Fairies and adults?

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Fairies and adults?

Post by JaceGem »

I've heard of fairies in passing and seen them in popular TV shows and such, but was always under the impression that a fairy was nothing but a creature of fairy tale and wasn't actually existent in our world. I've seen other folks mention seeing/communicating with them and have done a bit of reading up on them, but one question still bothers me. Do fairies ever bother interacting with human adults? Everything I've seen has mentioned they prefer kids, haven't seen anything mentioning a fairy having an interest in an adult. I'd like to set up a small fairy house in the forest I live near and leave small tins of milk every now and again but I wonder if maybe it will be ignored since it wasn't set up by a child.
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Re: Fairies and adults?

Post by Shireside »

Hum, I wager a person's experience and success with faerie relations depends a bit on how that person perceives them. To some, they're cutesy Tinker Bells and Company, and trees are dressed with glittery scarves in an attempt to please and attract the fey, and are (I assume) subsequently ignored. To others (and in agreement with much folklore), the faerie folk are closely tied to the spirits of the dead to the point where the lines between them blur... wildlings to be politely honored and otherwise kept at a distance, for they have a history of being quite capricious and live by very inhuman moral standards.
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Re: Fairies and adults?

Post by SnowCat »

My experience, has been that it depends on being open to interactions with them. Children usually haven't been taught yet, not to believe and interact with fairies. I remember when Peter Pan, starring Mary Martin, used to air once a year. I used to sit in front of the TV and clap, as did many of my classmates, so Tinkerbell wouldn't die. It didn't matter that it was a prerecorded program, I believed. If you set out tins of milk, they probably won't be ignored. They may be consumed by animals, but the fairies would still understand your intent.

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Re: Fairies and adults?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Adults get ridiculed so seldom mention their Fae encounters, but they do occur. The pleasant ones are occasions of respect and trust and the unpleasant ones scare the socks off you. Their mystery is consistent. :)
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