: SJ:Samantha

Post by BabyBear »

Dream Aug 4th

1. COD and M2 combat tips guess my brain wonted to figure out some stuff lol
2. Then a social worker helps me, jaime and kadee straiten out out lives. Kadee speeds and gose to jail. we were talking about closthes and stuff.

those are all i really remeber from those dreams but i did make notes

i think this was me in the futur going back to college finally and that the social worker might have3 actually been a life adviser.

Dream Aug 5-8th
Stratagy game theorys or tactics. whatever game im playing on that night i ned up working out how to finish something or beat what im stuck on, so its all just been video game logicstics lol.

Dream Aug 9th
A odd dream about the Tv show Heroes that i dont really remember just that it was based on Heroes

Aug 10th
Me. the guy im dating and my sister kadee are pulling a job over on thsi guy at a shiping yard (i think this is cus i was watching to much Haven) by taking bags of money from him why working his job for him. Things go down and we excape with a wad of cash. We split the money and all go to my moms house over where we use to live in Cherrokee Hights. Me and my bf make out for a bit then decide to go out to eat so i run back in to tell mom thats whats happening and that we might bring back some for them also.
Kadee runs up to use and tells us the money is fake and gives it back to him. I turn around and hop over coaches to get to the doorway to get my change jar. Inside the house i find three cats and a n alligator. Bobbie comes out of the hallway talkin about this friends coming over to watch paperview and I freak out over the alligator but as i do i notice a nurcery set up for a little boy, has white sheets with yellow and green and blue pokadots and a little frog stuff animal and blue walls.

1. my sister jessica is prego and the nurcery was so her style and make up im thinking shes going to have a boy yay.
2. the bf in this wasnt my jaime so im confused.
3. bobbie was my step dad and he was excited about jesses baby (hes died about 4 or 5 years ago)
4. gators were thier fav football team that what the alligator was there for i already know that one lol
note edit: the bf fits this guy i just became friends with now im confused argg
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Re: SJ:Samantha

Post by BabyBear »

cant remember the date but between Aug 11th and Aug 22

1.I have to save my aunt from a mental institue cus the has special abilities and isnt really insain.
2. She sneeks into this suply closet in another sector of the hospital and draws a map to where she is on the floor.
3.I sneak her and one other off.
4. balinda stole 2 twin girls, her cousins kids, because they have abilities that need controled. Somone stole her credit card along the way and becasue she has the girls she cant register it as stolen or they would see her transactions and trace her to the girls.
5. Kadee and me are driving the girls somewhere.
6. Nether of us have a license so were using back roads and end up going through some peoples yards.

note: im chalking this one up to to much xmen and super hero movies in one night.

Dream Aug 22
this one was in bits and pieces in explination but i can still recall it like it was a movie in my mind, the decsribign is where it falls apart so i just keep the details simple

1.Mob rules the town
2. Treehouse in the middle of no where
3. My brother and his best friend
4. Mob wonts our skills and building supplies
5. we work at this warehouse thats secluded and no one knows about and work around the mob
6. the best friend ends up telling somone who ends up ratting out our location to the mob

Dream Aug 27
Im in a old timy jail with my sister cus we were falsly accused of stealing jewelry when we tryed to tell the jewlry man that somone stole his ring and that the one he had was a fake.
We could sneak out at night and wonder about but we always came back.
The real thef gets caught and we are released and told we could visit whenever we wonted to and see the friend we had made why being in there.
The dream ends with us (me my sister and our friends) being in this gym/staged area and were playing a life size version of pandemic and your players are actually cars and you drive on roads to get to the next location your moving. I end up on the green road driving in a circle.

Notes: the card for the which card game is a green card and circle
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Re: SJ:Samantha

Post by BabyBear »

Aug 10th
Me. the guy im dating and my sister kadee are pulling a job over on thsi guy at a shiping yard (i think this is cus i was watching to much Haven) by taking bags of money from him why working his job for him. Things go down and we excape with a wad of cash. We split the money and all go to my moms house over where we use to live in Cherrokee Hights. Me and my bf make out for a bit then decide to go out to eat so i run back in to tell mom thats whats happening and that we might bring back some for them also.
Kadee runs up to use and tells us the money is fake and gives it back to him. I turn around and hop over coaches to get to the doorway to get my change jar. Inside the house i find three cats and a n alligator. Bobbie comes out of the hallway talkin about this friends coming over to watch paperview and I freak out over the alligator but as i do i notice a nursery set up for a little boy, has white sheets with yellow and green and blue pokadots and a little frog stuff animal and blue walls.

1. my sister jessica is prego and the nursery was so her style and make up im thinking shes going to have a boy yay.
2. the bf in this wasnt my jaime so im confused.
3. bobbie was my step dad and he was excited about jesses baby (hes died about 4 or 5 years ago)
4. gators were thier fav football team that what the alligator was there for i already know that one lol
note edit: the bf fits this guy i just became friends with now im confused argg

So my sisters having a boy just like i predicted and i feel i should add i had this dream a week before she told me she was prego and she herself even knew so yay me lol

as for the boyfriend im not so confused anymore and now that i know my dream was true im not doubting myself anymore, Gavin is who im with in the dream and with some other help ive realized ive got to stop second guessing myself and trying to give up on what ik is what i need so we shall see where it takes me but im betting ill be a better person for trusting myself
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Re: SJ:Samantha

Post by BabyBear »

I also have manages to keep up my dream journal just havnt been writing it on here so i think i might be doing that tomorrow or today or some time this week before i got to my cousins
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