Higher Self

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Higher Self

Post by Veronica_Rose »

I felt like this topic would probably go here.

So, from what I've read, your higher self is yourself but in spirit form in the ether. He/she guides you with their wisdom, but usually in the background conscience. I'm getting this from this first article I read about your higher self here, along with a couple other articles I read and a few YouTube videos. I think that source I read sounded reputable...

Anyway, I kind of understand the concept of a higher self, but also had some questions rise, so I wanted to hear if you all had opinions on the topic you could share. If your higher self, and the God and Goddess are all in the ether, does that mean your higher self is at the same status/level as Deity? And, do you think the God/Goddess create your higher self? Or no?... Have any of you communicated with your higher selves? I kind of just wanted to know what all of you think of your higher selves, or if you don't believe in that sort of thing at all.

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Re: Higher Self

Post by random417 »

Hmm... The Higher Self is a concept that was adapted from the Holy Guardian Angel of Ceremonial practices, at least that's the way it seems to me. I'm at work and kind running out of time, but I'll put some stuff on the HGA up later
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Re: Higher Self

Post by Seraphin »

Hiya Veronica!

Me and ness actually had a small discussion about it: http://everythingunderthemoon.net/forum ... lit=higher self#p195719

In my understanding the Soul contains both the seed for the present day personality (the self in this life), and the progressive self (which contains all the lives you have lived previously).

The Higher Self is your self, outside of "Time and Space" (hee... you heard it again!) so represents both the true self and yourself in and after all lifetimes past, present, or future. It's generally this self that chooses the experiences, needed in the next lifetime.

This lower "self" we parade with through life is nothing more than an adaptation to our environment and upbringing. We tend to think "that's me". But the truth is, it's not. When we look beyond that lower or outer self, we find a divine spark.
If your higher self, and the God and Goddess are all in the ether, does that mean your higher self is at the same status/level as Deity?
I can't say if we are equally godly as the Deities but I believe this Higher Self is formed as a reflection of Divine Source. In that thread I linked above, I mentioned there the Yoruba metaphysical concept, "Ori".

Ori, literally means 'head', and it refers to the Divine Self. This can't be taken to mean that our Higher Self literally look, feel or think like the Divine Spirits do, although some Yoruba people often personified it as an Orisha in its own right. Rather, they're like a one-dimensional reflection of an ethereal object. From the reflection we can have an inkling of the Source or what the Yoruba tradition called "Olodumare", but the reflection is literally nothing in comparison to the divine source. When we utilize something to serve the Higher Worlds, we penetrate our shell of mundanity, revealing and realizing our divine reflection.
And, do you think the God/Goddess create your higher self? Or no?...
The Higher Self I believe is endowed by the Divine Source (not the Deities or Orishas). The difference between the Divine Source and the Deities (Divine Spirits) is that the latter are individual, sentient Beings who were charged to watch, guide and rule over nations. They were territorial otherwordly kings, princes and judges who sought the worship of men while the former is a non-sentient force but manifests itself in the universe and it's providence extends over all, in panentheistic thought, it means that the Divine is literally in all things. As a Kabbalist and a person working within the walls of Yoruba tradition if you will, I believe every divine creation has a spark of sacredness within it -- which is the Inner or Higher Self or the Ori that constitutes our soul, our spiritual essence and design.
Have any of you communicated with your higher selves?
Well I don't know for others but I believe that the reason we've been all greatly dispersed across the face of earth is to make come in contact with the sparks of Divine, the Higher Self or the Ori. I also believe that our Ori's have parts scattered about in the world, which actually form an integral part of itself: no "Self" is complete until it has met those "selfs" related to its being. Thus, a person moves through life, urged from place to place and from occupation to occupation or from path to another path by seemingly random forces; but everything is I believe in natural order, which guides everyone of us to those possessions and opportunities whose our Self is intimately connected with the Divine and Higher realms.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Higher Self

Post by Veronica_Rose »

Hi Seraphin :)

Thanks so much for that link to the conversation between you and ness. You and ness had a very interesting conversation, with many point that I liked, and I read though the whole thread.

Also, thank you for posting your thoughts. I love hearing from you! You say things in a way I understand, but also make me think, and that's wonderful. I value your opinions highly.

Something I wanted to ask about was this:
Seraphin wrote: ...This can't be taken to mean that our Higher Self literally look, feel or think like the Divine Spirits do, although some Yoruba people often personified it as an Orisha in its own right. Rather, they're like a one-dimensional reflection of an ethereal object. From the reflection we can have an inkling of the SOURCE or what the Yoruba tradition called "Olodumare", but the reflection is literally nothing in comparison to the divine source...
I'm kind of grasping this... Okay, so perhaps higher selves not at the same level as God/Goddess... But, you're saying they're similar to them. Although your higher self is similar, the God and Goddess (Or any other Deities) are much much more than the higher self...? I've heard the word "source" or "divine source " used before in reading. Does that mean, like God/dess? Are they the source, or is the whole ether/spirit realm the source is referring to?

Sometimes I tend think too literally, but I'm trying to wrap my mind around things in a way I'll try understand. I've been asking big questions lately, and I know most of these topics are more open ended to opinion, and require more thought from my part to develop my own theories about the world. I highly appreciate everyone who's been replying to my topics lately; especially you, Seraphin, because you've replied a few times to my topics, and like I said, I like they way you explain things, and the stories and advice you've given. All the responses I read really help get my gears moving!

I wanted to say I really like what you said here, Seraphin:
Seraphin wrote: I believe searching for our "Ori" or Higher Self is our main goal in living. For me, the aim of my magick and spiritual work (which in Yoruba tradition characterized as "ase") is to facilitate or hasten the process so I may reach the goal faster...
I think that sounds like a logical goal. I also like what you said in the thread with ness about finding who you really are. That's a tough question! I don't think most people realize that, but it is, and finding yourself just sounds like it makes sense to do. If not in this life time, eventually. Isn't it in Hinduism that the goal is to break your cycle of rebirth? If you find out who you really are, does that mean you've done that? Like, I think I've heard the term Enlightenment. Is finding yourself Enlightenment?... I had a random *thought about Hinduism today during school, and looked it up. (*It wasn't really even like a thought per se... It just came up. I wasn't doing anything in class, so just I Googled Hinduism.) I've read a little bit about it, and I still am.

I ask a lot of questions... haha
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Re: Higher Self

Post by Veronica_Rose »

random417 wrote:Hmm... The Higher Self is a concept that was adapted from the Holy Guardian Angel of Ceremonial practices, at least that's the way it seems to me. I'm at work and kind running out of time, but I'll put some stuff on the HGA up later
Hi to you too, random :)

I'd so much love and appreciate to hear what you have to say as well. Holy Guardian Angel of Ceremonial Practices.... That sounds very interesting! I know of the concept of a guardian angel, although when I was younger I've never believed that I had one. My (Catholic) religion teacher says he knows he has a guardian angel, and that he's talked to him before and all. Now that I think of it, that does kind of sounds like the idea of a Higher Self in a way... They do sound similar in their "job."
"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns,
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Re: Higher Self

Post by Seraphin »

Veronica_Rose wrote:Hi Seraphin :)

Thanks so much for that link to the conversation between you and ness. You and ness had a very interesting conversation, with many point that I liked, and I read though the whole thread.
Also, thank you for posting your thoughts. I love hearing from you! You say things in a way I understand, but also make me think, and that's wonderful. I value your opinions highly.
Thank you, that's very nice of you to say.
Veronica_Rose wrote:I'm kind of grasping this... Okay, so perhaps higher selves not at the same level as God/Goddess... But, you're saying they're similar to them. Although your higher self is similar, the God and Goddess (Or any other Deities) are much much more than the higher self...? I've heard the word "source" or "divine source " used before in reading. Does that mean, like God/dess? Are they the source, or is the whole ether/spirit realm the source is referring to?

Sometimes I tend think too literally, but I'm trying to wrap my mind around things in a way I'll try understand. I've been asking big questions lately, and I know most of these topics are more open ended to opinion, and require more thought from my part to develop my own theories about the world. I highly appreciate everyone who's been replying to my topics lately; especially you, Seraphin, because you've replied a few times to my topics, and like I said, I like they way you explain things, and the stories and advice you've given. All the responses I read really help get my gears moving!
You're asking a very deep question Veronica but I love it.

I believe that our Ori is divine in nature, I actually I believe it's an Orisha in its own right. Yes, I believe Ori is kinda similar to Them but the Divine Spirits are very different and much Higher though I believe we could achieve that state if we begin to live a sacred life (just like Gautama Buddha, Virgin Mary and some other enlightened/ascended human beings who now treated as Deities from many religions).

The Divinity within us expressed in many ways:

The physical body of man, is a reflection of the Divine attributes which prevail openly in the spiritual worlds, and in a concealed manner in our world. In Kabbalah, the shape of our body is similar to the placement of the divine sefirot (attributes). We have a right side and a left side because the Divinities can express Themselves in two ways, right (kindness) and left (severity).

Our free-will is also a sign of divinity. All other creations (animals, plants and even stones) are doing exactly what they are programmed to do, and they can't change their natures. Only us who has an Ori has the ability to grow, mature and change, because we're a reflection of the Divine, who's unlimited.

Because of our Ori, we have the ability to forge a relationship with the Spirit and Divine Realm, transcendent dimension of existence.

As for source, when I say it, I'm referring to the Divine Source; the Force connects everything together and holds the Cosmic Order.
Veronica_Rose wrote:
I think that sounds like a logical goal. I also like what you said in the thread with ness about finding who you really are. That's a tough question! I don't think most people realize that, but it is, and finding yourself just sounds like it makes sense to do. If not in this life time, eventually. Isn't it in Hinduism that the goal is to break your cycle of rebirth? If you find out who you really are, does that mean you've done that? Like, I think I've heard the term Enlightenment. Is finding yourself Enlightenment?... I had a random *thought about Hinduism today during school, and looked it up. (*It wasn't really even like a thought per se... It just came up. I wasn't doing anything in class, so just I Googled Hinduism.) I've read a little bit about it, and I still am.

I ask a lot of questions... haha
A number of faiths and disciplines teach that principle actually including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Kabbalah.

I believe there are three ways of life on the ladder of enlightenment or ascension (as I learned many folks believe in or prefer the term ascension than enlightenment):

First is when we're awoken and can see the realities of life. Our sight is joined by a great light from the Deities and/or Orishas, so that eyes stay on our path and journey, with mind, words and our body working together to reach our destination. There are many levels to this step, but all are within the reach of everyone. This is where I believe I'm at and perhaps some other folks here.

Then second is when we finally have the desire for the Unity of the Infinite Light; the "Oludumare". With this inner/higher desire, we overwhelm the egoistic/selfish desires, until they're diminished. This again knows many levels, but all within the realm of our Ori -- something not every person can reach in a single lifetime.

Third is the ultimate point: Where our inner/higher desires of our Ori become itself a Divine force -- an Orisha. Then there will not be any more darkness, for we will have revealed how all darkness glows. This is the stage of a time to come, but it will sprout from the seeds of our sufferings, struggles and difficulties in darkness or what the Yoruba tradition call "Ese".

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Higher Self

Post by Sylar_pf »

Hey! I'm kinda new to this forum and this subject also. Where did you get all that information?
Do you have a link or something? I'm very interested in this subject and would also like to know more about ascension.
Sorry if I'm bothering :/
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Re: Higher Self

Post by Sylar_pf »

Veronica_Rose wrote:I felt like this topic would probably go here.

So, from what I've read, your higher self is yourself but in spirit form in the ether. He/she guides you with their wisdom, but usually in the background conscience. I'm getting this from this first article I read about your higher self here, along with a couple other articles I read and a few YouTube videos. I think that source I read sounded reputable...

Anyway, I kind of understand the concept of a higher self, but also had some questions rise, so I wanted to hear if you all had opinions on the topic you could share. If your higher self, and the God and Goddess are all in the ether, does that mean your higher self is at the same status/level as Deity? And, do you think the God/Goddess create your higher self? Or no?... Have any of you communicated with your higher selves? I kind of just wanted to know what all of you think of your higher selves, or if you don't believe in that sort of thing at all.

Blessed Be xx
There is a book called The ancient secret: The flower of life.
I think you could connect that with the Higher self subject.
In the book the author explains he got "in touch" with a higher entity, called Thot who told him the actual history of the world. About Atlantis.
The book also explains the Higher self as-you but in higher dimension. We are (what is told) in a transition state to become beings of the fourth dimension. Currently we are in the third. It i said that 2012. wasn't supposed to be the armaggedon as mosg of people thought but the start of the transition process.
Have you heard about that?
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Re: Higher Self

Post by Seraphin »

Sylar_pf wrote:Hey! I'm kinda new to this forum and this subject also. Where did you get all that information?
Do you have a link or something? I'm very interested in this subject and would also like to know more about ascension.
Sorry if I'm bothering :/
Not bothering at all Sylar. There are my personal beliefs actually; a combination of Kabbalistic, Yoruba and Esoteric Eastern teachings.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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