Bicycle dreams

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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Bicycle dreams

Post by rjmamula14 »

Almost every night for the past few weeks I have had dreams involving me riding a bicycle. I haven’t ridden a bicycle in ages nor do I particularly have an interest in doing so. There must be a reason.
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Re: Bicycle dreams

Post by Firebird »

Transportation dreams tend to let us know the speed we travel through life. Jet, rocket...super fast ie; slow down! Walking or crawling maybe pick it up a pace, I would think bicycling to be a relatively good speed like one I which you can move along rather quickly while still getting the chance to observe that which you pass by.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Bicycle dreams

Post by rjmamula14 »

I can see that. I have a decent paying job that is hardly stressful and I am content with it.
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Re: Bicycle dreams

Post by Firebird »

It is also freeing to ride a bike. Or perhaps you have felt cooped up and maybe un able to express yourself in an unbound way?
bb, F
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― Jim Morrison
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