Rituals to overcome loss

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Rituals to overcome loss

Post by Firebird »

Hi folks,
this has been on my mind for some time and I was wondering if anyone has any insights on this.
I have delt with loss on many levels and am really getting tired of being consumed by grief.
This even goes beyond death, and flows over into the material world.
Being told to pull up ones bootstraps makes me want to scream.

I have tried many ways to combat this like meditation, changing scenery, talk thearpy, words released in fire, walking, art...seems something hits me out of the blue and wham, I'm out for hours, days, weeks.
I still drag myself through the day and do the things one should do in a day but with less efficiency than I would like.

We were recently talking about ancestors and living with the traumas of a blood line. I wonder how much of this random stuff that comes up belongs to past generations.

Does anyone have ideas on a ritual action to get beyond this?

Best, Firebird
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Re: Rituals to overcome loss

Post by SpiritTalker »

I can't think of how-to's for rituals (whatever style you like works best) but accessing Akashic records can sometimes put us in the path of understanding. I get the idea that past generations can mold a template that is etherically re-imprinted until cleared, so I'm kind of thinking along the same lines you mentioned. Y'know, like how things will repeat until we get the point.

My rituals are routine for simplicity because familiar routine guards against my being distracted by what-do-I-do-next conundrums. I might cast circle or might not, but will center & dial up my higher self for a chat; then ask a Q. I might not get the answer for a few days but it comes. Centering with inquiry as I go to sleep sometimes brings useful dreams. It's dull enough to be boring but I'm not doing it to be entertained.

In by gone days I've used my altar layout to act-out solutions to problems. The layout on the table becomes a spell in itself as a kind of ad-lib enactment. If I want knowledge then I'd arrange the table to express knowledge by using themed symbols & correspondences &/or sometimes just sigil-it.

Then there's the fear of change that comes with loss. I have fears re: mobility & loss of independent living. I combat it each time it arises by repeating to myself that every errand or task I complete is a sign of strength & victory. It alters the brain pathways & changes the brain juices enough to stop that immediate cycle revolution. Loss & grief results in fear of changes due to unavoidable absence. In my experience the pain of grief from loss doesn't go away but it changes; & it does so by altering the impact it has on us in the moment; then our fears don't keep feeding the cycle. It takes repeating because the brain works by repetition. (Dang it.) We learn by repetition & UN-learn by replacing patterns with something better.
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Re: Rituals to overcome loss

Post by barker »

Lightwork (visualising white / golden around you). Letting it happen with others. Loss, grief, sorrow... Light well understands that the feeling is not necessary for anything other than healing.
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Re: Rituals to overcome loss

Post by YanaKhan »

I would gather few things that symbolize m grief and would meditate for a while to actually "breath the grief" to the objects. After I am done, I would seal the objects in a box and throw them in a river with a short blessing. This is a let go ritual rather than overcome grief one, but I did something similar when my dad passed away.
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