thought id post alot of documentary stuff to the website and media section. people are usually interested, just too lazy to go and find it themselves haha xD i love druidry and will probably choose it as a path. but yeah i want you to watch these videos. i personally love philip carr gromm. hes a lovely person so it seems =).
The Druid Path:
a little music for you? i quite like it haha "druids and druidesses" is the name of the song ;x
Order Of Bards Ovates And Druids
i really want to become a member but its quite expensive for my tastes =( but i will definitly do it when im older haha ;D
(this one i dont agree with.. its a kinda gruesome video but yeah.. ill add it in)
Ancient Human Sacrifice.. supposedly by druids >_<
druids no longer do this though!
Druids and witches at stonehenge:
i love this video because it shows old religions living in harmony and the chanting is so awakening if you know what i mean haha. so yeah watch watch! i want a cloak now =(
ireland and the seven gifts song
i really do love this (bet your getting sick of me loving everything) but yes. this song speaks to me *.* sorry that its a song, i know its just a song but i liek it SO SORRY XD.
LAST VIDEO I SWEAR (on this topic lmao)
why i am a pagan druid
its very insightfull =)
ill keep posting documentarys that i find interesting. dont see me as a spammer. im trying to show you all what i like =)
Videos On Druidry
A forum for people who follow or are interested in the spiritual path of Druidry (whether neopagan, mesopagan, or reconstructionist), the ancient Druids, and Celtic culture.
Modern Druidry is a 300 year old path that focuses on nature spirituality and inner transformation founded on personal experience rather than dogmatic belief.
Modern Druidry is a 300 year old path that focuses on nature spirituality and inner transformation founded on personal experience rather than dogmatic belief.
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