Coins and 'Them'

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Coins and 'Them'

Post by MamaMagpie »

March 12th - 13th, 2017

-I was in possession of several thick, solid gold coins.
-They were about the size of 20p and 50p pieces (English money)
-They resembled old coins, where the metal would be squished and bulbous at the edges
-Imprinted on them were numerals, but not in any language I've seen or studied before
(I've studied many European and Ancient languages in my school career and spare time)
-I needed to leave my High School, where a vicious assault had taken place and there were banners everywhere. The place was in uproar. I had to go immediately and find who did it. There was very, very little evidence linking the suspect to the assault
-I needed a one-way to the centre of town and the Bus driver didn't accept my Coins as payment, tried to kick me off the bus
-A lady sat behind the bus driver with a huge duffel-bag (like a hiker)
-She took the Coins from me and studied them and kept them. I protested this but she hushed me
-She sat me down, paid for my fare, and whilst the bus drove through traffic towards town, she told me:
''These Coins came from them
''They came from Them, you must know that
''You're not safe with these, you need to go home now
''You must know what this means, you must go home and cover your head, cover your windows. Use blankets, clothes, whatever you have to to keep Them away. Keep Them out

-I was so confused and started crying almost. I didn't understand. I just wanted my coins back.
-Her eyes bulged and the kept pointing up at the ceiling of the bus
- ''Them *Points again**

I knew she meant the Greys. I woke up very upset and a little shaken. Luckily Baby Si was awake, too and we had a nice morning.

Wolf doesn't know what to make of it.

**Interesting Note** - Never once have I ever dreamt about the Greys or other E.T's. I even said this to Wolf the other night. I'm more of an 'ignorance is bliss' type girl with those matters. I can handle ghosts, bad events and energy, magic, Tarot, but I cannot handle the Greys. They upset me more than anything in this World and I've never, ever understood why.

the Xenomorph from the film 'Alien' is pretty awesome, though, my favourite creature ever created! Haha
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Re: Coins and 'Them'

Post by SnowCat »

I used to pull the covers over my head to keep them from seeing me.

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Re: Coins and 'Them'

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

Heya , Maggie...
I don't know if you really read what I posted in the other thread.
But I tried to explain these are programs we run, from the code we are embedded with.

Let me try again , and please look at the gematria values, then check them against the number values in the other thread, and the code words, and phrases that the numbers relate to.

Coins + Grey = 456

Dream About Getting On Bus With Coins , Woman And Grey = 1495

My Fear Program : Grey Coming = 995

(All I can do, if anything, is try to show it is a program)

And we can change our program.

Best to you and family.:)

(please check other thread)
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Re: Coins and 'Them'

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

Actually , in checking, there were some things I did not finish posting in the other thread , because Wolf stopped responding.

But there was a post that mentioned 692 + 803 = 1495, the sum of our Tree, and what that dealt with, as far as the program, and fear of the grey.

So, to make it simple, the sum 455, is the sum of one of our rune columns.
It deals with the earth chakra, under the feet.

Telluric Current = 455

Incarnation = 455

Fear Code = 455

Perceiving Grey = 455

Now, those are but a few formulas...

As far as 995...

Our two columns of eight runes each, adds to 994. Otherside = 994

I will post more later...I have not slept for 21 hours...;)

Just know, our human bio computer runs possibility programs, and some of those programs are disharmonic to consciousness. Some harmonic, we perceive through the lens, dependent on our ability to integrate the data stream of the programs.

Talk later...
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Re: Coins and 'Them'

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

I could not get to sleep , because I knew I forgot
something else equaling 455...

Paralysis = 454

Thinking About It Over Then Over = 455

Fear Program = 454

( Before I used Runic value for used Hebrew )

Faery Data Stream = 454

Energy Signature = 455

I Want To Know = 455

Operate + To Force / To Do Wrong To = 455

Otherside Manifestation = 454

( low value for word "otherside" )...

Sleep + To Perceive = 456

Fear Trance State = 455

You Will Not Recollect Us + Loss = 455

Harvest Code = 455

Enough for now , if my "Faery Friends" let me sleep...;)
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Re: Coins and 'Them'

Post by MamaMagpie »

Hi Mr Blackwolf!

Wolf did mention you were working on explaining your system to him - and I don't think he's been active online lately (we've had a busy few days).

What I will do then is, when he's home tonight (around 17:30 here, East Coast time, -5 hours GMT), I'll have him log in, read what you responded on his thread then work through this thread together.

thank you for this, I feel it's going to be very important going forwards!!

Blessings to you!!
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Re: Coins and 'Them'

Post by Wolf »

I honestly wasn't sure how to respond further on top of being busy lol. But if you have anything else to add to something like that, no need to wait for me to respond to add it in. I'll happily read any new additions. Though I am still trying to figure out your process to assigning these numeric values to words and phrases. On a side note, loved your youtube video.

Harvest Code in your list here has me a bit creeped out honestly. But I see your connections. Once you deduce the number code for the applicable words and phrases, then you can find other ones that are connected by the same sequence to bring insight to the situation.
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Re: Coins and 'Them'

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

Blessings to you and your family as well , Maggie...

When you read things , and try to put everything together, do not be afraid to ask *might* need to, considering amount of info, and my strange

Before I show you how to put things together, a formula :

Keep Them Out = 327

Faery = 327

So, now to make example...

Telluric Current = 455

Incarnation = 455

First read a few of these sites : ... 8&oe=utf-8

Then, with that information, and more, always look at hard science, to balance any woo woo factor that science may not always have "caught up." But it *is* a necessary balance.

Let us look at this formula :

Ego Algorithm = 455

Combined with :

Incarnation = 455

Bound To Earth + Name = 455


So when we are incarnated, we are bound to earth current, by an ego algorithm, via a name ? Possibly, a name defines us, and creates a sense of ego. Then, we further that understanding, by this :

Energy Signature = 455

So, our "energy signature" is tied to our name and ego.

Yet our energy signature, also relates to a "Fear Program," tied to the Telluric Current.

( Positive aspect of Telluric Current : "Take off thy shoes, this is *holy ground* " )

Yet, there is "something," this code is "telling me," about Paralysis, Beings Who Want To Know, Otherside Manifestation,
A Fear Trance State, Not Remembering, Harvesting...etc...

By the way , 455 equals many things, *positive and negative.*
If I put it in those is not "All Bad, Or Good."

Nothing is...( I tell my friends that, when they say "It's All Good" )...

So, what is one answer ?

Now, I bring in another equation, and remember, part of the
Telluric Current is created by the differential in the core and mantle of earth, rotating at slightly different speeds.

Inner Earth + Obi / Obeah = 454

Now, I look to *Obeah*...what is it ?

And remember, Wiki is only a general info source...but note
the reference to *Ob*, and *snake* in Egypt...

Which would bring us to aboriginal belief, "rainbow serpent."
Mary standing on the serpent and the world, in certain pictures...etc...

Yet, we also look to the "reptile brain"...our back of the head...
Our primal survival programs, and original brain.

Ahah !

So now we see a connection, via evolution, and original coding
of the first humans, of fear programs into the back of the brain.

Looking At Subconscious = 456

So, now we know subconscious programming is affected by repetition, and can be changed...( 21 = I Am ; and it takes 21 days to make or breaka habit , according to science )...

This is also why hypnosis uses repetition, as well any programming, by parents, schools, government, advertising...*aliens*...

Thinking About It Over Then Over = 455

Do you see how you make the links, then follow the threads of the *web* ?

When I "got" this, it led me into anthropology, archaeology, physics, quantum physics, music, mathematics, etymology, astrology, astronomy, biology, biochemistry, chemistry...etc , etc, etc...

And it just keeps making the links, to see the underlying code, and the reasons we perceive "reality," and "act" the way we do.

This is how to begin the process...

I could tell you where the rabbit hole is, and how deep it goes, but that is always the choice. Do you *really* want to go down that rabbit hole ?

Word Sleep = 456

Or just listen to the "word *sleep*, repeated, over and over in the subconscious, so one does not awaken, and see this is all a program, later encoded as the major arcana of the tarot, as the fool's journey ?

"You are all just a pack of playing cards, anyway" said *Alice*...

Once one wakes up, there is no *going back*...;)

Just saw your post before I post this, Wolf...yes, you are getting it...:)

And things used to creep me out, as well.

I have learned one must go beyond *good and evil*...or any polarity, yet recognize it...;)

Thanks for your appreciation of the video...;)

Will be making more...soon

Here we go !
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Re: Coins and 'Them'

Post by MamaMagpie »

Blackwolf, I also said that you look just like Sir Patrick Stewart and Gandalf (Ian McKellen) and just as smart!

I mean that as a massive compliment btw haha
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Re: Coins and 'Them'

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

Shawn Blackwolf *bows* to the Lady Maggie...

Just a beginner , my dear...
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Re: Coins and 'Them'

Post by RyukaAscendant »

Shawn Blackwolf wrote:Blessings to you and your family as well , Maggie...

When you read things , and try to put everything together, do not be afraid to ask *might* need to, considering amount of info, and my strange

Before I show you how to put things together, a formula :

Keep Them Out = 327

Faery = 327

So, now to make example...

Telluric Current = 455

Incarnation = 455

First read a few of these sites : ... 8&oe=utf-8

Then, with that information, and more, always look at hard science, to balance any woo woo factor that science may not always have "caught up." But it *is* a necessary balance.

Let us look at this formula :

Ego Algorithm = 455

Combined with :

Incarnation = 455

Bound To Earth + Name = 455


So when we are incarnated, we are bound to earth current, by an ego algorithm, via a name ? Possibly, a name defines us, and creates a sense of ego. Then, we further that understanding, by this :

Energy Signature = 455

So, our "energy signature" is tied to our name and ego.

Yet our energy signature, also relates to a "Fear Program," tied to the Telluric Current.

( Positive aspect of Telluric Current : "Take off thy shoes, this is *holy ground* " )
If you haven't looked into it you might explore the Egyptian concepts of how one exists here and what is required in the afterlife. The basic are to continue to exist in death you must have a body, not necessarily the one you were born to, and a name, which was often carved on the body and placed many times throughout the tomb. But additionally for you to exist you need a shadow, a ba, and a ka. I know very little about the others but perhaps they will help you.
Child of Gaia; student of Athena, Odin, and Djehuty; and follower of the middle path.

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Re: Coins and 'Them'

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

Heya , Ryuka...

If this was directed toward me...

Yeah , way more than familiar with the Egyptian ,
and Khemetic Tradition...first thing I *ever* looked
into , and I am 62...

( I studied as well Rosicrucianism , and sold Egyptian statuary
to their organization , at the museum in San Jose , Ca. )

Those two columns of eight I mention , have a "ninth level"...

The rune "Isa" , or "Is"...above ( or below ) each column...

So you get the word "IsIs"...then we have a ring of runes
with 14 looks like a male organ , and means
possible need for sacrifice...thus the 14 parts of Osiris ,
after Set cut him into pieces...

The two columns of nine , can , and are , symbolically
seen as 99 , and both :

Name = 99

Weyyrd = 99

The "True Name" of someone / something , and the "Weyyrd"...

One of our columns of eight symbols makes the shape of the body...

But if you double it , it is your shadow...

And :

Shadow = 340

People = 340

We also have an arrangement of two columns of eleven runes ,
where the four corner runes equal 451...

Abyss = 451

Thus the Egyptian "Duat" , you must cross...

I could even show you the symbols on the Egyptian walls ,
are fleshed out versions of stick figure combinations of
runes , with their meanings telling the story of what the
Egyptian Tradition says the figures mean...and more ,
that is lost , or not normally spoken about...

And I don't need help on this...but Mama Magpie might ,
and if that is what you were referring to , I might agree ,
as far as the processes found in the "Book Of Coming Forth
By Day" , the "true name" for the Egyptian Book Of The Dead...

Facing your life , and developing the "body / bodies"
necessary to cross the "abyss" safely...

Tibetans , and others had their own techniques...

Wolf might know if the Norse had that concept in their tradition ,
other than the "Rainbow Bridge" , and "Ginnungagap"...

Ways of preparing the "soul" for strengthening itself , while in body...;)
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Re: Coins and 'Them'

Post by RyukaAscendant »

Blackwolf that was a combination of curiosity whether you had any insights there that may pertain and a feeling that that additional knowledge might be pertinent.
Child of Gaia; student of Athena, Odin, and Djehuty; and follower of the middle path.

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