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The overall purpose of this book is to explain the different forms of psychic attack and how to counter them.
I do like how the author explains that intentional psychic attack is rare, and why it is rare. I also really like the extent that the different forms of unintentional harm and the everyday accumulation of negative energy is explained. If you read only one part of this book, this would be the section to read.
There is also a very clear statement and warning in the beginning regarding why we don't deviate from "recipes" regarding cleansing or spells when we are starting to learn, and why we do not treat physical illnesses as if they were spiritual rather than consulting a doctor, and why we don't treat others when we have not been properly trained ourselves.
When it comes to the actual methods of cleansing, here is where the author starts to lose me. It is heavily influenced by Christian prayers and bible passages and is essentially a meshing of both common cleansing practices with prayer and holy water. I have no problem overlooking the Christian aspect at this stage in my path, but newer practitioners may be either put off or confused by it.
While most of the cleansing practices aren't something I am interested in personally (fumigation, sage burning), she does discuss the use of water and salt in the role of cleansing and why they are used in cleansing, as well as the different forms of water and their uses (which is more my style).
Overall, considering it's a free read I would say it's worth taking a look at. But take what strikes at truth to you and what can be of use, and take the rest with some discretion with respect to your own path and the practices you're comfortable with.
Review- Spiritual Cleansing by Draja Mickaharic
Review and recommend pagan, spiritual, Wicca, & witchcraft books.
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