Coming out of the broom closet

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Coming out of the broom closet

Post by raynelae »

Hello my fellow Wiccan friends :)
Lately i've felt like I need to come out of the broom closet and be open about my religion and spirituality.
However, I live in a highly Christian town and everyone I know are Christians.
So can anyone please give me some advice?
Thank you :)
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Re: Coming out of the broom closet

Post by AutumnMaidens »

First of all, ask yourself why it is important for you to come out of the broomcloset. Why is it important for you that others understand what you worship, and what do you hope to achieve.

Comming out can be hard, especially when you live in a religious community. Many will probably not understand. I say probably because every situation is different and my experiences are not yours.
I would suggest preparing by trying to imagine the kinds of questions you might be asked and practicing your replies for them. If they ask you why you believe, what you believe, how you believe, the bible, the origin story, ethics. Be prepared for all sorts of questions and be sure to have responses for all of them. Don't get caught of guard.

My advice to you,

Brightest blessings.
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Re: Coming out of the broom closet

Post by raynelae »

Thank you Autumn :)
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Re: Coming out of the broom closet

Post by Truthseeker »

For me coming out of the broom closet was very hard. I too live in a very christian oriented region. Heck- I was even a minister's wife for 29 years!!! I only realized in the past 2 years though that I actually AM a witch and was born one. But I felt like I NEEDED to tell my mate and that I just couldn't keep something so important to me from him. After all this is who and what I am. It is not just something I 'dabble' in or am 'interested' in but it defines ME. But I had all the fears of how am I going to be accepted? Choose very carefully who you tell what. Feel people out and try to get a read on what their reaction might be. Everyone does not NEED to know, only the ones you are comfortable with knowing, if that is how it needs to be. We may not live in the days when we were burned at the stake anymore but people can make you feel as if you're going to be and can make you regret telling them. Just be wise who you tell. If you gain acceptance from those who matter the most to you then you can decide to be open to everyone about it or be satisfied with that. Just having your nearest and dearest in your camp makes the world of difference.
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