How Do I Deal with a Psychic Vampire?

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How Do I Deal with a Psychic Vampire?

Post by Khaleesi »

Okay, I'll cut right to the chase. I won't explain how I know this, but just trust me-- it's really happening and I don't know what to do. :(

If you're dealing with a psychic vampire/mind reader (who just so happens to be compromising your computer, too), how do you protect yourself? Also, keep in mind, this person is a very high level teacher. Please don't respond with "mind reading isn't real," because, seriously? It is.

Second, if this person has given you lots of gifts, what should you do with them to cleanse them from any negative energy they may have imbued them with? This guy gave me lots of personal items and altar items, but now I don't want to even touch them because I think he's shady as f**k.

Please help/advise. Thanks.
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Re: How do I deal with a psychic vampire?

Post by Firebird »

Any teacher who would use you, or compromise your computer, is not a teacher of high standards.
Psychic vampires are happiest when they are draining the life out of someone, and they are not inclined to stop.
Sometimes I wonder if they even have the capacity to stop. I believe some do it on purpose and some are oblivious to their life sucking tendencies.
Most are very manipulative, and not something you want to be a part of. The fact this person if gifting you is a way to manipulate you, or charm you. You can keep the stuff if you want...well cleansed...or give it all back and say you want no part of of his trying to schmooze you....either way, it sounds like this person needs to get on down the road, and far away from you.
Good luck dear, I know how tiring it can be.
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: How do I deal with a psychic vampire?

Post by Khaleesi »

Thanks, firebirdflys. I was warned about him and his students for a long time, but didn't want to believe it. Now... it's time to believe. :(

How should I cleanse everything? Would a smudge stick do? Someone told me to put a bowl of salt on my altar. Any other suggestions?
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Re: How do I deal with a psychic vampire?

Post by Kassandra »


Just wondering...did you sleep with this guy before (there's a specific reason I'm asking)?

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Re: Two very important questions

Post by Khaleesi »

Kassandra wrote:Just wondering...did you sleep with this guy before (there's a specific reason I'm asking)?

LOL oh hell no. Although, when I first met him, I had this CRAZY unexplained sexual desire for him. I found myself fantasizing about him a lot. And not because I found him attractive or his "power". No. I think it had to do with magic-- him luring me in. Seducing me astrally. (Don't laugh... but I swear that's what he was doing.)
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Re: How do I deal with a psychic vampire?

Post by Kassandra »

firebirdflys wrote:...some are oblivious to their life sucking tendencies.
The "oblivious ones" far the most dangerous, I believe.

I'm just trying to get some perspective on what you're saying here, the better to answer you. I get the psychic part, but give a couple examples of how he "compromises" your computer, please. Thanks.

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Re: How do I deal with a psychic vampire?

Post by Khaleesi »

Kassandra wrote:
firebirdflys wrote:...some are oblivious to their life sucking tendencies.
The "oblivious ones" far the most dangerous, I believe.

I'm just trying to get some perspective on what you're saying here, the better to answer you. I get the psychic part, but give a couple examples of how he "compromises" your computer, please. Thanks.

It's a long story. I'd rather PM you that part if that's okay.
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Re: Two very important questions

Post by Khaleesi »

P.S. The computer thing isn't as important right now-- I have that covered. I'm just looking for the psychic thing. Trust me when i say that they are two totally different, non-related instances. I need some help. I really don't have time to explain the details, nor do I feel comfortable sharing them at the moment. Just looking for some advice on how to shield myself and ground myself and possibly cleanse my altar.
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Re: How do I deal with a psychic vampire?

Post by Kassandra »


OK, I understand. Well, with this kind of thing, a lot of people are always looking for incantations, or crystals, or talismans, spells, etc. Usually, though, I have found the most powerful thing is to change the part of one's own behavior that is somehow contributing to the problem. With that in mind, you have to REALLY BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF with where you might be nurturing the link to him, whether mentally, or physically, or both.

It's a matter of nurturing the link versus dissolving the link...

Nurturing the Link

This thread offers differing perspectives and advice on dealing with a psychic vampire: psychic witch powers n energy vampires sos. Note especially the view by some on that thread that expending a lot of your energy on "shielding" and whatnot can actually work against you in this case. I tend to agree with them wholeheartedly.

I really liked Dark Moon's two posts, one of which started with: "The problem with this thread (apart from the 'Dark fluff' vibe) is that the OP is actually willingly participating in this process, by choice...No vampire or entity can create an attachment to you without an invitation of some sort...This creates an energetic link between you and it. It's good to examine how this occurred. Defense against spiritually predatory attacks (for example shielding) is essentially useless once this link has been created. This is especially so in the case of 'white light bubble' type shields, which eventually then form the vamps next dinner." She pretty much said everything I was thinking on the topic, so I didn't bother to post.

By the way, just to be clear, the reason I asked if you had/were sleeping with him is based on the above thread. In that thread, the OP whined and whined about some girl attacking him psychically --yet he was still sleeping with her! I mean, honestly. That, for me, was a record scratch, face/palm moment, lol. He was nurturing the link then whining about the results. That's like some girl saying, "Oh, my boyfriend is so abusive when he drinks. Help me, Kassandra. Oh, um, but first he and I are going to a bar right now to have a few drinks. So, I'll have to talk to you later. Bye bye." Huh? Why whine about a problem to which you're willingly, directly contributing? Dark Moon's words put the ball back in the whiner's court, but her advice probably went in one ear and out the other, given that he seemed quite fascinated with himself.

So, yeah, I asked that because if you were maintaining that kind of energetic link with him (which is very powerful), then it would be a total waste of my time and keystrokes to respond to you at any length. Glad you're not.

My advice is to do a kind of "cleansing ritual," if you will:

Dissolving the Link

As far as the "gifts," mmm, I don't suggest you keep anything. Again, by keeping them around, you would be "nurturing the link." The items would always remind you of him, and even if only subconsciously, you would find yourself entertaining lingering memories of your encounters with him. You DON'T NEED his stuff. It would be more empowering, I think, if you got your own stuff. If you can't afford to buy your own altar items and personal things, then maybe get a part time job or something and replace them little by little over time.

There might be some girlish part of you that felt "special" when he gave you these gifts, flattered, touched. But as firebirdflys mentioned, see these so-called gifts for WHAT THEY REALLY ARE. They weren't expressions of genuine affection; they were just tools of control and manipulation. He's probably given many girls "gifts" this way in the past, and will give them to many more in the future. You were probably just "one of many." If you think you were his "special student" or something, then you're probably fooling yourself. This is what I meant when I said in the beginning that we need to be honest with ourselves and look at what we might be doing to contribute to a problem we're experiencing.

1. Assemble the following:
* Blanket or large cloth you don't need
* Sharpie pen
* Hammer
* Large trash bag and bag tie
* Bundle of sage

2. Wrap every item he's ever given you in a pile in the blanket. Don't save anything, not even a card or note. Take it all outside, and with the hammer smash every item within the blanket. Simultaneously say and think words along the lines of "As I smash ALL these items, I also sever ALL energetic ties between you and me, in every way, in all timelines, in all dimensions. You have no power over me. As I have spoken it, SO IT IS!!" Then, take the blanket and put it in a garbage bag, and seal the bag. For kicks, you could write on the bag, "Return to Sender" with the Sharpie.

3. Go to the nearest dump (or large trash bin) and deposit the bag.

4. Go back home, take a hot, relaxing shower. As you rinse, imagine all memories related to him, any cords, attachments, etc., in your auric field dissolving into the water. Watch the water going down the drain. Smile and really feel this happening. Thank the water spirits for all their gracious help with this.

5. After getting dressed, go outside and sage your body, back and front. Then, sage your entire house, especially your altar and your bedroom. As you do this think and/or say words repeatedly along the lines of "Any and all energies now return to their sender. Only my energy here, only peace and tranquility here." You may actually be able to see, clairvoyantly, little particles of his energy taking off from your premises and returning to his, and reattaching themselves there. It gets trippy. lol

6. End by lighting candles at your altar, and doing some kind of prayer/meditation of peace and harmony, being sure to express gratitude for the wisdom you've gained from the entire experience, but now you end it and move on.

Things should feel very, very "clean" by then, energetically.

As far as grounding, my sense is that you're very active, kind of "all over the place" energetically-speaking. Nothing wrong with that, but that kind of tendency is an energy vampire's favorite type of meal. It offers a lot of emotional energy to latch into, to "grab," so to speak. If anything, your thoughts and emotions need grounding the most. If you have a tendency toward being impatient, easy to anger, demanding your way, etc., learn to breathe deeply and control your thoughts and emotions. Learn to let some things go. Don't try to win every (perceived) "fight" with people you deal with on a daily basis (I get the sense that people feel you are a bit combative with them, at times). It's very easy for energy vamps to disrupt your thoughts when they already tend to be ungrounded like this.

The solution to a problem is usually found in the problem itself. Since you say he's "in your thoughts," then put your thoughts on other things. Stop "looking at him" psychically-speaking. That's just what he wants you to do. Change your psychic "gaze." A couple of suggestions:

1. Start a new hobby or other interest that takes up a lot of your time and energy, and your thoughts will not be so easy for him to "grab." Taking a spin class at a gym, for instance, will raise your endorphins so you feel great, but it will also poop you out so bad you won't have time to think about him. lol Hiking will also wear you out, and it's a great way to meet and chat with fun people.

2. Controlling guys like your witchy friend love to feel that they're the sun you orbit around. So nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, disrupts a guy's energy in your life than that of ANOTHER GUY, hahaha. If there's some guy friend you enjoy hanging out with, give him a call and make an "as friends" date (even if he's a gay guy; it's still a guy). In fact, start hanging out with ALL your guy friends more frequently, or at least talk to them on the phone DAILY. This will work like a charm, hehe.

The best defense is a good offense, as they say. Basically, what you're doing here is 1. Removing his energy from your aura, and 2. Filling in the vacancy with several streams of new, fresh, positive energy. If you do all these things, after a while his connection will dissipate. I've had to do all of the above TWO major times in my life. So, unfortunately, I learned the hard way they all work.

Perhaps others have suggestions for you...

The best to you. :wink:

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Re: How do I deal with a psychic vampire?

Post by Khaleesi »

OMG OMG OMG... you are like 10000000% right, Kassandra. Everything you said was so incredibly helpful and spot on. And, YES, my energy IS all over the place. I am quick to anger and wanting to win fights and all of that. He purposely provoked me a couple times, and he's ALWAYS doing that with his other students. One student had a breakdown and actually left him due to always feeling "drained." (Now I think THOSE TWO were DEFINITELY sleeping together.) Wow. You're awesome. I'm going to do everything you said. First things first-- I need to stop thinking of this... because I know this is how he keeps that "link" going. So off to find a new hobby NOW!

Thanks again so much. You're a life saver. :)
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Re: How do I deal with a psychic vampire?

Post by Khaleesi »

Ooohhh one thing I want to ask, though....

What do psychic vampires "get" from doing this sort of thing? Like, how does it literally benefit them, other than getting their jollies from seeing others suffer? I never quite understood this concept.
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Re: How do I deal with a psychic vampire?

Post by Kassandra »


OMG OMG OMG... [haha, cute]

Glad it helped, and thanks a lot for your kind words :wink:

Psychic vampires get energy from doing this kind of thing. But like everyone else, there are those that conduct themselves ethically in society, and those who don't. I wouldn't take it personally if I were you.

Take care.

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Re: How do I deal with a psychic vampire?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

So nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, disrupts a guy's energy in your life than that of ANOTHER GUY, hahaha.

That really IS magic :fairy:

Re: How do I deal with a psychic vampire?

Post by rowenaravenwolf »

This might prove to be helpful I might be dealing with one myself.
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Re: How do I deal with a psychic vampire?

Post by Khaleesi »

[Note: the person quoted here is no longer a member of this board --K]
PhoenixFlight wrote:Alright, I really have to clear up something here... Psy vamps ARE NOT generally a dangerous or hurtful type of person. Yes, they're real, yes, they feed off mental or psy energy, but NO, they are not "out to get you". In fact many of the psy vamps I know happen to also be witches. Many of them follow both the Codex, and the Rede; well, a compromise of both of them I suppose.. For a psy vamp to feed off of someones' energy, there has to be an previously established link, and that link can be willingfully broken by either the vamp, or the donor/swan. I don't know what you have heard before, but there are ALOT of extraordinarily distrustful sources out there about what is and is not part of being a vampire/vampyre. If you have questions, I would simply ask, before assuming. Seeing as though I was a mentor amongst a full on community of both sang and psy vamps, I feel as though I could probably answer just about any question you could throw my way.

I do hope that at least makes you think twice about this guy... He may be a psy vamp, but to be honest, I would be surprised if he were. My suspicions tell me it is more likely he practices somewhat darker majick, and to be honest, it can feel the same on the receiving end; a feeling of being drained of your very life force, and of your emotions.
Thanks, PF. And, yes, he does practice very dark "majick" from what I can tell. Sorry if my post offended you, but I wasn't trying to. Nor was I "assuming"-- I was just commenting with what knowledge I have read up on on the internet and various other sources, that's all. So then, what *is* the difference in what I was thinking and what you are saying then? Because my feeling was that he was draining life force/emotions... so what "name" would you give that? Also, why would they even do that?
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