France moving foward

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France moving foward

Post by SpiritTalker »

May I please be permitted to post this Forbes article so that people will know there is hope?

France is emerging from lockdown.

Edit - removed link...Yikes, that wasn’t the one!!!! Thanks for alerting me.
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Re: Permission respectfully requested

Post by Firebird »

It may be hard to talk about this topic without he-who-shall-not-be-named coming up. So let's focus on the getting well part.
This drug is still in it's infancy in knowing whether or not it should be widely used. It has terrible side effects, one being retinal damage. I think it is still a wait and see game. argh. My daughter was taking it for some time for her RA, but stopped shortly before the outbreak because it made her skin crawl and wasn't really working that well.
BTW your link is not working, do you mean this story? ... be18c1180f
bb, FF
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Re: France moving foward

Post by Mr Crowley »

"without he-who-shall-not-be-named coming up"

Son of gun!

I thought you were talking about me!

I had to reflect some to figure it out.

I hope Panthera is okay. She seems like such a caring and compassionate person.
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Re: France moving foward

Post by SpiritTalker »

Yes, that’s the article. I thought it gave both sides of the matter a fair shot without politicizing. I had also taken the anti malaria med in 2001 for a 10-day treatment for a lung issue with no side effects that I can recall. It kept me out of the hospital. The more options folks know about can save someone’s life. My lips are sealed re: no-name. 😷
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Re: France moving foward

Post by Firebird »

Ya, apparently that drug has been around for a very long while and used in a few different ways.
What about the other one, ummm, Remdesivir ? I haven't hear too much about that but then they were talking about other anti-virial drugs, many of them ending in "vir", I'm not well versed with the nomenclature of drugs, but you can pretty much tell if it's an antivirial if it's ending in "vir", for instance if a drug ends in "al" it's likely a barbiturate.
Speaking of moving forward what about Sweden?
I was really surprised to hear the the elementary schools are open, talk about a germ environment :shock: ... SKBN22R1TX
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Re: France moving foward

Post by SpiritTalker »

Both meds have promise with a big dif in cost and neither is a perfect cure 100% of the time. We only know what we read & have to read a variety to get the full pic.
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