Do you think mental illness is curable?

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Do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by Kovyx »

I for one think that having to deal with it your entire life is just capitalist nonsense, so that psychiatrists can continue to exist and prescribe people usually expensive and gradually debilitating drugs, for money and to keep us out of society's face.

After reading a couple topics on here, reminding me that the energies that magick spells and crystals work with do in fact physically change things on a molecular level, affecting the rest of the object, being, or universe like a ripple in water. Make no mistake, I'm not against medicine, I just think we're not using it right. Humanity has created cures for the most perplexing illnesses, like malaria used to not have a cure for a long time. I understand the brain is a very complex thing and is difficult to understand and predict, much more so fix, but for the fact that mental illness can commonly occur only in episodes.

What I mean by that is, that depression especially, is something that is most commonly more situational rather than chronic. There's depression after losing a job or a loved one, or postpartum depression, but those go away after the situation improves and steps have been taken to stop it, or even simply after a length of time. I have chronic depression since about 14 years old and it has followed me around ever since, and I can verify that even that can be cured. There was a whole three straight months a couple years ago wherein depression just didn't show its face. After a sort of realization that the only thing really holding me back was myself, and that there was no point in being sad if I wasn't going to do anything about it, I literally just stopped it square in it's tracks. It wasn't until another traumatic event months later that it started creeping in again, and though I am still aware of those things, I have trouble making myself believe them.

Hence why I still have depression, because I don't have the same willpower as I did back then. It even saps that away, which makes this next part all the more difficult. I think mental illness, at least depression, can be completely cured with magickal medicines and tools to increase willpower and strength of mind, so we can have the emotional and mental fortitude to simply kick it out. To tell it that it's stupid and wrong, and because you so will it, it will cease to exist.

Thoughts? Arguements? Suggestions? Do you think my idea/point here has any merit, or am I possibly dreaming too big?
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Re: do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by Bychan Wulf »

I think you are right! Conventional medicine is working from the outside to the inside. They create pills out of chemicals, so that results start showing up really fast. What it is treating in fact, are the symptoms and not the cause. The cause if it doesn't have anything to do with the environment, then it is always internal. An energetic imbalance or just something that is lacked in the organism. All these can be restored through what the Earth gave us: plants, caves or stones. I still can't understand why replacing herbs with chemicals seems like such a good idea to the pharmacists and the doctors who recommend it.
Plants also work better in time and the effect it on a long period. Ex: I've always had problems(among others) with my low immunity. I took as a child all chemical treatments possible and nothing changed. I've been taking Echinacea for 3 years and my immunity is normal on the scale, even if my condition doesn't allow this.

About mental illnesses, I think that it can't actually be cured, because it's not a disease. Mental illnesses are a devitaion of an individual from what is considered normal. The others shouldn't treat such a person as a disabled one, because it only makes everything worse.
The normal action when people find out about such a person, is isolating, not allowing him to be responsible for important things, take decisions or just feel normal.
Doctors advise that, and I gave seen the evolution of such a case in my family. Regardless of the mental illness, if it's not threatening the life of the individual or of the others around him, the person should be included, accepted and even aided to adapt. As long as they take something ( right now chemical, but there are also herbal treatments) that keeps them aware of the perception, of the majority, on the world, they should be good. Working with their mind is the actual cure.
Severe cases are not included here. The same thing might work, but there are no studies that can confirm that yet. Maybe in time...
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Re: do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by Ashrend »

I think depression is entirely of the mind. Its not a disease or genetic imperfections. Its bad experiences that alter the way are brain copes. A simple change of attitude can make everything better. Me for instance iv had depression on and off for years but never addressed the actual issues. Since having some cbt therapy and embracing magic into my life. I have been more active and lively since my early teens when i was just a happy albiet oblivious child. Some people could be beyond help, have experienced so much that there isnt a way back, just finding a norm that they can live with. Tablets can help but they inhibite the down and the up making it harder to find happiness.
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Re: do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by moonraingirl »

I would divide this into two aspects: "common" depression and anxiety on one hand and serious mental disorders on the other hand. Or neurosis and psychosis.

As far as first group is concerned, I too believe it is greatly influenced by the way we live. It is best seen in children. How many of them are marked as ADHD and given pills, while they are in fact normal kids with lots of energy? The reason why there suddenly is so many of them is that they don't play outside anymore. They don't get tired. And all their activities are structured and led by adults, so they have very little possibility for spontaneous play. Then, they can't sit at school and they are immediately put on drugs. In my opinion, anxiety and depression is something similar that happens to adults.

There is a special type of kindergarten, called Forest kindergarten (for our American friends, kindergarten in Europe usually means 3-5 or 3-6 yo kids). This experimental type of K is situated in the forest and kids are outside all the time, even in the rain and cold (I'm sure there are exceptions for extreme weather). They are let loose to play between the trees, and they have to pick wood for warming their tea and similar. It has been found out by studies, that these kids almost don't suffer from any allergies at all. And, what is interesting for this topic, their rate of ADHD is only a very small fraction compared to kids from "normal" K. Many cases of "cured" ADHD were reported after a child was placed in this type of K. I have this info from good sources, not any "hippie" website.
(Disclaimer: I know there is a certain small % of children who truly suffer from neurological disorder which is real and causes other problems not only with attention but also with cognitive and social skills. These should be treated by specialists)

Now, when we compare lives of adults nowadays with those in the past, how can we not suffer neurologically when our bodies and nervous system has not evolved for this? Our brain should get serotonin and vitamin D from sunshine. How much do we spend in the sun? Our body produces endorphins from physical work. Do we physically move 12 hours a day as our ancestors did? What the heck happened to our sleeping cycle, when was the last time we got up and went to sleep with the sun? I'm sure all these computers, phones and just the presence of wifi, TV and radio signals must be bad for our nervous system. I won't even start about nutrition full of toxins.
Social relationships are way different than what they used to be in the past. In some way better (political correctness etc) but in some way worse- giving birth and dying in hospitals, very weak social control in urban areas resulting in crime and loneliness, isolation in masses of people, loss of neighbour and wide family relationships.

I think that all of these affect many, many people and the result are symptoms of depression and anxiety. Our organism is not prepared for this. We evolved for totally different life than we have today!
So I believe that many cases of these disorders could be relieved by trying to get back to basics. Just like was suggested by Yana, Spirit and Bychan- exercise in nature.

There are also Highly Sensitive people who are normal and not sick, but their nervous system is more sentivive than that of others. Individuals with this type of nervous system are about 20% of many animal species, not just humans. They were important in evolution because they could sense danger and details in environment that others couldn't.
However, living with this type of brain can be very challenging. Sure, exercise and meditation helps a lot. But probably, these people will stay sensitive to stress all their lives.

Apart from this, I know from personal experience there are serious mental disorders when the person lost contact with reality, suffering not only himself, but making lives of those around them miserable, too. In this case, nature and magic are not enough and medical treatment is necessary. The same is true for cases of clinical depression that is caused by real inability of brain to produce chemicals. Such people truly suffer and it is very cruel to accuse them of weak will and laziness. And nothing makes them more miserable than reading positive affirmations. They need to be given chemical help, just like diabetics or those with thyroid problems do.
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Re: do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by CleverlyDisguised »

Speaking as someone with such a mental illness, I can say for certain that they do exist. I am Manic-Depressive BiPolar and I am not just happy or sad... in a manic state I will stay up for 5-7 days at a time with no sleep then crash for 2 days. When I am in a depressive state, anything can set me to tears and suicidal thoughts. That is not abnormal reaction to someone telling you they don't have your preferred flavour of dextrose tablets (I'm also hypoglycaemic). It is a chemical imbalance caused by hormones not being produced properly/in large enough quantities. I agree that we treat the symptoms, but if it keeps someone from trying to die over a flavour choice, is that such a bad thing?
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Re: do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

CleverlyDisguised wrote:Speaking as someone with such a mental illness, I can say for certain that they do exist. I am Manic-Depressive BiPolar and I am not just happy or sad... in a manic state I will stay up for 5-7 days at a time with no sleep then crash for 2 days. When I am in a depressive state, anything can set me to tears and suicidal thoughts. That is not abnormal reaction to someone telling you they don't have your preferred flavour of dextrose tablets (I'm also hypoglycaemic). It is a chemical imbalance caused by hormones not being produced properly/in large enough quantities. I agree that we treat the symptoms, but if it keeps someone from trying to die over a flavour choice, is that such a bad thing?
I agree with this and it is backed by science. Situational depression and chronic are not exactly the same thing. I have suffered chronic for similar reasons and it absolutely is not something that can be cured with crystals and it is caused by chemical imbalances. We treat, not cure, them with medicine, it is not a state of mind. It cannot be willed out of existence nor can making spells simply make it go away.

Other mental illnesses are similar. Such as schizophrenia, which is caused by a few different viruses. Those people cannot JUST make it go away by using magic or willing it away.

I think it's almost irresponsible to persuade people not to seek medical attention or take meds, when one is not a medical professional. I doubt the conspiracy of meds as well.
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Re: do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by RyukaAscendant »

I have suffered from depression since I was 16 and generalized anxiety disorder for almost as long. Things I have learned as I've explored treatments is that there are three main chemicals that regulate mood; serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Imbalances in these, or more specifically a deficiency, typically causes both of these problems. SSRI's only deal with serotonin, however NDRI's also exist and influence the other two. More experimentally they are finding that directing magnetic waves in pulsating frequency targeted at the hypothalamus has also created long term improvements. And finally there is a highly experimental test of LSD that is being done in the UK. They are finding at a low dose, less than 10ml, in conjunction with therapy people are having long term success rates in years rather than months. However the sample size is only about 50 individuals over 5 years. But there's some on the science side.
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Re: do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by SpiritTalker »

It seems like symptoms are managed, but not cured, reoccurring in cycles. In my own case the cycle is 7 years. Im old enough to have been through several cycles. A low or maintenance dose of antidepressant continuously is working better than on again, off again, on again. I suppose everyone's situation is individual to physical condition, biological heredity, and life experiences. Situations like alien abduction, psychic phenomenon or Fae encounters are not even believed when attempting to discuss with medicos...(imagine where that's gonna go) personal will, or sheer teeth grinding, bull headed determination to endure, plays a part as well. Spiritual resiliency and self acceptance are as good as a cure any day.
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Re: Do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by Tanya.Yer »

Human brain is the darkest and unstudied organ of the entire body. As someone above mentioned that malaria being untreatable for many years, the same thing is happening with the studies of brain. Even though present day studies don't stay at the same spot, eventually someone will find the cure for all mental illnesses. I think that we are the "lab rats" for the the future generations. I work at health care field. It is very sad and scarry to see all the aspects of every day living of the people with mental illnesses. Everything starts as a short term and progresses to the point of denial where they cannot recognize simple things. Time will show.
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Re: Do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by SnowCat »

Mental illness can manifest when something elsewhere in the body is out of balance. Depression is common in people with untreated or inadequately treated hypothyroidism. ADHD, on the other hand, is not always just excess energy. My grandson has ADHD, and has stated that he feels more in control on his meds. Those are two aspects that I have personal experience with.

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Re: Do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by Blackemoon »

Mental illness is not some curable disease like pneumonia, It is a disorder. The medications manage it the same way Insulin manages diabetes. It is caused by a genetic defect not by a bacteria or virus. This is why it is managed not cured. It is being caused by your body, not something attacking your body. There are ways to be free of it, but you can't do it by use of medicine. You need to alter your brain chemistry to successfully be rid of it. I've known some people who have done this by altering their mind and brain wiring with meditation.
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Re: Do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by Kovyx »

*sighs* i feel like i've been put on the official moron list

no people, that's not what i meant. i am very aware of what mental illness is and how it works, i've been studying psychology and neurology for quite a while.
what i'm talking about is some serious magick, with strong crystals that have metaphysical and physical healing abilites. of course it wouldn't be a one sitting or one spell deal, it could take a long time and maybe it wouldn't ever completely cure it, but i guess a better way to phrase my initial question would be... do you think crystals or some other kind of magick might have the ability to physically alter the brain, hopefully in such a way that any faults in it would eventually be negated, through persistent treatment?
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Re: Do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by Shawn Blackwolf »

Kovyx , sonics have been used to alter the consciousness , with breath techniques ,
as well , yoga , and qi gong , and certain martial arts...

Dancing , especially is an expert on that...

Call her the "mother" of the trance dance , and rave movement... ... 8&oe=utf-8

All these have been used , with herbology , tinctures , diffused oils , ( such as lavender )
to work with depression...I teach a certain set of sonics , which affect the emotional body...

And *that* is what you will be working with , in the healing...

Not light body , or astral body...

Physical body , and emotional body...

For deep info on the body , and how it stores emotional charge , and
how to release negative charge , look into Reichian Therapy...

Hope this helps !
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Re: Do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by Kovyx »

ohh, fantastic! thank you again Shawn!~
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Re: Do you think mental illness is curable?

Post by Katrinkah »

I totally think that depression can be kept at bay permanently. But that this is a state that will have to be maintained. Also, I believe that it is best to approach it from all sides. Meaning mentally, spiritualy, and physically. Like for example:

Mentally - meditation, affirmations, journaling, reading and watching positive movies and books

Spiritually - praying, ritual, stones, charms, clearing energy, insence, candles

Physically - yoga, running, healthy food, swimming, walking, socializing with positive people

For me I use affirmations, yoga, stones, and cleanse my energy everyday when I shower. I meditate very rarely but it seems to have a great effect when I do. Although yoga for me has been the most effective. Sometimes when practicing I just wanna cry, laugh, or get really angry for no reason at all. I assume I am releasing these emotions that have been trapped in my body. Maybe some are even from past lives.

Hmm, that bring something else to mind. You could even see a hypnotherapist to see if the depression is connected to a past life. If that's the case, they could help you release it.

Anyway, good luck on your journey to happiness. You dervserve it!
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