A circle for every spell?

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A circle for every spell?

Post by Mikayla11 »

Is it good practice to cast a circle each time you perform a spell? Will a spell be more than words without the opening of a circle? Is it safe to cast?
I know it is important to practice your craft daily wether it be simple blessings or a full spell, but is it necessary to cast a circle each time?
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Re: A circle for every spell?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I would say it's a personal call, based on the Crafter's awareness and their intent. Lots of successful Crafters don't do circles at all or just do simple one's by energizing the rim without evocations. Others rely completely on their relationship with Deity. So different motivation makes differing opinions. There's no simple yes-no. It always depends on how deep the Crafter wants to go. Sometimes simpler is better & other times more preparation is a good idea.

In theory at least, Magic mimics creation. Ritual creates favorable conditions. The circle contains our energy & brings the 3 realms - above, mid, & below - into unity. That's a good idea. Creating an elementally quartered circle brings balance to what we want to do for best results. The Watchers oversee the effort. Watchers are part of the four directions in some practices.

Is casting safe? There's nothing about casting & dismissing a circle that is harmful. It's what you do with it that calls the play.
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Re: A circle for every spell?

Post by Mikayla11 »

Thank you for your response. Very clarifying for me.
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Re: A circle for every spell?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Blessings :)
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Re: A circle for every spell?

Post by planewalker »

If you want, check Hello Palefaces. Spirit and I were going over Medicine wheels. They are essentially a circle used much the same way. If your invoking you can "wheel within wheel" If you drop a note{or anybody} I'll walk you through Wheel interiors for invoking. Please don't get fancy ideas about summonings. Working something that had been summoned came back and bit my butt big time. I know you said nothing about it but I'd feel ethically bereft if I didn't pass a word of caution that could save you problems.
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Re: A circle for every spell?

Post by Shekinah »

Depends upon the nature of the spell or magick you intend to manifest. A circle is not hastily cast and opened for every application but is reserved for deep work and when moved to dwell a while on sacred ground. Very good to stay in daily touch with the spirit of our Craft. A dedicated home altar to gravitate positive energies is a good way to spend a moment to draw a pentagram in the air or waft a little Sage smoke and simply experience a peaceful interlude.
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