Connecting with Crystals

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Connecting with Crystals

Post by HyenaWitch »

Merry Meet Everyone,

I was recently looking through my crystals and couldn't help but notice that there are a few that I have felt connected with (some for long periods, some just recently). What I was wondering is if anyone has connected to a specific type of crystal and/or just one crystal? For instance, ever since I was very young, before I even knew about Wicca or Paganism, I have found myself attracted to rose quartz. If you knew me well you would know that as a child that would be odd for me because I was such a tomboy and hated anything pink. Within the last few years I have also felt very connected to my jet, so much so that my one jet stone stays next to my bed at all times. I can't get myself to add it to the rest of my crystals. I don't know what exactly I'm looking for by posting this. Maybe I just needed to get this information out there.

Those that have felt connected to a specific crystal, how did you know that was your crystal? Was it just a feeling like I have had for many many years? Or was there something more powerful that maybe I'm missing or overlooking?

I apologize if something similar has been posted before and thank you for taking the time to read and/or respond to this.
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Re: Connecting with Crystals

Post by SpiritTalker »

Old post

I usually have some sort of physical response to a crystal that ends up coming home with me. For ex., one time upon entering the local new-age shop, I saw a flash of light from across the room & behind the counter. I asked the clerk what was back there & was shown new labradorite specimens being weighed & priced. I’d never heard of that stone before. A loverly piece with a blue flash came home that time. At another time as I’d walked past a quartz display I’d started humming so I back-tracked to the source. That day’s purchase was a sweet quartz cluster like a pipe organ. My crystal ball called me with a rope tug to the belly. A piece of Moldavite danced in the palm of my hand. And sometimes I want to hang on & just can’t set a stone down.
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