UFO Base?

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UFO Base?

Post by Firebird »

Or more like unidentified sunken object.
When I went camping this week I was looking at the google map to see if I could locate the best campsite. There in the waters maybe a couple few miles off shore is a structure too symmetrical to be a natural formation especially considering the surrounding terrain. Now I've seen this thing before but spaced it out or something. This time I gave it a closer look and am convinced there is either an alien base or an underwater city in the ocean just off Point Mugu. The stories put this thing off Point Dume but it is really closer to Pt. Mugu, AND there is a Naval Air Station at Pt. Mugu, so if it were a secret Navy test base it would be in the right spot. It's estimated to be 2000 feet deep which wouldn't be reachable by SCUBA.
I want to know why someone hasn't gone and sent a camera down there. I wonder if it is in restricted waters but do not know of such an area there. Lots of boats going in and out of Oxnard, which is just adjacent.
The range of mountains from this point to Los Angeles has a history with aliens so if they are landing in the water here it may account for the volume of sightings.
Geologists say it's a plateau but it has even markings all the way around it indicating anchors or some kind of structural support. Natual features are not that symmetrical.
Heres the map aprox
https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.00 ... a=!3m1!1e3
And a story from the local news people
https://abc7.com/entertainment/alien-ba ... u-/127834/

So what do you all think?
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Re: UFO Base?

Post by L.J.Hex »

Sounds very interesting, I will surely look into this when I have the time. Its been a while since I was in the UFO "scene" in any kind of way and this stuff is always interesting.
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Re: UFO Base?

Post by Firebird »

With the map link make sure you zoom out a bit, it's not visible that close up.
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Re: UFO Base?

Post by L.J.Hex »

I'l have a look at it. :)
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Re: UFO Base?

Post by L.J.Hex »

WOW! That thing sure looks very artificial, I think too much of a coincidence knowing a bit about the area... I think there's something there.
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Re: UFO Base?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I've seen pics of Pt Mugu with speculation on megalithic-era stone structures in the Americas & debating if they were man-made or ET-made. I'd bet the Navy knows all about it & discourages public photography. I wonder where our own supposed secret space force operates from?
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Re: UFO Base?

Post by Firebird »

It looks a little blured out, bet that is intentional. I noticed after 911 alot of reservoirs and other locations suddenly became fuzzy or outright blackened.
Megalithic structure? Hummm, perhaps that would be very interesting if so, but Im more inclined to think it is an experimental underwater city. Or something you could fly a plane in and out of that somehow turned subterranean like, but again the depth would be too much on a human body unless in some kind of pressure regulated equipment. Seems if things were flying in and out of the water someone would have seen that by now.
I wonder if Shekinah has any knowledge on this, you out there sir?
Black ops?
Bb, FF
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UFO Base?

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Very interesting! Love anything that is questionably alien or ancient (or both!!). Looking at the pics at first I wasn’t sure what I was seeing. The news video shows some really good shots of the pillars keeping that flat roof up. That was particularly interesting to me. It definitely resembles a large single entrance with several pillars breaking it up. I’m no expert but those don’t look natural (in water). If it has been above sea level then I would remind me of natural forming rock formations one would see in a cave that reach from roof to floor.

IF it was originally NOT covered with water I wonder if it could be one of the caves that are mentioned in Hopi Indian history? Some story about how the world was becoming inhospitable to the Hopi and some creatures that lived in caves invited the Hopi into the caves to spare their lives. When the trouble was over, the Hopi emerged alive and well and spread their story of creation which is basically crawling out of the caves and starting over. I am paraphrasing and scraping this info out of the back of my mind so please, anyone, correct me where it’s needed.

I know there are people who theorize the cave people who saved the Hopi were in fact extraterrestrials of some kind. And, if this one wasn’t covered in water originally, it could have been covered after the melt of the last ice age. We often discover area of coasts that have man made construction or artifacts that use to be “on land” and are now under sea level.

Edited: to remove my somewhat incorrect theory about ancient cities that line up with pyramids in Giza. You can draw a line from anywhere on the map to another point and make it straight, duh.

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Re: UFO Base?

Post by SnowCat »

I have encountered the idea of a USO base near Catalina Island, on other forums. The lost land of Lemuria is also supposed to have been somewhere around there if memory serves me correctly.
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Re: UFO Base?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I've heard of the Catalina USO too, Snow, on YouTube.
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Re: UFO Base?

Post by Shekinah »

The U.S. Navy operates out of a deep water secretive facility off the coast of Andros in the Bahamas called Autek. I have flown individuals there but was not allowed to wander around much. Rumors of dolphin research, genetic engineering and Chimera experimentation. If that be so it is dastardly spooky goings on.
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Re: UFO Base?

Post by SnowCat »

Chimeras exist already, although I don't believe they're common. Manipulating that genetic condition could probably lead to some disturbing outcomes.
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