Found out whats has been going on with my friend

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Found out whats has been going on with my friend

Post by stormofwind »

So have talked about her for awhile and after talking with a good psychic..
I'm kinda scared for my friend she because my is suffering from depression
something negative has effected her spiritually I couldn't put my finger
on it.. Maybe I didn't want to believe but now I do..
Her husbands negativity toward her caused this..
And it's not good.. The psychic I talked with said she had clients like this..
And took awhile to get rid negative spirit ...
Sigh.. at least I know .. not racking my brains trying figure happened to her..
There are ways of helping reki and other things..
But a change of environment will help her.

There has been some weight lifted by finally knowing..
Still I'm worried.
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