Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
- SingingCanyon
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Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
This is more for my friend then anyone else, but please feel free to read!
Reasons Why I Won't Believe in Christianity
1. God told his people (back in the old days) that in order to to be pure they had to take the lives of innocent animals or else go to He||. I don't think that a god so concerned about love would make people kill for redemption.
2. God says that "Thou shalt not Kill." And yet there are thousands of people killing each other in the bible, and worse is that God BLESSES those people! In addition to that there is a direct order in Exodus to Kill a sorceress and other people of various lifestyles. Contradiction much?
3. The death of Jesus basically force people to become Christian. I mean, if you heard that some guy who you never met died in a gruesome and terrible way, wouldn't you feel like you owed him? And therefore you would become Christina for him, even if you didn't want to deep down. To me it seems like God isn't giving you much of a free choice, unlike he always talks about.
What are your reasons? If you have any.
Blessed Be,
Reasons Why I Won't Believe in Christianity
1. God told his people (back in the old days) that in order to to be pure they had to take the lives of innocent animals or else go to He||. I don't think that a god so concerned about love would make people kill for redemption.
2. God says that "Thou shalt not Kill." And yet there are thousands of people killing each other in the bible, and worse is that God BLESSES those people! In addition to that there is a direct order in Exodus to Kill a sorceress and other people of various lifestyles. Contradiction much?
3. The death of Jesus basically force people to become Christian. I mean, if you heard that some guy who you never met died in a gruesome and terrible way, wouldn't you feel like you owed him? And therefore you would become Christina for him, even if you didn't want to deep down. To me it seems like God isn't giving you much of a free choice, unlike he always talks about.
What are your reasons? If you have any.
Blessed Be,
I am the voice of the past that will always be,
Filled with my sorrows and blood in my fields.
I am the voice of the future,
Bring me your peace,
Bring me your peace and my wounds,
They will heal.
-Celtic Woman
๑Blessed Be,
Filled with my sorrows and blood in my fields.
I am the voice of the future,
Bring me your peace,
Bring me your peace and my wounds,
They will heal.
-Celtic Woman
๑Blessed Be,
Re: Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
My main reason is because of the bible. It's obvious BS. Also, according to this magical book, Christianity is "the only faith." It odly resembles a children's story book, talking about some magical man in the sky. ALSO, humans aren't sinners. We are unwrong in our ways and whatever we do is human nature.
Here in the forest, dark and deep
I offer you the gift of eternal sleep.
I offer you the gift of eternal sleep.
Re: Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
Seeing as how I used to believe in this faith, I often find myself musing over what about Christianity really feels fake and unreal to me. You listed most of my key reasons, but I would like to add that I find God to not be such a loving God or deity if he/she cannot accept that some people are gay. That isn’t to say, I am sure he absolutely does not exist, but I think that a God who created a race of people would be conditioned to just love them and not force them to be people they are not. As each day passes, I feel my former beliefs slipping away and new questions of my former faith arising.
Re: Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
Most if not all of the events and happenings in the Bible can be directly linked back to Paganism.
- Lucifer was a Pagan god, not an evil one from "hell". The Christians demonized him in an attempt to turn the Pagans against him in fear.
- The Cross was an Egyptian symbol of Life, the Christians adopted it and made it a symbol of death.
- The traditions of Christmas, christmas tree, candlelighting ceremonies, yule logs, SANTA CLAUS.... all Pagan. (Santa being the Germanic Pagan God of Yule, "Kris Kringle"). Even christmas carols (stolen from the Pagan idea of what is called "wassailing")
- The Christian "Hell" is actually taken from the pagan Norse word "Hellheim" simply meaning Underworld..the place you go to when you die... and no, it's not a place filled with fire.
there was this awesome t-shirt I almost got for my boyfriend that said "Your God was nailed to a cross. Mine held the hammer."
a little I didn't do it >_____>
(My favorite is St. Patrick's day... the day St. Patrick drove all the "snakes" out of Ireland *cough*PAGANS*cough*)
- Lucifer was a Pagan god, not an evil one from "hell". The Christians demonized him in an attempt to turn the Pagans against him in fear.
- The Cross was an Egyptian symbol of Life, the Christians adopted it and made it a symbol of death.
- The traditions of Christmas, christmas tree, candlelighting ceremonies, yule logs, SANTA CLAUS.... all Pagan. (Santa being the Germanic Pagan God of Yule, "Kris Kringle"). Even christmas carols (stolen from the Pagan idea of what is called "wassailing")
- The Christian "Hell" is actually taken from the pagan Norse word "Hellheim" simply meaning Underworld..the place you go to when you die... and no, it's not a place filled with fire.
there was this awesome t-shirt I almost got for my boyfriend that said "Your God was nailed to a cross. Mine held the hammer."
a little I didn't do it >_____>

(My favorite is St. Patrick's day... the day St. Patrick drove all the "snakes" out of Ireland *cough*PAGANS*cough*)
- AutumnMaidens
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Re: Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
I once wanted to get a shirt that said "My goddess gave birth to your god" which I loved
My reasons would be...
The fact that it's anti-women. (Ephesians 5:22-24 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.)(Deuteronomy 22:28 If a man meets a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her He must marry the girl He can never divorce her as long as he lives.)
The fact that the christian god ends most fights by putting people to death. Check leviticus, deuteronomy and exodus.
(Leviticus 20:9 if anyone curses his mother or father he shall be put to death / Exodus 35:2 For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death. etc etc)
The constant contradictions (John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. / Matthew 10:34 Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.) (John 5:31 If I testify about myself, my testimony is not valid. / John 8:14 Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid.)
But most of all I don't believe in the bible was because of the pull I felt to the goddess, her warmth and love that I had not experienced anywhere else than perhaps from my own mother. She did not make me keep to a strict set of rules which, if I would break them, would force me down into a pit of fire and brimstone to burn for all eternity and she did not stop loving me for loving someone of the same sex, she does not require sacrifice, she does not require marriage etc etc.
Hope that anwsered your question.
My reasons would be...
The fact that it's anti-women. (Ephesians 5:22-24 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.)(Deuteronomy 22:28 If a man meets a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her He must marry the girl He can never divorce her as long as he lives.)
The fact that the christian god ends most fights by putting people to death. Check leviticus, deuteronomy and exodus.
(Leviticus 20:9 if anyone curses his mother or father he shall be put to death / Exodus 35:2 For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death. etc etc)
The constant contradictions (John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. / Matthew 10:34 Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.) (John 5:31 If I testify about myself, my testimony is not valid. / John 8:14 Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid.)
But most of all I don't believe in the bible was because of the pull I felt to the goddess, her warmth and love that I had not experienced anywhere else than perhaps from my own mother. She did not make me keep to a strict set of rules which, if I would break them, would force me down into a pit of fire and brimstone to burn for all eternity and she did not stop loving me for loving someone of the same sex, she does not require sacrifice, she does not require marriage etc etc.
Hope that anwsered your question.
"If you take a copy of the Christian Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain,
soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone.
Our bible IS the wind and the rain."
soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone.
Our bible IS the wind and the rain."
Re: Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
The movie Zeit Geist explains my reasoning in a nutshell (You can watch it for free on YouTube it's called "The Greatest Story Ever Told" and there are three parts).
There are too many correlations between Jesus, Yahweh/Jahovah, and the other ancient gods. Even the story of the flood was stolen and the story of the garden of Eden was stolen. In the original story the serpent god Enki was good because he wanted us to have knowledge and the god that said NOT to eat the fruit was evil.
Anyway, I think it is just a way to control people. The Roman Empire regulated the bible and any books that it didn't like, they threw out and called the Apocrypha. In conclusion, regardless of what the original bible was intended to do, it turned out to be a way of enforcing Roman law. In fact, it's laws are so ancient and only good for the Romans that it has primitive laws like stoning people to death. That is why I don't believe.
There are too many correlations between Jesus, Yahweh/Jahovah, and the other ancient gods. Even the story of the flood was stolen and the story of the garden of Eden was stolen. In the original story the serpent god Enki was good because he wanted us to have knowledge and the god that said NOT to eat the fruit was evil.
Anyway, I think it is just a way to control people. The Roman Empire regulated the bible and any books that it didn't like, they threw out and called the Apocrypha. In conclusion, regardless of what the original bible was intended to do, it turned out to be a way of enforcing Roman law. In fact, it's laws are so ancient and only good for the Romans that it has primitive laws like stoning people to death. That is why I don't believe.
Oh, therapy, can you please fill the void?
Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed?
Nobody's perfect and I stand accused
For lack of a better word, and that's my best excuse
Oh, therapy, can you please fill the void?
Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed?
Nobody's perfect and I stand accused
For lack of a better word, and that's my best excuse
Re: Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
I don't believe in any god or religion. No one has been able to prove to me that any god exists. Till they do, I remain an Atheist.
Re: Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
Perfect way to put it and yet I do believe in The Goddess and other such deities like how the Greeks were before they were taken over by the "Church" and the only way that I would prob convert back is if God himself or one of his Angels came to me and told me and so far I have met none such God and his Angels in real life or in my dreams and so I remain faithful to Her and try to love all those of this Earth and that I will try to make myself better so that I won't judge others (so far it is a very hard thing for me to quit but I am getting better)PaganOne wrote:I don't believe in any god or religion. No one has been able to prove to me that any god exists. Till they do, I remain an Atheist.
Re: Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
I too was raised christian. My family are decent people, as are many of the people I communed with in the various churches I attended when I was younger. However, I have met more horrible "Christians" than I have of any other faith.
I believe that many of the stories are good, especially for kids but they can be rewritten to be modern and more relevant to us now (even though many of the stories are indeed of Pagan origin).
But for me, probably the biggest reason I have shed the faith I was brought up in is what AutumnMaidens said. I too felt a draw to the goddess. Actually, looking back I always have, but as an uneducated christian child I thought it was to Yahweh. But just one walk in the woods alone, going whatever direction I feel led, always ends up in a greater spiritual experience and renewal than any church service could ever have given me. I feel the lifeforce, the power, the love of the goddess. When I'm feeling bad, I need to find some trees and some water and I am filled with love and happiness once again.
I believe the early christians had better intentions than the church later developed. "The Church" quite simply in my opinion, developed quite the god-complex of themselves and just want to control people to do what they want to. My husband actually has an uncle that was a catholic priest. He is gay (not a child molester) and also getting elderly. He said over the course of his life and tenure as a priest, he realized how much corruption there is in the church. He also said that if Jesus did indeed exist, he would have most likely been married and had children, but the church won't admit that because if priests could marry the church would have to provide for the women and children as well. All of their expensive marble golden decorations designed to awe the sheeple would have to be sold off to afford it.
I believe that many of the stories are good, especially for kids but they can be rewritten to be modern and more relevant to us now (even though many of the stories are indeed of Pagan origin).
But for me, probably the biggest reason I have shed the faith I was brought up in is what AutumnMaidens said. I too felt a draw to the goddess. Actually, looking back I always have, but as an uneducated christian child I thought it was to Yahweh. But just one walk in the woods alone, going whatever direction I feel led, always ends up in a greater spiritual experience and renewal than any church service could ever have given me. I feel the lifeforce, the power, the love of the goddess. When I'm feeling bad, I need to find some trees and some water and I am filled with love and happiness once again.
I believe the early christians had better intentions than the church later developed. "The Church" quite simply in my opinion, developed quite the god-complex of themselves and just want to control people to do what they want to. My husband actually has an uncle that was a catholic priest. He is gay (not a child molester) and also getting elderly. He said over the course of his life and tenure as a priest, he realized how much corruption there is in the church. He also said that if Jesus did indeed exist, he would have most likely been married and had children, but the church won't admit that because if priests could marry the church would have to provide for the women and children as well. All of their expensive marble golden decorations designed to awe the sheeple would have to be sold off to afford it.
- AutumnMaidens
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Re: Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
There were a few philosofers that believed that a lot of corruption was created in the church because men were not allowed to marry. There was one who said that it was unnatural and against our instinct not to love and/or lay beside the object of our affection and that that was the cause of the child molesting going on.
One of the main reason the church holds onto this image of Jesus dying as the virgin lamb is because they want to keep this image of purity about him, he needs to be distant and pure and beautiful. I also believe that if he truly existed then he would have had to much love to share to not be married and/or in love.
There were a few philosofers that believed that a lot of corruption was created in the church because men were not allowed to marry. There was one who said that it was unnatural and against our instinct not to love and/or lay beside the object of our affection and that that was the cause of the child molesting going on.
One of the main reason the church holds onto this image of Jesus dying as the virgin lamb is because they want to keep this image of purity about him, he needs to be distant and pure and beautiful. I also believe that if he truly existed then he would have had to much love to share to not be married and/or in love.
"If you take a copy of the Christian Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain,
soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone.
Our bible IS the wind and the rain."
soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone.
Our bible IS the wind and the rain."
Re: Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
If Jesus was a real person I too believe that he would have fallen in love with a female companion because even though they say that his father was God, he still had a mortal mother that was capable of loving another. But also I feel that Mary could have just lied about who Jesus father was because maybe she did have sex before she was married and she just didn't want to be prosecuted by her village as being the village slut or something. Many little white lies can bring about big changes.
Re: Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
I'm still a Christian, but I know the true message of Christ. Jesus never said that you had to convert to Christianity or you'd go to hell. That was added into the Bible by the Mind Control church leaders of centuries after Christ to try to get people to join the church and try to control them. Also, Jesus preached about reincarnation. That was taken out of the Bible by Constantine. Reincarnation was a belief of the early Jews and early Christians (it's in the Kabballah) - see my other post under Christian Witches.
The earliest Jews worshiped the Goddess. That was changed (before the time of Jesus) because the power was taken from females by males, who changed the religion to a monotheistic faith.
The reasons that you give for not liking Christians and Christianity apply to most of today's Christians, but those reasons didn't exist in Jesus's time. They were established centuries after Christ. Because of that, I'm don't dislike or abandon Christianity, I just know the true Christianity.
The earliest Jews worshiped the Goddess. That was changed (before the time of Jesus) because the power was taken from females by males, who changed the religion to a monotheistic faith.
The reasons that you give for not liking Christians and Christianity apply to most of today's Christians, but those reasons didn't exist in Jesus's time. They were established centuries after Christ. Because of that, I'm don't dislike or abandon Christianity, I just know the true Christianity.
Re: Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
I'm not, nor have I ever been a Christian, but I agree with what Mist said. Most Christians I know recognize that the bible was written as a political tool and don't believe everything it says. I don't think you can judge an entire religion just because SOME Christians have corrupted it. What if Christians go a hold of some book that not many modern pagans even believed in (I think there's one author I keep hearing get bashed on here, don't remember who), read it (taking everything literally), and then used it to insult all of us? I mean, obviously I'm not trying to defend any of the Christians that actually do believe in all the sexist homophobic crap that you describe, but if you ask the average Christian to describe their beliefs, its not going to be all the stuff you just bashed, so it's really unfair to them, to be honest.
Re: Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
Its got an overwhelming amount of baggage because it played such a huge role in human development, but I think it has some useful basic ideologies hidden in there. Jesus seems to be quite a role model for example whether he was his proported position in the preached scheme of things or not. All the interesting bits seem to have been left out though and it feels like a waterdowned spirituality for mass consumption.
Re: Reasons I Won't Believe in Christianity.
its amazing many of you knows the christian bible even though most of you are from other religion... I am a christian since birth raised from a christian family and studied at catholic school... but still i just have a little knowledge about what is written in the bible... i have many questions about Christianity... like what was posted by singing canyon... plus isn't jealousy is also a sin then why it is written in the 10 commandments i am a jealous God dow shall not have any other Gods besides me... in the early time when Jesus never touches the ground.. people worship what they want to worship and they dont know the 10 commandment as well... now that they are all dead where are they now? are they in hell? is it their fault that when they were born they didnt come together with an instruction manual to how they have to live their lives.... for me your religion wont save you its your faith that will... who ever Gods you wish to believe... weather you know ever pages of the bible or know nothing at all.. its what you do to other that counts ... i am a big believer of KARMA...