Magical Theory 101

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Magical Theory 101

Post by The Judge »

Basics of Magical Theory

As I understand magic. To the best of my knowledge. ;)

Magic is the manipulation of energy in such a manner as to achieve a specific purpose. The manipulation must begin small and, as the ripples of a pond, spread in there own time. Cast a spell today and the results may not appear for days, until the energy reaches the intended point. The force of this change may increase the amount of work that is required to sustain the ripples. However, just as the ripples in a pond reach the edge, so do they return unto you. If the change is too great it will cancel itself out, but the wave ever grows until your spell has run its course. Mind then these words; Change not, more than you can afford.

This is why I do not work with magic/magick (however you want to spell it :P ) very much. There is a price for all things. Even spells require work but they also require time, focus, and energy. This can tax people in ways they are not prepared for. Yes, you can end your part in a spell by no longer focusing on it, but like the spoken word, once loosed never returns the same way it left. Unless spoken in an empty room. You should think well and long on a spells intent. What you want and what the possible consequences may be. Spells can cause harm whether that was the intent or not, just by the way they may move things.

The Elemental Factor

The only thing here I can say with any certainty is that the objects and there related element is determined by the objects origin and make up. Most stones that represent fire are often of a volcanic origin. The rest are generally related to earth, obviously. Feathers and the like for air as the bird is bound not by the ground. There are a few stones for air and water. I think one for water is turqoise, though I'm not immediately aware of one for air. I know there is one though. I use feathers and the like. And a small bowl of clean water with a pinch of salt. But that's me. Fire is a candle, earth is a rock from my garden, properly cleansed. I used an incense cleansing as I wanted the dirt to stay on the rock. Symbolic reason I guess, It's been years since I got it but I always place back in the garden when I'm done. I believe an Item representing an element should always be returned to it when you are done. Think of it as getting an envoy for that element.

Behind all religion is a small piece of science. Though oft times ignored it remains.

This is not meant as a ditterance but simply as a caution. Know well what you do, and take responsability for your mistakes when you make them, lest they continue to grow. Failure can be the best teacher, though never a kind one. I pass this along as a voice of experience. Do not call up, that which you cannot put down.

The Use of Wands/Swords

The use of conductors and insulators on magic is fairly specific but optional. I've reversed them sometimes, and while they have had an distinct effect, the ultimate outcome varied only slightly. The amount of effort was greater though. There is a reason these things oppose or amplify energy passed through them. Wands would ultimately be used in the manipulation of outside energy as a method to protect yourself from drawing too much of it. The world is full of energy and it's abundance makes it easily used. The conductors would be used for the increasing and sending of personal energies as these would need to be increased to have any significant effect outside the body. Think of it as electricity. If your drawing it from an outside source you have to contain it in something insolated and convert it to a level usable. If you are trying to affect the electrical output of something you have to amplify your own current sufficiently to effect the voltage/wattage, of the intended system. The world is massive, we are very, very small comparitively. It stands to reason that an amplifier would need to be used to affect such a large system. :)

That's my scientific/faith view of it. :) I believe that's how it works as it makes sense to me. Others may view it differently, but I've never had an issue with it. A few headaches though. xp

As a general caution, though. Swords and thunderstorms don't mix, please don't use one if there's lightning around. :) Wouldn't want to loose any dedicated practitioners. :P

On General Usage

The success of a spell is partly based on knowledge and preperation. You have to know what it is your trying to do/change and you have to focus exclusively on it when working the spell. Distractions can have unknown effects or make nothing happen. I've been practicing for nearly 8 years and have not performed many Spells per se but I have done some rituals. Of course my knoledge base and studies haven't even gotten to that as of yet. Spellcasting is not an essential part of Pagan beliefs its part of witchcraft. I am a Wiccan personally but I don't really do spells too much.

Pulling from a great analogy from EUTM way back from when I was on; Casting a spell doesn't mean you just sit back and wait. If you cast a spell to win the lottery you can't just expect it to happen. You have to go buy a ticket. Of course this isn't a certainty either as the lottery is just that, luck of the draw, but you may be able to influence it in your favor. You never know. Just know that what ever you try to do you will have to continue to pursue it by mundane means as well, energy can only do so much. :)

I've been reading a book of quotations and poetry so my mind is trending that way. I wrote the above and is not plagerized in any way. :P

Also, I tend to find things written this way stick a little better. :)

Addendum: This is a work in progress. For an un-edited copy PM me. :) I took out a lot of science talk, some may remain in places that I could find no viable alternative word for. :P :type:
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Re: Magical Theory 101

Post by Kei Kawazu »

So a wand could be used to barrier certain energies or to repel, while an insulator is an energy transferer basically?

Because also, a conductor could go either way technically enegry from you or towards you, so Im not sure if you could ocntrol the direction, or not.

Also um, which one would be used for creative purposes, and which one for destructive, or both can be used for each in different ways?

Um, for example, I've read on about servitors before in chaos magic or such, and they say with your energy you can create an energy being thing which does a task for you, would you have to meditate then use the sword)i forget its traditional name lol) or would you summon energy witht he sword and alter it to be how you like with the wand? Or, how would you think its done in this scenario?
The Judge
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Re: Magical Theory 101

Post by The Judge »

As stated in the title, this is only theory and isn't/hasn't/probably won't be proven to be fact. This is my current state of knowledge and is continually developing as I learn more.

An insulator is used to negate/reduce levels of energy passed through it, to contain them safely. The wand would be good for barriers, I think. Though with conductors, just like a circuit, the energy only passes one way at a time, if it goes both ways through the same conductor it is possible that it may snap/break/explode, something like that. Now the wand and sword just as everything else you use during ritual is a tool. It can be used for either, depending upon the goal you seek. By nature a sword is best for offense, however, to one who knows how to use it, it is also a good defense. The oppisite can be said for the wand.

As a note summoning anything should be thought through very carefully. It very rarely goes as expected and if you don't understand what your calling it may not respond very kindly. This is hypothetical and solely for theoretical speculation. :)

In that scenario it may be possible to do all of the above, given proper control and understanding. Meditation would be the best start as it will allow you to see what you have to utilize in the way of personal energy. Since trying to create an energy being would require similar amounts of energy to sustain it you would need to utilize outside energy as well. Utilizing the sword to draw the additional energy needed during the summoning and then using the wand to contain it. I would say that the best method would probably be the above as it plays to the strengths of each tool. However, the creation of such a being is touchy at best. You would need to work in the task and the end state throughout the spell then bind it to the being, probably best done with the wand. The end state being the ultimate dismissal of the being, forgeting that can lead to some very restless nights until you figure out how to release it properly.

I'm not sure if that was exactly what you were looking for but hypothetically, it could work like that. My experience with summoning things will be left to the imagination, suffice it to say that the warnings above are not idle. :)
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Re: Magical Theory 101

Post by Kei Kawazu »

Do you think um, like the wand could be used to make changes to energies too? Like the sword would be giving the energy or taking the energy, and lets say it adds energy to some spell, then the wand could make adjustments I suppose?

I got the idea for this response because someone said in the title of their thread somethign about ''tweaking" something, idk if its just similar to or identical to what I just mentioned though.

Also what is your knowledge and opinion about psychology in relation to magic, such as with rituals and ouija boards and such? I mention those specifically because from my knowledge they are both highly? connected to psychology.
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Re: Magical Theory 101

Post by The Judge »

You may be able to 'tweak' a spell in progress but I couldn't begin to guess at what the results might be. It would probably be similar to crossing a circuit into another one. It might work, then again, it might blow-up.

My knowledge of psychology is rudamentary at best. I've read a couple books and know a few techniques but that's about it. I know my own psychology quite well though and can throw psychologists for a loop if I want but that's just for fun. :P

Anyway, psychology has a link in everything. Belief is a psychological process, so anything you do based on a belief is psychologically based, however, that doesn't mean it's psychological in nature. Everything begins with belief and then execution. So the belief that a spell will work effects the outcome, however, there are many factors that play into it. Energy is one factor which has a major impact on a spell. Focus and intent are some other factors. This does not mean that spells are all in your head, far from it. But remember, the mind controls the body. What you believe to be true without a doubt about your person, will probably become reality. I'll leave off here as I'm beginning to run circles in my head. XP
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Re: Magical Theory 101

Post by Lovingvixen »

Thank you for posting this. I find that your beliefs about magic are similar to mine, and I find it comforting to hear you say the part of magic being a form of energy manipulation. I've often described it to people as such, but I felt as though I were the only one who recognized it thus. :) Good to know I'm not alone.
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Re: Magical Theory 101

Post by raynelae »

I like much of this article. However, I don't believe spells will harm unless they are cast to harm someone.
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Re: Magical Theory 101

Post by Kei Kawazu »

raynelae wrote:I like much of this article. However, I don't believe spells will harm unless they are cast to harm someone.
Well, for instance, protection spells and curses can be very similar. Protecting someone also prevents them from learning how to protect themselves disallowing growth so in a way is a curse of its own. And some might be able to use a curse to their advantage depending on what it is, though I can't think of any examples. Also indirect consequences for actions can lead to harm, but thats accidentle sort of.
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Re: Magical Theory 101

Post by lilmizsunshine727 »

OOOO just found this :)
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Re: Magical Theory 101

Post by scaravich »

I have little comment on the original article (sorry) other than it's well-written and sums up a lot of information that people tend to find scattered around, so that's very helpful to new people, I'm sure! Plus I like that you mention that it's a WIP and your own feeling (and not dogmatic).
raynelae wrote:I like much of this article. However, I don't believe spells will harm unless they are cast to harm someone.
I feel this is like saying "A fire can't hurt anyone unless it was lit with the intent of hurting someone." Well, even if I start a fire for the sake of keeping warm and not to hurt anyone, it can still burn me if I stick my hand in it. And anyone else, for that matter. And if by some chance it gets out of hand, it could burn down a whole forest. Completely out of my control.

Directing physical energy to create a fire is a lot like directing magical energy. Even if your purpose is good, it's still something that needs care. There always has to be a balance in the universe. There are always repurcussions of any action. While you may not see them directly, they are there. And they can, indeed, be harmful.

However, I also believe that other people are not easily affected by spells (positive or negative) unless you directly involve them. And I think when anyone is involved with the craft, they are able to hurt themselves with magic. Starting a fire to keep someone warm is not going to help unless you start the fire near them. Likewise, it's not going to hurt them either, if you start it 400 miles away from them.

With magic, though, you don't need to be nearby physically, but the person does need to be involved spiritually. A fire can't burn something it can't touch, and magic cannot effect an energy that it can't touch either. In order to be touched by magic, you need to be trying to channel or open yourself to it... it doesn't just come and go. If it did, people would use it to control the world.

I think volition is required from all parties. This is why you can't just make a fireball in your hand. The air does not want to turn into fire. And there's no way you're going to convince the air to want to turn into fire. Unless you have some really insane connection to the Lord and Lady and the spirits of air and can actually convince them to want to make a fireball or something. Which if you had that deep of a connection, you would probably respect and understand them enough to NOT want to just go making a fireball for no reason, disrupting the balance of nature like that...
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Re: Magical Theory 101

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

I agree, sure it's lovely to have positive intentions and all that, but you can still get your fingers burned with all types of backlash. Plus, never assume that anyone wants help. Sometimes the most well intentioned magic can simply muddy the waters for everyone. I feel like I'm being really negative here, but lets face it, sometimes you just break stuff. It might only be the microwave but most experienced witches will tell you (I think!!?) that it happens. Things aren't always predictable and one should be prepared for that.
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Re: Magical Theory 101

Post by EbonySunset »

Totally agree with you Dark Moon, you don't sound negative at all, it's just how it is! Attempting to help someone through magic without their consent is really affecting their free will. Also, it's a waste of time and energy if the person doesn't understand or believe in magic/energy manipulation. Left alone they will find their own solution to their problem by whatever means is appropriate to them. If they ask for help, that's a different story!
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Re: Magical Theory 101

Post by QuestionableEnergy »

I have been told that in everything you do it needs to have pure intent, Selfless and never to harm. However I am new to this, but I do believe there is all ways a balance, and sometimes it comes back in 3 fold. This is why I am still studying, because I do not want to bring anything harmful to me or my family. I appreciate your theory and do agree on most points. Knowledge is power, and thank you for giving me more!
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Re: Magical Theory 101

Post by Clairsentient_Wolf »

Thank you for all of this wonderful information! Very clear and easy to understand. Thanks! :fairy:
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Re: Magical Theory 101

Post by Imperious »

The Judge the spoken word, once loosed never returns the same way it left.
The whole post was a good read, but I f*cking love that sentence.

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