Christian witches???

Discussion for and about Christian witches and pagans. How do you merge your two belief systems? Please be kind to Christian witches. I have come to believe that it is a very valid belief system.
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Christian witches???

Post by Truthseeker »

Can anyone hook me up with some other "christian" witchcraft sites/ forums. I'm still exploring and while I know what I FEEL is truth regarding the whole christian witch controversy I would really like to study it in depth and discuss it without having to wade through the opposition sometimes. I don't mean that to sound ugly, it's just that as a person who spent 30 years in christian ministry and came out even more confused at the end than at the beginning,I'd like to talk with others who consider themselves "Beleivers" , if you will and also that being a witch is more a blessing and a gift to be used than a curse. (I hope that makes sense to SOMEBODY) And beleive me- I am a true contradiction in my own self- I am a "Beleiver" but I am as turned off to 'christianity' and what is represents nowadays as one can get. But in my soul I cannot accept or beleive that a God who professes to love mankind as much as Jesus said can possibly approve of what is being touted as "His" religion. Thanks for any feedback you can give. I guess I am weird.
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Re: Christian witches???

Post by black dove »

Before reading, please forgive me for the over use of parenthesis... Since you seem to be new to all this, I'm trying to give your thorough information. Also, what you are about to read is NOT blasphemy... simply analogies.

I can't give you any sites, and I honestly know jack squat on the topic of merging Christianity and WICCA. I can tell you this though, my mother (raised Catholic, "Wiccan" around age 15-19, and Christian again) showed me a fantastic analogy that you may want to hear. Where is a witch's list of RITUALS, spells, INVOCATIONS, PRAYERS, and the sort held? A book (typically leather), known as a Book of Shadows. Now, what does the Christian Holy Bible ("The Book of Wholeness" if you trace it back to the source of the words.) consist of? Lets take a gander: Invocations, Prayers, Rituals (old testament mostly), and much much more. These similarities between the two are somewhat uncanny if you ask me. I mean really! As someone as experienced in the church as yourself, you must have seen a someone truly pray.. like the type of prayer that is used with all their soul... Much like a spell. Or how about the Catholics (especially the "Higher ups")? Whenever you see their rituals, they aren't far from that of paganism... in fact, they look a lot like spells. Now I know I'm kind of dragging this on, so I'll just touch on one more point. Christianity is VERY based on Paganism. Yes, I know, everything you have read for the past 5 minutes of your time has sounded like blasphemy against your religion, just go a little further. We all know that the framework of Christianity is Judaism, but Paganism is very prominent. Jesus shares MANY parallels with the Egyptian god, Horus. There are so many parallels infact, that the life stories of both individuals are nearly identical. Perhaps Jesus was somewhat exaggerated, or perhaps all religions exist in harmony. Who knows? Christmas, Easter, and Halloween are also originally pagan in nature. Their original names are Yule, Beltane (typically revolved the goddess Oester), and Samhain.

So my question is, are devout Christians really WITCHES without knowing it, or are they really as different as black and white? Perhaps instead of seeking a knew path entirely, you can stay on your current path, with a different mentality. I could go on and on about the 2012 prophecies and all that jazz, but I'm sure you're tired of reading this... and I'm needing to catch some rest soon. Please give me your input. I'm curious how you'll reply.
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Re: Christian witches???

Post by Truthseeker »

I am not offended at all, in fact you have just echoed my thoughts to a "T".How weird!!! LOL. I keep seeing the similarities...i.e. 'do unto others' (christian) 'harm none' (wiccan) 'whatsoever measure ye mete so shall it be meted unto you' (christian), the concept of what you do, either good or bad coming back to you in multiples is contained in both belief systems over and over. Many of Jesus' teachings are the same as wiccan teachings in many ways. Are we not all seeking the same end? Yes, I personally believe in a "Higher Power" (God? to me ,yes) I do not understand it all and I think "christians" have major-ly screwed up what Jesus represented, but...? Are you and I on the same wave length or what? ( And it drives me CRAZY to see these local churches having Halloween parties, Easter egg hunts, complete with a visiting easter bunny, or Help me, Pinting of Santa Clause holding the baby Jesus!!! The same churches who would condemn me and stop just short of burning me at the stake for questioning what I believe to be TRUTH. I spent 30 years in christian ministry, trying tio excuse and justify all the petty meanness that is done in the name of God before I gave up on it- but not on "God" whoever He is)
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Re: Christian witches???

Post by black dove »

I agree... thats a big reason why I left the church. I used to be the most devoted youth at my church, which sorta made me a pretty judgmental person. Over time though, I stopped listening to my youth pastor (yes, I'm only 18) because I experienced things that Christianity doesn't answer (or in the case of my old church, against). I was seeing "Shadow people" and auras, and my mind was being drawn to paganism and the Asian religions. I went to ask my youth pastor about the auras, and he accused me of practicing witchcraft. Despite my beliefs in Wicca and Druidism, still to this day have I not cast a single spell. I haven't even needed to... My prayers get answered. Anyway, I'm rambling...You basically handled the major point, and if you already know about the pagan backgrounds of the religions, I'm sure you know the pagan versions of the holidays, and the reason they were converted to Christian holidays.
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Re: Christian witches???

Post by Truthseeker »

yeah- I studied and researched and TRIED to teach my fellow christians that they were observing pagan holidays in the "church', but... deaf ears and all that. I gave up, they each have their own little version of absolute right, so I jus go my way and leave them alone and ask the same from them. Funny, I was a mega-super christian for years (30++) and active in every ministry we had at one time or another, really loved the music (sigh) but I CAN listen at home and skip all the hype- I really DO beleive in God, the creator or THE ONE or whatever you want to call him, I beleive in Jesus and what he came to accomplish- I just don't have any use for what passes for christianity these days :) Don't care for all the spite that is carried on in the name of God. Jesusn taught love-pure. I can love people without the hypocrisy.
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Re: Christian witches???

Post by Ula »

When I first left the church I was very bitter for many reasons with the constant hammering on the craft one reason. As I have started doing research I have found Gnosticism to be enlightening. There are lots of books that are not part of popular Christian teaching that are very interesting and don't necessary count out the craft. I can also tell you that most high magic or ceremonial magic is based on Jewish Kabbalah beliefs that Christianity is based on. The Key of Solomon is a very popular grimoire for calling on angels and demons. I have come to believe that the finger pointing at paganism and taking over it's festivals is more of a man/ church thing, not specifically based on 'god's plan'.
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Re: Christian witches???

Post by mist »

Christianity has been hijacked.

Jesus preached about reincarnation and about prayer as a form of meditation and about karma and about many other things that are very much in line with Paganism and Hinduism. It was Constantine who removed all references to reincarnation from the Bible. Most people were illiterate then, so there most people didn't own a Bible. The churches owned Bibles. Those bibles were rewritten on Constantine's orders. This happened during the Council of Nicea.

Constantine and the higher ups didn't like the idea that they could be Constantine in that life and then reincarnate to be a person of a much lower station in life. They also didn't like (though Jesus taught and encouraged this) people who were psychics. They didn't like that they had that God-like power, so they altered the Bible (again) to say that people who have psychic powers are detested by God. The changed the Bible so that it said that witchcraft was of the Devil. Well, Jesus never, ever said that. That was added into the Bible centuries after Jesus to scare people away from psychics and to discourage psychic abilities in individuals.

These altered Bibles are what remain today. That's why churches tell people to stay away from psychics.

I want to express that I don't have any resentment toward today's Christians. They simply don't know that the Bible was altered. They believe that the Bible that exists today is the original word of God. It isn't. It was changed as I mentioned above. Christianity was hijacked centuries ago and that's why you have billions of people who don't know the truth.

Interestingly, there are many clues in today's Bible that point to the original Bible and message of Christ.

The earliest Jews and Christians believed in many Gods. The bible uses the word Elohim, which means Gods. It is the plural of the word El, which means God. For centuries, Jews believe in many Gods and they worshiped the Goddess. At one point in their history, men took control away from women and changed their scriptures to have only one God. Again, though, there are clues that were left behind and that remain today. Today's Kabbalah speaks about reincarnation, though most of today's Jews don't know that.

Gnostic texts, written by the followers of Jesus, speak about reincarnation in depth.
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Re: Christian witches???

Post by Sage50 »

Where can I find the Gnostic texts.
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Re: Christian witches???

Post by Peregrine »

Lostwarlock wrote:Where can I find the Gnostic texts.
Here are a few recommended sites:

I saw this painting of Jesus and Krishna, at peace in each other's presence, smiling and holding hands. I like it. :D
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

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Re: Christian witches???

Post by mist »

Peregrine wrote:
Lostwarlock wrote:Where can I find the Gnostic texts.
This is a 'one sentence' description of Gnosticism from the above site:

"A one-sentence description of Gnosticism: a religion that differentiates the evil god of this world (who is identified with the god of the Old Testament) from a higher more abstract God revealed by Jesus Christ, a religion that regards this world as the creation of a series of evil archons/powers who wish to keep the human soul trapped in an evil physical body, a religion that preaches a hidden wisdom or knowledge only to a select group as necessary for salvation or escape from this world."

I don't know about the 'select group' part as Jesus was for anyone, but the first part of the sentence is a good description.
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Re: Christian witches???

Post by mist »

Peregrine wrote:
Lostwarlock wrote:Where can I find the Gnostic texts.

I saw this painting of Jesus and Krishna, at peace in each other's presence, smiling and holding hands. I like it. :D
Where is that painting? Can you post a link?
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Re: Christian witches???

Post by Serenity Willow »

Thank you Mist for all that information. I am Catholic and still go to church, I do my own thing when I'm there, plus it's more tradition and comfort than anything. I believe in Jesus and as stated earlier, I believe in his purpose. My gifts, mainly seeing auras and automatic writing have never harmed anyone, in fact the writings I do are to help people. I was told, by the source of these writings, to share them and I am not to keep them for myself. I have friends who are Christians and I respect that, however, when I share some of my views mainly about energy, they discredit it to be only the work of Jesus or the devil.
I believe that Christians use the power that we all have. They just know how to tap into it and have different words for things. Such as a prayer and a spell, devil and negative energy, God and Light.

I think it's being comfortable with who you are and your beliefs and keeping yourself safe. I share freely my beliefs with some, while others, I choose to limit my sharing. Isn't it all about being kind and loving to yourself and others? One thing I found in the Catholic church is, I was always taught to respect others and be kind to others, with little if any thoughts about being kind and respecting yourself. Forgive others, what about forgiving yourself?
I feel this is a huge reason so many people get caught in a cycle of addiction, self hatred and harm to themselves.

Today, I choose to love me and worship the God of my Understanding. Respecting others for their beliefs and praying for those who have not found a relationship with their Devine Power.
Bright Blessings Just for Today <3

Re: Christian witches???

Post by Constance »

Here we go again :-)

I am considering myself as part Christian witch, the other part is shamanic. And I see auras sometimes, I practiced an automatic writing, but stopped doing at some point and never regained a patience to train it again, but it is a fun to do :-) I also practice Runic witchcraft and combine them sometimes with christian prays (it works fine).

I believe in Christianity, I believe in Jesus Christ and Christmas or Easter are not just long school holidays for me, they mean a lot. I have a personal proof of Devine Power and how magical it can be.
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