How Do You Deal Tarot Cards?

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How Do You Deal Tarot Cards?

Post by Arianna »

(I apologize if this isn't the appropriate place for this post, I'm new to the site and couldn't find an area regarding tarot or divination?)
I've been having this problem for years! How do you personally choose to shuffle and deal tarot cards during a reading?
I've tried bridge shuffling and then cutting the deck in half, placing the bottom half on top and pulling that top card
I've tried mixing them in a huge pile and using intuition to pull
I've tried laying them out in a straight line and using intuition
I just haven't found what feels right to me so I'm looking for ideas and insight into what other readers do. What works for you?
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Re: How Do You Deal Tarot Cards?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I only buy poker game size decks i can hold in my hands, not those ginormous slick things only an orrangatang (orangutan) can handle. Then just shuffle hand to hand. Let the inquirer cut the deck into 2 stacks, then deal off the top of the bottom 1/2.

BTW the divination section is about 2/3 down the board index. It has 3 divisions. If that helps.
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Re: How Do You Deal Tarot Cards?

Post by SnowCat »

All this time I thought I was a cat. Apparently, I'm an orangutan. I use standard tarot decks, bridge shuffle 7 times, then deal like I would playing cards.

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Re: How Do You Deal Tarot Cards?

Post by LC »

I have found that you can connect to a certain deck. I have 3. From using them for different I found what areas they are best for. I have found Pinterest has different ways for layouts. I would get frustrated when if I asked about something and couldn’t figure it out. That is how I discovered which of my decks would be good for certain questions. I did a reading to introduce myself to the deck and the deck introduces itself. I was amazed about what the deck said and felt more connected. We came to an understanding.
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Re: How Do You Deal Tarot Cards?

Post by SnowCat »

That's good advice, LC. Thanks for the input.

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Re: How Do You Deal Tarot Cards?

Post by Karma Khaos »

I've recently started shuffling my cards face up until I get a card that I feel somehow relates to the question that I'm trying to answer. Since the bottom card is usually considered the Shadow card, I thought I'd try a fun little "quality control" experiment, and it's been relatively successful for me.

For instance, if I'm looking for insight into a situation involving one of my kids, I'll shuffle until I come across the 6 of cups, 10 of cups, the page of cups / wands (depending on which child I'm wanting to know about), or any other card that "clicks" as being closely associated with the question. Once I've chosen my Shadow card, I turn the deck over and either a) cut the deck where ever my fingers choose to cut, or b) deal right off the top without cutting.
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