I rarely remember my dreams but here's the last two that I remember having.
Sometime last weeks: While I don't remember most of this dream there was one part that was distinctive to me. I was in my room, on my bed with my laptop when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I look over and it's a young woman, probably about in her thirties. She is mixed racial so her skin is like a creamy mocha. Her hair is a darker brown and it is pulled back in a tight bun. But I could tell that if it was loose she would have some of those tight, really small corkscrew curls that some African American women have. Her eyes were dark and deep. She's holding out a cup of coffee for me, with both of her hands. I hesitate because I have an awful, awful feeling about her. She is smiling at me. But it is a closed lip smile that screams of wickedness and is very mysterious that also seems to say, "I know something you don't know."
However, despite the fact that she gives me a horrible feeling, I take the coffee anyways. Then I take a single sip and put it on my bedside table and turn back to my laptop. Even though she is still there. Then I see her eyes flash red from my peripheral vision and then she attacks me. That is all I remember from this dream.
Last night: I only remember a portion of my dream. I remember most of it was positive but unfortunately I only remember a bad part. :/ So I was driving along town and suddenly this guy gets in the car with me. He's in his forties and he's a heftier guy with thick lensed glasses. And he mentions something about treating me real well and touches my thigh. I can tell he's going to get pushy about this and isn't just going to let me walk away, so I pretend to go along with it. I turn around and as soon as I get the opportunity, I leap from the car (and it rolls off because it was still running). This stranger follows me and I run to a local college (which does not belong there in my town xD) and I run into these guys who play on the college basketball team. I beg them to hide me and help me get away because the man following me was going to rape me. And they just laughed and joked about it. I remember how alone I felt, how scared and how angry I was that they weren't taking this seriously. There was more that followed it but I don't remember anymore.
Scarce Dreams
You may keep your dream journal here and discuss your dreams with others.
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