
A forum for people who follow or are interested in the spiritual path of Druidry (whether neopagan, mesopagan, or reconstructionist), the ancient Druids, and Celtic culture.

Modern Druidry is a 300 year old path that focuses on nature spirituality and inner transformation founded on personal experience rather than dogmatic belief.
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Post by RuneGeek »

...to the Druids and Druidry forum @ EUtM!

As I write this, I'm half asleep, chugging down my first cup of coffee of the morning, and about to go throw my unresponsive carcass into the shower... so I don't have time right now for a more thorough introductory post. :shock: I'll get something out soon, though... in the meantime, I didn't want the forum to have to sit there all lonely and empty! :D
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Post by HonorRose »

Druids and Druidry? Never heard of it. Interested to find out..

Post by Saulamaye »

Yes...yes, ummm.. Good Morning. I, too, am just waking up and pouring the morning brew down my throat.

RuneGeek and I are following a Druid path. He knows how to put into words what we are all about here, so I'll leave that up to him.

But I did want to say Hello :D and welcome one and all. Whether you walk the path of the Druid, you are thinking about walking that path, or you are just plain ol curious about Druids.... We are glad you stopped by.

It's a very nature based path, we celebrate the sabbats, we have ritual in circle and we call ourselves "Groves" as oppose to "Covens".

Again, RuneGeek is better at summing things up and putting them into words for all to understand... so I'll leave that to him.
But I will check in to the site off and on today and see what is going on... I'll answer any questions that I can... I have two "Druid Handbooks" right here beside me, Plus one on the Solitary Druid, so don't hesitate to take a look, ask questions.... and we'll see where it might lead us!

Peaceful Blessings... :)
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Post by Release.the.bats »

I've always been fairly curious about the Druid path.
I'll be sure to keep reading when you guys get everything settled.
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Post by AP670 »

By oak ash and thorn I swear myself to nature, to up hold her laws, all that they stand for.

And f*ck yeah. How long you been lobbying this?

I have a lot of links to offer this forum section.


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Post by AP670 »

Druids were the Celtic "priest" class. Not to be taken to literally but Druids were like Celtic shamans. I believe the Welsh and Germanic tribes as well as others had them too.
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Post by RuneGeek »

At some point I'd like to have a FAQ as a sticky, but for now, just a brief introduction...

The Ancient Druids

The ancient Druids were the priests of the Celtic people. "Celtic" is a modern term used to describe any of the European peoples who spoke, or speak, a Celtic language. The historical Celts were a diverse group of tribal societies in Iron Age Europe. By the later Iron Age, the Celts had expanded over a wide range of lands: as far west as Ireland and the Iberian Peninsula, as far east as Galatia (central Anatolia), and as far north as Scotland.

Whatever the religion of the ancient Celts was called, we know that the Druids were its priests. They had formal training - for twenty years! - in order to earn the title, and their roles extended far beyond that of what we'd currently consider a "priest". They were judges, advisors, astrologers, diviners, poets, and musicians... and that's not a complete list.

Druidry was outlawed by the Romans after they invaded the British Isles. The druids who weren't killed off probably went underground, passing their teachings along to their children. Those teachings may well have been the Celtic contribution to what we later came to know as "witchcraft" in England.

Modern Druids

A little more than 300 years ago, in England, people saw the "writing on the wall" with regard to the industrial revolution; people living in cities, away from nature, and focused on materialistic pursuits. They knew that many - even then - had become disillusioned with the Christian church, so they decided to create a spiritual path to answer the needs of the time. Drawing upon the ancient Druids for inspiration, they started a movement that exists to this day.

Modern Druidry is an Earth-based path that observes the same eight holidays as Wiccans - although usually under different names. In fact, it was Ross Nichols (a modern Druid) and his friend Gerald Gardner (also a Druid... betcha didn't know that!) who originally instituted the eight holidays as a neopagan practice prior to Gardner's formation of Wicca. Although there is no set magical path associated with modern Druidry, many modern Druids practice magic in the form(s) of their choosing.

That's the very, very short version. :)

Post by Saulamaye »

Mick .... ya know, Dude, I like you.

You are so full of ..... enthusiasm, knowledge and off the wall comments! Heck yea!

Yeah, I've been peeking in the Grove for a little while now, RuneGeek has been there a while. I initiated him into the AODA (Ancient Oder of Druids in America) in January. It was the most beautiful initiation ... it was so, well... Nature.
I grew up in the woods, raised by a dog! No kidding.. it's a long story, but seriously I grew up in the woods and my first ever coven was called the Woods Coven.. so I have a blood tie to nature.

I'm looking forward to checking out those links, and of course, seeing your comments, and soaking in your knowledge in regards to this beautiful path.

RuneGeek and I had a long conversation yesterday in regards to the Druids, their path and the spirituality that is so core for us ....

Looking forward to hearing from everyone!! Please ... jump in with questions, thoughts and let's began this journey within the grove!! :D :D
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Post by NightRose »

New section, new section! *little happy dance*

Well, I know very little about Druidry, so I will be following this section in my thirst for as much knowledge as I can possibly accumulate. (I'm insatiably curious...like a cat. :D )
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Post by RuneGeek »

Well that's perfect... we love cats. :D

Post by Saulamaye »

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Post by NightRose »

Don't encourage me too much, or you'll have to put up with full kitten mode. I very well may be part cat. I'm insatiably curious, easily amused (especially by shiny or dangly things), extremely playful, and avoid any sort of work when at all possible. I also enjoy being petted (having my hair played with). Erik, my fiance, has given up on trying to break me of it, and has instead settled for calling me "kitten" lol. It works out. :)

(I'm totally disappointed, we have a dog smiley smiley11_dog but no cat smiley??? This must be remedied.)
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Post by AP670 »

As soon as my schedual gets back to normal I'll start tryen to pimp out the section with posts.

Runegeek. If you have anything you want me to cover or what ever, just let me know what you want me to do to help out.
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Post by AP670 »

Saulamaye wrote:Mick .... ya know, Dude, I like you.

You are so full of ..... enthusiasm, knowledge and off the wall comments! Heck yea!

:D :D
Awe thank you. I look fwd to what we can do with this section.

A read a historic novel called, "Druid" I would recomend it.
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Post by AP670 »

So how many members are on this path? have studied this path?
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