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Spell for Job Security

On the first night of the Waxing Moon, collect the above ingredients and go to a place where you can be undisturbed for at least 15 minutes. Light the brown candle and place the rock in front of you. Next, get a business card that includes the name of the business. If you cannot obtain a business card, simply write the full name of the business on a small piece of paper. Write your full name on the back of the card or paper.

Set the card on top of the rock and, with the yarn or cord, wrap the rock, making sure the business card is secure. Hold the rock within your hands and say this chant:

"As the Moon increases, so, too, will my job security."

With this, the spell is done. Allow the candles to burn themselves out. The rock may either be placed with your magical supplies or actually taken to work and hid in your desk or another safe place. Work as best and as hard as you can at your new job. By the Full Moon, the job will be secured.

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