Meditating with Runes
Meditating with Runes
Hey everyone, just a quick question. I've been meditating for a couple of years now and I've been getting pretty good at clearing out all of the negativity I pick up from other people as an empath. However, I've noticed that recently while I'm meditating, I'll see these rune-like shapes pop up. They're not from anything else, as far as I can tell. But while my mind is cleared I'll think "I need to be at peace today" and see a unique rune pop into my head. I've taken a habit of drawing whatever the shape is on my hand and it seems to help me accomplish whatever my goal is. I was just curious, does this happen normally? Thanks in advance.
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Re: Meditating with Runes
What's Normal?
During meditation is an appropriate time and situation for such an image to occur. The subconscious is opened and that's when we make connections.

Re: Meditating with Runes
I agree with SpiritTalker. But as to why you know the symbols, it's probably something carried over from your last life.
- RyukaAscendant
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Re: Meditating with Runes
I'd go so far as to write them down and see if any of them pop up again and again if you haven't. This way you can learn or begin to define them. But I'm an inquisitive person. It could also open up meditation methods similar to what some practitioners do with tarot or norse runes.
Child of Gaia; student of Athena, Odin, and Djehuty; and follower of the middle path.
Moderation in all things, including moderation.
Moderation in all things, including moderation.
Re: Meditating with Runes
Thats really cool.