Corvid Nesting

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Corvid Nesting

Post by Firebird »

In the last several days we have had Crows and Ravens hanging around the neighborhood. I really like these birds and they make such interesting sounds. I wondered if someone may have recordings of the patterns of the noises they click and find what they actually may be saying.
In any case I had one rummaging around in one of our ash trees a few times. I'm worried that He/She was building a nest. I've had bad results when Ravens make nests in the tress on the property we reside on. The first time my Grandfather passed away that March and the second time my Father passed away that April.
Does anyone know if this is an actual thing/myth/folklore ? I'm really a little worried, my mother is not young and my cousin has recently been diagnosed with mesothelioma.
I don't want these majestic birds to be the forebears of bad news, but if they are, I'd rather know than stick my head in the ground. As I understand there are many traditions who fear the family corvid but there are just as many that revere it.
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Corvid Nesting

Post by SnowCat »

I have always heard of ravens as the bearers of bad news. It may be that they are meant to be a support system for you.

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Re: Corvid Nesting

Post by corvidus »

Is this just a way of getting someone’s attention? Lol
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Re: Corvid Nesting

Post by Firebird »

Well they got mine that's for sure!
So far haven't made a nest just hanging around the neighborhood lately.
Yesterday there was some sort of announcement, a group of about 6 or 7 went flying around squawking and making a ruckus, they traveled at different heights, sometimes flying pretty high but not out of sight and circling around calling out to various other corvids hidden in tall trees, as far away as many blocks, who were calling back. Sometimes one or two would join up with the criers for a loop or two before they moved on to a new block. They eventually got beyond tree tops and couldn't be seen or heard, but I wonder what that was all about? were they looking for one of their own? Did some bird find a great treasure? Birth in the family? death in the family? (the latter usually call them all to gather) Which is quite a sight.
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