Any one else feel insulted by this anti-Wicca page?

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Balor's Eye
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Any one else feel insulted by this anti-Wicca page?

Post by Balor's Eye » ... eities.htm

Well more annoyed than insulted really...

But go see for yourself....
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Post by Release.the.bats »

I find it more amusing than insulting.
I try not to let sites like that 'get to me', then i'll just become enraged and send them long vulgar letters.
I did think it was funny how he said Pagan isn't mentioned in the bible and that jews and Muslims aren't considered them by Christians. Then in the next sentence saying pagan is anyone who isn't christian.
I find contradicting people to be humorous, especially when they are on religious escapades.
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Post by willow_witch »

that should be posted in humor i really needed a good laugh... and that site was too funny... if you find any more post them i love reading them and point out how stupid the person is :D

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Post by AzureImpaler »

Wow, they managed to offend me as a Catholic turned Pagan. (funny how they insult what I was, and what I am at the same time.

There's a feat not easily accomplished by most. :P

I agree, however, this is so sad, it really should be in the comedy section. Heh. :lol:
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Balor's Eye
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Post by Balor's Eye »

AzureImpaler wrote:Wow, they managed to offend me as a Catholic turned Pagan. (funny how they insult what I was, and what I am at the same time.

There's a feat not easily accomplished by most. :P

I agree, however, this is so sad, it really should be in the comedy section. Heh. :lol:

I like when they called Mary a whore LOL. WOW
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Post by AzureImpaler »

Balor's Eye wrote: I like when they called Mary a whore LOL. WOW
I know, right? It's honestly pretty depressing though. The narrow-mindedness that some people still have. On the other hand, articles like that just make us look better, what with them saying "lol it's not in the Bible so it's evil."

As opposed to those of us simply asking people to follow what they believe and what works best for them.
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Post by LycanBlade »

This really pisses me off...this is part of why I despise most christian...I (living in the type of town I do) must constantly listen to people preaching about jesus and how anyone who doesnt worship him are terrible makes me wanna slap them...repeatidly ( i cant spell today my brain was turned to mush by a 6 hour long biology project)

Post by kaaaaaaatie »

When I saw that link, I started to laugh - I've been there and read many of the articles on that website before. I think it was one of the first websites that came up when I did a google search on feminism before. Since then, I've bookmarked it to look at it when I got bored.

I agree with Release.the.bats that I find it amusing. If you read the information in the articles on there, especially relating to Wicca, you'll find that they have a lot of misinformation and the information they DO have is twisted to sway the reader towards their opinions. It makes me smile how these extremists are giving a bad name to many of the more gentle Christians out there.

On the other hand, though, I do find it insulting and saddening - not exactly to myself personally, but more as a huge step back for humanity. It goes to show you that although the world has progressed so much in open-mindedness and acceptance of others, there are still so many ignorant scumbags (for lack of a better word) out there.
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Post by gwenblackbird »

Oh baby, I wish that I could talk to the person that made that site and have one great debate with them! I'd like to see who would win.

I was raised in the Christian church so I would be a great candidate for that debate. hahaha
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Post by [SnowRaven] »

Know what I find most repulsive? The poor site design - gah! The background, font colors & jangly music are all so badly done that they show the author to be very ignorant [both on good design and our religion]

I was having a debate a while ago and all the other person could do was quote the bible too - I pointed out that using the bible as 'proof' is rather unsupportable as we/I don't regard it as the word of any god but simply a bunch of much edited and censored writings done by men who wished to gain power over others.

Post by Rhia »

Oh wow... he really went on one didn't he... or she... It's definitly one of those sites I love to make me laugh and boy has it made me laugh!

The narrow-mindedness is one thing, the sheer lack of understanding is another... wow... its probably the worst i've read in a while...

Post by PurpleMoon »

Saying there is only one God because the bible says so, and stating things are right or wrong only because of what the bible says is akin to walking around France with an English dictionary and calling them all false and immoral because the words they speak aren't in your book.

People like this amuse me in a sad kinda way. They'd rather spend time shouting about how other religions are wrong than actually reading the words of their lord and savior and understanding them.

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Post by One Walker »

And then you've got your Organized Hinduism rearing its ugly head:
The only way to heal your soul is through meditation.

This is the right way of living life. A person leading his or her life in such a manner can said to be spiritual in nature.
Ah.... another group with the 'One True Path'. :lol: I love how these people are starting to load in threads here looking for converts and sales for their books and courses while sporting their "One True Path' philosophy and yet hardly anybody has commented on it.

Hmm... I wonder... How bad would the uproar be if it were Christians doing that? :wink:

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Post by Release.the.bats »

It's also the only group to have never had a religious war.
Hinduism isn't perfect, no, but they evidently know something other religious groups don't.
Despite the fact that they claim to have a 'one true' path.
At least they aren't shoving it down everyone's throat and telling them they'll go to hell and suffer otherwise.
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