Melting the Fear

Discussion for and about Christian witches and pagans. How do you merge your two belief systems? Please be kind to Christian witches. I have come to believe that it is a very valid belief system.
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Melting the Fear

Post by Peregrine »

I've been gone a while back at the catacombs and did not even reintroduce myself. LULZ. Here's another two cents on the topic of Christian Witchcraft (or any faith that has a Christian combo to it).

There is a new term I came across recently during my hiatus: "bibliolatry." It is a not-so-nice term for Christianity and Islam; it means the god that they worship is a book. I think those who use the term have a point because they will argue that their book is inerrant, the correct unchangeable truth, and if anything in nature or research (science, archaelogy, etc) conflicts with the words in their book then only the book is right. It was another way for me to look at things during my "deconversion."

Another thing I should mention. Years ago I used to hang out at BeliefNet and I noticed quite a few faith-combinations. People were addressing themselves as Christian Witches, Chrisitan Buddhists, Christian Taoists, etc. There were, of course, others such as Buddhist Taoist and Jewish Deist. Then there were the very... quirky ones... like Satanic Taoist (?!?) and Luciferian Maltheism.

I have an idea what is going on as someone who had gone in and out of Christian Mysticism and angelology after my deconversion from a very strict authoritarian bible upbringing. I even discussed it briefly with a few atheists over at YouTube recently. You have the more docile "Carl Sagan" style atheists, contrast to the belligerent "angry atheist." It is hard, I'll say it upfront, when you had been indoctrinated with eternal hellfire all your life and try to leave the church. Hell stories and other such things have created religions of terror and fear. Even after you leave, sometimes this nagging fear lags in your mind about punishment and hell.

One of my "primal therapy" stages I went through about eight years ago was Maltheism. Sounds like bad mojo at first but it finally brought about a lot of much-needed healing for me and I got a lot of things resolved. (Maltheism is the belief that God is evil and unworthy of worship due to his untrustworthy, violent nature; so just refuse to worship and let him shrivel up instead of feeding on your fear.) I had some moments of "you a-hole!" and so forth, getting it out of my system. I'll admit it was a short phase but most of it was a joke. I saw a piece titled "Messed Up Bible Stories" = part 3 I think it was = by EbolaWorld on YouTube... The videos have a warped sense of humor but in one of them, Adam (as in Adam and Eve) is angry with God. God comes to him and says, "I don't remember making you deaf" to which Adam replies, "No you silly goose! You don't exist!" Then he closes his eyes, covers his ears, and shouts "La la la la la!" I digress, but it was a good LULZ.

When I was at BeliefNet years ago and even recently at YouTube, I had seen people from other religions (ones that feel no need to force converts) blatantly tell recovering Christians and Muslims to go ahead and remain with what is familiar so as to avoid confusion in your practice. I saw one conversation for instance, that went something like, "I am Muslim but I am thinking of converting to Hinduism" to which the Hindus replied, "Stay with what is familiar. You will still be worshipping Krishna anyway." Stuff like that. Still, it puts some people into a quagmire. They are trying to get out of the religions of fear, they want to melt and dissolve the fear. Maltheism is one way for some, but so are these "mixtures" of paths such as Christian Witchcraft.

For that reason, I prefer not to jump down anyone's throat for practicing a Christian combo. I say let them be. Let them purge themselves of the fear while remaining with something familiar. I've seen wild accusations that they are trying to infiltrate the ranks to make converts, weird mean things like that. The other one is "You cannot do that because the Bible says so." I say leave them be; stop acting like the bibliolators you criticize. Just my angle on the matter.
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

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Re: Melting the Fear

Post by mist »

"One of my "primal therapy" stages I went through about eight years ago was Maltheism. Sounds like bad mojo at first but it finally brought about a lot of much-needed healing for me and I got a lot of things resolved. ***(Maltheism is the belief that God is evil and unworthy of worship due to his untrustworthy, violent nature; so just refuse to worship and let him shrivel up instead of feeding on your fear.)*** "

*** This is actually what Gnostic Christians believe. They believe that the 'God' of this Earth is actually evil and that he is an underling, just an egoist that wants blind worship. They believe that there are higher Gods. In fact, the original Bible and Old Testament use the word "Elohim", which means Godsssss. The Bible says that there are many Gods, but most Christians and Jews of today don't even know that.
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Re: Melting the Fear

Post by Symandinome »

very interesting post thanks for sharing it
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Re: Melting the Fear

Post by FireQueen »

Thanks for posting this Peregrine ~ I think that you may have just nailed what's been keeping me from fully walking away from Christianity. I was raised Catholic and at one time seriously considered entering the convent........ sure was deluded back then eh! :D
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Re: Melting the Fear

Post by mist »

FireQueen: I just noticed your signature - "No one in the world can alter truth. All we can do is seek it and live it."

Actually, the Catholic church did just that. It altered the truth. I've read that it started with Constantine. He's the one who took the passages about reincarnation out of the Bible. Jesus preached about reincarnation and many Gods, but that was all taken out of the Bible. The crap about it being a sin to consult psychics was added in to the Bible. The church hierarchy didn't want anyone to be in more control than they were, so they shunned people who had those gifts.

Jesus actually encouraged people to meditate and develop their psychic abilities, but that was all expunged from the Bible. It's sad that, to this day, so many people deny and suppress their GOD GIVEN psychic gifts. This is the reason they do suppress them. They're scared they'll go to hell. Very sad.

Ultimately, I agree that the truth can't be hidden forever. More and more people are starting to learn the truth.
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Re: Melting the Fear

Post by FireQueen »

Thanks Mist. :) I knew that the bible had/has been selectively edited many times by many people over the centuries but didn't know about the specifics that you've identified here.

Brightest blessings.
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Re: Melting the Fear

Post by mist »

FireQueen wrote:Thanks Mist. :) I knew that the bible had/has been selectively edited many times by many people over the centuries but didn't know about the specifics that you've identified here.

Brightest blessings.
You know, I tried (almost a year ago?) to reason with some folks online. I was very nice and calmly explained that the Bible has been altered and I explained why. Free-thinking Christians and others accepted it. The hard line Christians just wouldn't accept it. I wish they'd just open their minds. I did.
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Re: Melting the Fear

Post by Peregrine »

Thanks for the kind and supportive words on this topic.

Mist, I love reading some of the Gnostic sites. It was a brief conversation with a Gnostic online that helped me walk out of maltheism. The comment was something in a tone like, "Gods are flawed. Ergo they are evil? Try a bit of Christian mysticism for a while." It taught me that I had been so heavily indoctrinated with inerrancy growing up, that it was taboo to even think that a god could have flaws. I was in a very "all or nothing" mindset for years without realizing it. Oh, and don't even get me started on my newfound love affair with Sumerology, especially Enki who was part of that original Elohim you mention! LULZ.

Yes, there were four major gods in the original Elohim. Specifically they were An, Enlil, Enki, and Utu. Enki's palace was underground and he dwelled among the faces of the deep (sound familiar). According to some accounts, he was in that palace, resting and sleeping, when the other gods had to go wake him up for the purpose of "making man in our image." Enki made them from clay and the breath of life was breathed into them. All this sound familiar?

LULZ. I typed a buttload of other info and realized what I had done. Stay on topic, Peregrine. I'll get my thoughts together and type it out again in another, more appropriate thread. There is one titled "Sound Familiar" over on the "Other Faiths" forum. I had come across a few things last summer but did not know enough yet to add anything of value. Oh, do I have a mouthful now! :D

I have a giggly school-girl's crush on Enki. There. I said it. I'm too old for this, but he's the man! lulz.
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

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Re: Melting the Fear

Post by mist »

Peregrine wrote: Mist, I love reading some of the Gnostic sites. It was a brief conversation with a Gnostic online that helped me walk out of maltheism. The comment was something in a tone like, "Gods are flawed. Ergo they are evil? Try a bit of Christian mysticism for a while." It taught me that I had been so heavily indoctrinated with inerrancy growing up, that it was taboo to even think that a god could have flaws. I was in a very "all or nothing" mindset for years without realizing it. Oh, and don't even get me started on my newfound love affair with Sumerology, especially Enki who was part of that original Elohim you mention! LULZ.

Yes, there were four major gods in the original Elohim. Specifically they were An, Enlil, Enki, and Utu. Enki's palace was underground and he dwelled among the faces of the deep (sound familiar). According to some accounts, he was in that palace, resting and sleeping, when the other gods had to go wake him up for the purpose of "making man in our image." Enki made them from clay and the breath of life was breathed into them. All this sound familiar?

LULZ. I typed a buttload of other info and realized what I had done. Stay on topic, Peregrine. I'll get my thoughts together and type it out again in another, more appropriate thread. There is one titled "Sound Familiar" over on the "Other Faiths" forum. I had come across a few things last summer but did not know enough yet to add anything of value. Oh, do I have a mouthful now! :D

I have a giggly school-girl's crush on Enki. There. I said it. I'm too old for this, but he's the man! lulz.
I like Gnosticism, too. Jesus is cool. He may or may not be a god. I don't care. He was a kind, loving person who has made the world a better place. Some people take his original, pure messages and help others. Other people hijack his message and Christianity and make a bad name for Christians. I'm just saying that folks shouldn't hate all Christians because of them.

For a long time, I thought God must NOT be all powerful. That's the only thing that I could accept as to why there was/is so much pain in the world. Then, I found Gnosticism. It all made sense. Yes, I, too, had to drop the inerrancy way of thinking.

I don't know too much about Enki, etc. I just know that they were space aliens who colonized the Earth. We're all space aliens, whether or not people know that or even want to know about it.
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Re: Melting the Fear

Post by Peregrine »

mist wrote: I don't know too much about Enki, etc. I just know that they were space aliens who colonized the Earth. We're all space aliens, whether or not people know that or even want to know about it.
LULZ. I don't believe they were extraterrestrials but those sites are kind of fun to read just the same. From what I have researched, I view An (Heavenly Father), Enlil (Air, Wind, Storms, Law and Order, Prosperity), Utu (Sun), and Enki (Fresh Water, Rivers, Fertility, Creativity, Wisdom, Magic, Civilization in General) as the prototypes to the Hebrew Yahweh. This in many ways goes especially true for for Enlil and Enki in my own POV. Both Egypt and Babylon were becoming increasingly monotheistic by the time the Hebrews come into the scene from the looks of things, except with Egyptians the one god they were increasingly promoting was Amon Ra. For Babylon (which came after Sumer but originally borrowed almot everything in their culture from Sumer), the nature and purpose of the gods were becoming more overlapped into one god. I'm guessing it was sort of like what happens in Christianity with the holy trinity.
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

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Re: Melting the Fear

Post by mist »

Peregrine wrote:
mist wrote: I don't know too much about Enki, etc. I just know that they were space aliens who colonized the Earth. We're all space aliens, whether or not people know that or even want to know about it.
LULZ. I don't believe they were extraterrestrials but those sites are kind of fun to read just the same. From what I have researched, I view An (Heavenly Father), Enlil (Air, Wind, Storms, Law and Order, Prosperity), Utu (Sun), and Enki (Fresh Water, Rivers, Fertility, Creativity, Wisdom, Magic, Civilization in General) as the prototypes to the Hebrew Yahweh. This in many ways goes especially true for for Enlil and Enki in my own POV. Both Egypt and Babylon were becoming increasingly monotheistic by the time the Hebrews come into the scene from the looks of things, except with Egyptians the one god they were increasingly promoting was Amon Ra. For Babylon (which came after Sumer but originally borrowed almot everything in their culture from Sumer), the nature and purpose of the gods were becoming more overlapped into one god. I'm guessing it was sort of like what happens in Christianity with the holy trinity.
Good information there. Thanks. Yeah, religions did borrow from each other as they developed. I'm not pushing the extraterrestrial thing. It's just that I've read about it and (before that) had one channeled.
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Re: Melting the Fear

Post by Peregrine »

mist wrote:Good information there. Thanks. Yeah, religions did borrow from each other as they developed. I'm not pushing the extraterrestrial thing. It's just that I've read about it and (before that) had one channeled.
Don't worry. I did not feel pushed. A lot of people believe Enki was/is a benevolent extraterrestrial. I don't know enough about it to say one way or another just yet. I'm just sort of starting from square one to see and learn for myself. :mrgreen:

From what I've researched, it appears that the Hebrews did their own challenge, rebuttal, spin doctoring, whatever one may want to call it, on many Mesopotamian mythologies that had been in existence for very many years, maybe even up to thousands of years. Enki/Ea seemed to start off as a river god and grew. His influence was seen all over that region even all the way into Canaan. The Hebrews placed their own spin on many of the stories and often appeared to do a 180 degree inversion.

Stephen King once said something like, "Tell me about your god and you tell me about yourself." Keep my words soft and sweet for tomorrow I may have to eat them, as some other unknown author said.

I had often wondered about varioius motifs in the Old Testament myself. I've noticed a trend with some to re-invert and become Satanists or Luciferians and adopting Enki in their pantheon, but to me it only carries more unnecessary baggage. In an attempt to do another inversion, more garble occurs, more is lost in translation so to speak, IMHO.

I read an article on the flaws, for instance, in a software translator. It took a simple sentence, translated it to another language, and took that sentence translation and tried to re-translate it back. They also let it go through a few other languages before it came back to English. The end product, as you might expect, got very confusing and "garbled."

I think Satanists and Luciferians layign claim to Enki/Ea are forgetting one important detail: various motifs villified by Hebrews and later Christians as "false" and/or "evil" can be traced to Enki, but then again so can many motifs deemed as "good" and given over to Yahweh/Jehovah also be traced to Enki/Ea.

Last summer, just as I came across Sumerian mythologies, I had also discovered the concept of the "Shadow Self" and learned about "owning it." If we are created in the image of the creator, this makes much better sense to me.

Just starting on square one and going through this myself to see what happens. newangel
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

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Re: Melting the Fear

Post by Truthseeker »

WHOA!!! lol, so much I want to read so much I want to know. I am tired if the brainwashing and the rigid "myway is tthe only right way..." that most 'christians' preach.and all that I am reading here sounds like it makes so much sense (and to me for God to BE God doews He (They) not NEED to make sense??? I apologize if I am rambling here.. but, I've only just begun. I believe FEEL in my soul that I was born a witch but am only just now at 51 owning it. What I am coming to terms with are my (still) belief in God and what is within me, (incidentally 3 out of 4 of my children share this 'gift' to varying degrees, though one denies it in fear and another is wary but curious and the third owns it but doesn't quite know how to label it for herself- the fouth child unfortunately lives with his 'monister' father-no not a typo, lol take it how it looks and I dont think he could handle it ) ANYWAY- i sure would appreciate some direction on Gnosticism- I am something of a free-spirit and don't care for organized religion much but i'd like to have a bit of direction on Gnosticism (for the beginner? lol) that doesn't overwhelm me all at once. I feel like I am on to something in the learning process. Have I rambled too too much or does ANYONE out there understand where I am trying to go with this rambly post???? Oh yeah- one more thing, Why does nobody in the christian chhurch really address that "let US make man in OUR own image" thing???? US??? OUR??? Open your eyes guys :)
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Re: Melting the Fear

Post by Peregrine »

I came by to make a correction about the original Elohim. Part of the four members of the Elohim was Ninhursag, not Utu. Ninhursag in the Sumerian pantheon is much akin to our modern concepts of "Mother Earth."

Hi, newtruthseeker. To answer your last question, they used to tell me in church that God was merely talking to angels, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit when he addressed himself in plurality like that as "Elohim." In Hebrew, a word ending with the suffix "-im" implies plurality. From what I've researched, the Hebrews appear to have been originally polytheistic. A close revivalist of their old religion is described now as Natib Qadish. I am now of the understanding that they, for lack of better words, WERE the Canaanites that they address so harshly in scripture. There is no archaeological evidence that supports a literal interpretation of the bloody wars and genocides made by Hebrews against anyone, nor is there any evidence that the Canaanite polytheists did any of the horrible practices allegedly committed according to their scripture (example: burning children alive in sacrifices).

It appears the books from Genesis to 2 Kings were written by a single unknown author right before the Hebrews' release from Babylonian and Assyrian exile. While Canaan was on the receiving end of hostile takeovers a few times, none of them were done by the Hebrews themselves. They WERE the Canaanites, or rather the Canaanite prototypes IMHO based on what I've researched. It is not an entirely accurate description but it is the best way that I can phrase it. The terrible atrocities in the practice of Canaanite religion by their own scripture is merely a projection of their own fears and contempt they had come to develop against their own polytheism while in exile. They took a lot of old Mesopotamian mythologies that had already been in existence for many years and did their own spin doctoring, believing that they were at fault for their exile (which is why the exile from the Garden of Eden, from man's own disobedience). Instead of blaming the god(s), they believed they were at fault.

Contrast to Mesopotamian gods, who were often believed to be imperfect and untrustworthy. Still, it was man's duty to be righteous just the same, in their system. I think it was a projection of their own phobias about the quirky, unpredictable nature of, well, nature. Later on it became twisted into something corrupt and evil, a sort of thing that only "civilization" can produce. Early American Deists speak of "nature's god" in contrast to politicized gods/theocracies and I think there is a parallel here. For instance, many early creation stories make no mention of man being created for the purpose of working as slaves for the gods and the Igigi. I am of the belief right now that was added later on, when priests and nobles had become very greedy and corrupt. From some of Samuel Noah Kramer's works, it appears that a lot of political abuse via practices such as heavy taxation (and slavery if they could not pay) had taken over for some time. Even in death, the widows and orphans of the deceased were getting robbed blind by the tax collectors. There are kings later on that made much-needed reforms but I think that is where the mythology came from. In addition the flood myth in which Enlil is angered at man's clamor over working all the time: so he attempts to exterminate them with a flood. I think it was another intimidation tactic to keep slaves obedient.

Pardon the digression. Where was I? LULZ The Canaanites and the Hebrews....

I am of the impression that Yahweh is a merger mostly of El (aka Ilu) and Baal Hadad. In Babylon, Enki was called Ea, pronounced "Yah." In some Old Testament scripture, Yahweh is described as a thundercloud that comes from the mountain tops and occasionally visits his temple in the form of a cloud. Compare this to Baal Hadad, who does the same. That area was increasingly becoming monotheistic - the Persian empire, which helped in release of the Hebrews, being the first to do so.

Well, post is getting long. I really should start my own blog somewhere on all this so I'm not boring everyone here with my solipsisms. Heh heh.
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

~Henry Drummond, "Inherit the Wind" (1960)
White Butterfly

Re: Melting the Fear

Post by White Butterfly »

This is a book that may assist the seeker.

I think if one realizes that the Christian myth is a compilation of earlier Pagan myths, including it's savior Yeshua ("Joshua") or Jesus (From the Greek), they may be better able to accept when someone co-mingles Christianity with their personal Witchcraft, for their own ends.

Many critics I've encountered, with respect to discourse on this topic, have referenced Exodus 22:18; Thou shalt not suffer a Witch to live. And thereby claim that Christian Witchcraft then is an oxymoron. However, I think it important to remember that that particular passage initially read as, thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live. It was edited by edict of King James, who was a paranoid psychotic English Sovereign who imagined a coven of Witches was intent on removing him from the throne, through the exercise of dark magic. Thus, his edit then made it possible, as god's anointed earthly King, to remove the threat from his kingdom through the lawful persecution thereof, so as to remain firmly enthroned in his power.

Because what is important to remember about the Bible and it's later passages is that for all intents and purposes King Solomon was a Witch. Not only that, but he practiced magic and employed those with the sight to serve him in god's name. And of course, there's Yeshua who himself bore the characteristics of a Witch as well.

I think if we condemn those who ascribe a former faith, one that may have harmed or impacted them in negative ways both emotionally and spiritually and in some cases even physically, as in Parochial schools that practice corporal punishment in many instances, with that of the new path they've discovered that helps them to feel whole, on their way to self healing and respect, then we risk giving the impression we too are just as zealous, fundamentalist and narrow minded as those faiths that claim to be intolerant of all others, because their religious ideology deems those other faithful practices to be inferior.

This life, as I see it, is ritual. This body is the temple representing the most high, the power one reveres as responsible for all things that are part of and empowered within this life, regardless of the label one attaches. Our dreams are our prayers, our will is the answer to them. And as long as one's faith makes them a better person to share this world with, who am I to gainsay it?

And for those critics I've met who have responded with, "I AM!" To those I respond, that is well within your rights. However, yours is but an opinion that has no right to impact or dissuade the rites someone else applies to live their personal life as they see fit.

We are all on borrowed time, for our lives are short compared to the span of eternity that has breathed life into this powerful universe where we find ourselves as but a mote of dust in the cosmic spark of the powers that flow through it all. We are unique, even if we were born a twin. And when our living is over, we shall never be here again.
Your living, your will, your actions moment to moment, your thoughts, your relationships, even those that are merely a smile at a sad stranger, are your legacy forever.
Live your life! And call it what you will. The label is not important. The truth behind and within it, is.

Goddess Bless us all to walk softly, breathe deeply, love fully, smile brilliantly, cry whole heartedly and recover to live some more.

Blessings and Peace, Image
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