I've been thinking about what to do for the past week I need some input.
I will try to keep it really simple. Right above us lives a person filled with a lot of negativity. I could do without contact but actually I wish I didn't have these thoughts! And that we didn't have this problem!
I tried talk, reintroduced crystal water (rosequartz) and try to stay neutral or positive but feel how it drains me.
My energy stays with me now - I am pretty good at this thanks to all your advice in the past
It feels like jeaulousy, hate, lack of trust... so loaded with negativity! I cant dare cross her path...
Banishing doesn't feel right. I can't banish this person from my life anyways. So maybe if I try to heal this grudge and negative mindset, maybe that would help.
May I do this without permission? And do you have any ideas on the how to?
I was thinking flourite, sage, water and salt. A mirror and black maybe?
I would say that this would be difficult to achieve, this would require a lot of power and strength to accomplish and unless you could get them to work with you , you would have to do without permission making it even harder to work. In my opinion your best bet would be to out time and effort into erecting a shield around yourself and home to repel that negativity and let positive energy flow through with either spells, cleansing or guards by the entry points to your home like windows and doors.
Yuck. My sympathies. The person has chosen to maintain their response to what life threw at them. Vigilant warding as Ashrend suggests. Soothing music hath charms...etc. Tiny mirrors in the windows to deflect incoming junk energies. I pray for my neighbors and never asked permission. Don't pray for some specific change but for the best Good-in-their-lives that they can handle, and that way the Universe & their soul has to sort it out. You just give it a nudge.
Yes you are right..
It costs my energy to deal with it - i choose to stay away and only expose myself and family at a minimum.
Healing, you are so right, would cost even more.
We use the same stairs, my kids have been cleaning them like crazy this weekend i think they swept them down 3 times this weekend.
I will extra shield, add reflectors and add positive prayer.
People with "Negative" outlooks, aspects and inclinations(not .... not ... that new age abomination concept of "negative energy" which is the most confused twaddle; there is energy, its ebb and its flow - movement - it's "character" or "flavour" is a characteristic of emotional content - negativity is not negative energy).
Anger (for example) is an emotion. Hate however is thought+emotion. Hate has baggage. "Negativity" stems from baggage.
These people create a catch 22 situation for responsible craftworkers in that -
A) If they don't want the change, are unable to accept the help. Then you are overriding their will and fighting their will. This is what many would refer to as "black magic" - you attack their individual sovereignty.
B) They want the change but lack the will. They actually have the will but it exists as a counterpoint, probably as a shadow function in the unconscious. So you are overriding their will and fighting their will (at some level) ... You still attack their individual sovereignty, for the shadow is simply another unconscious part of them. Every part of us is will. This is why sea-change is so tough and must be self initiated (others can encourage, discourage, inspire and nudge us but we must will it).
Which leaves the craftworker with a few options.
0) - something you should always do - deeply assess and consider all aspects of the situation including your own reactions and judgements. Honesty is an Aegis and any magic should have a foundation of honesty.
1) Do nothing "magical" (keep activity off the initiative spiritual plane) but continue using mundane systems to try to encourage better results
2) Do it anyway. Accept responsibility for the consequences and deeply invest your own energy. Will vs Will. Fact is you probably deny someones will everyday in mundane terms, is that black magic (?) - you still must bear responsibility for the consequences. Binding / cursing (call it what it is) actually binds your energies to theirs. There are ways, yet I won't discuss them here.
2) Form aid via a petition or prayer - let a universal agent act as an intermediary and choose whether or not interceed (framed that "should it not override their karmic / fates path").
3) Without intimation, manipulation or coaching wait until they ask for help. This permission is a cosmic crowbar and can "trick" the unconscious will into being less of a formidable obstacle (provided you remember its key - it wants both recognition and understanding without judgement, if invited be a good guest and it will be a good host). This is why hypnosis works so well on compliant subjects.
4) Minimise the fallout. Shield yourself / you environment heavily with "nice" matrix's of energy (ones that dissipate or ground, not rebound or counter attack). Regardless of the other options you should do this as par for the course.
I know this person doesn't want to be seen as mean or negative but will fall back into a spiral that sounds and feels like hate, full of grudge, blame.
I'd rather neutralise these feelings and sounds then sending them back.
Took my oldest and youngest out for some grounding into the woods and got some fresh spring water.
I try not to be resentful but since i am staying away it might look or feel like fear or probably even grudge. I don't feed these feelings intentionally but it's hard to keep my mind off this all day since it's really in the house.
What an unfortunate situation, for you and your children as well as the person upstairs.
I find that in dealing with negative individuals, the solution has been to be as "translucent" and "transparent" as possible. Meaning, their hate/anger/emotions/actions move through you as if you are made from gossamer. It enters you, you feel and acknowledge it, but then it phases out of your body and mind and you let it go. You will need to steel yourself psionically, with a clairified Intention and lots of gentle deep breathing.
My own visualisation for times like this is a special feather suspended in air. It is light but stationary, it will move only when you want it to move, otherwise it is Stillness personified, its fibres waft in rhythm with your breathing. Practice this a few times on your own, some items that you find both powerful and grounding might help in the initial phases of getting to recognise this transparency and stillness.
The first inner shift you might experience is acceptance of their current state, why they are the way they are. And second shift, over time, you will notice there will be a lighter and less stress-filled connection you will have with her - be it meeting in person, or by having to think about her. it is almost like you have been freed from their reign of negativity - it is there, but yet it does not affect you anymore.
Lastly, there will be a shift in your view of her. You will be able to see through and beyond her anger and aggression, and instead of reacting out of fear or disdain, you will feel her underlying sorrow and pain, and maybe even spot some tell-tale signs that point towards her pain. These will help you to feel love and sympathy for her.
Eventually, even she will be able to sense a difference in YOUR energy. You will be calmer, open, less affected and completely translucent. In my own experience, suddenly the person himself will lose his aggression, (as there is nothing for it to fight or control), and become confused for a while, before settling into a gentler state of mind.
This might be something she can only experience with you. The reality is that her aggression has only reaped more aggression from other people so sadly, it has likely become a vicious cycle. Let her see and learn that with you, she does not have to be like that. Slowly and maybe for the first time in a very long time!, it will remind her of her own peaceful gentle state, and acknowledge that as being separate from her aggressive/negative side. Hopefully, that can help to bridge her conscious self and her shadow aspect, and shed light into her own behaviour/emotions.
I believe, this will help to neutralise your life, shared spaces and interactions with her. And the added benefit is that, you might be helping this individual too, long after many others have given up on her. To live with pain is in its own way, a kind of torture in itself. If you can help free her, imagine how much Light it will bring into your shared spaces.
And if you are successful at this, it will be a beautiful gift for your children as well, as it will teach them that those who are in pain are not dangerous, and that Love is the best magick of them all.
I pray for nothing but the best for you, your children and that person upstairs. May all the hurt be turned into healing. You can do it - From one soul to another, I believe in you.
I can imagine a Hoodoo reversal-skull candle spell in general for influencing someone's headspace. The goal would be reversing the target's knee jerk response to whatever it is that sets her off. And of course you don't really need a skull candle to work with & can substitute a black candle to remove conflict followed by a white candle to in-fill positive behavior. The skull is just to aid visualization.
Negative people need (and accept) compassion. Positive others would prefer you keep it all "happy." Compassion for their pain I have found is the most effective - as long as you have some idea what is going on it's guaranteed to do something good.
I would: sit in a comfortable chair and just feel the deeper sensibilities of trust and contentment or whatever that know better than these lost feelings of them. Also, pain has a lesson...
barker wrote: ↑Sun Sep 23, 2018 6:30 am
Negative people need (and accept) compassion.
I would: sit in a comfortable chair and just feel the deeper sensibilities of trust and contentment or whatever that know better than these lost feelings of them. Also, pain has a lesson...
They aren't getting positivity and compassion feels like positivity.
...like a drug you want more so one continues to act negatively, waiting for that rush of compassion.
Working on finding the balance can be the life path. A portal to the lesson.
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison “All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson
Be positive towards them. Greet them cheerfully, smile, offer help if they seem to need it carrying stuff upstairs etc.
You don't know them and they do not know you. In their past may be a lot of bad things they can't deal with.Something not allowing them to make anymore contact.
There are also people like myself who have such a low muscle tone they will appear to be constantly grumpy and uninterested if they don't make an effort. So ignore how they appear outwardly.
There is a saying here- how you shout into the forest, it is how it shouts back. Most people will get better if there is normal, unforced positivity around them. The artificially cheerful version is usually rather damaging to someone with trauma.