In early Oct I was randomly watching YouTube vids & came across a program of Linda Molten Howe's Earth Files, with a special four part Antarctic Whistleblower series about an underground complex discovered in Antarctica. Inside were many hieroglyphs & on the swivel door was a star map & the same 12-ray circle with 2 right angles at the ends

Linda Molten-Howe researched the right-angled symbols on the door. The 12-rayed circle with 2-right angles at each end has an ancient history as a sun symbol (called black sun) and is a modern diagram of an electron accelerated to the speed of light & forming a sphere.

What the heck is this black sun symbol doing in my right eye? And something I noticed that Linda didn't mention - In comparing the symbol on the door & the electron diagram, the right angle on the rays on the door go deosil & in the electron diagram the right angles go widdershins. The one I'd drawn in my journal in August has widdershin angles, for whatever that's worth, but reminds me of casting circles widdershins to banish or deosil to manifest. Shrug.
This site is supposedly what the then Sec of State Carey & Appllo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin had been visiting on Nov 5, 2016. You might remember Buzz Aldrin was medevaced to New Zealand for a possible heart problem, uh-huh.

Howe said the hieroglyphs in the Sidonia plane of Mars & those on the back side of the Moon match the ones in Antartica.