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Perfect Mate Love Spell

This love spell is intended to attract the perfect mate and partner.

In the circle, ground and center.

Meditate on all the preconceived ideas you have about the perfect partner.

Maybe you have a particular candidate in mind for romance. Release the thought of that person (it would be most unethical to work magick to make a certain person love you; this would violate their free will, and put you in jeopardy by The Law of Return). Release all notions of what your perfect lover will look like. These are externals, and if you cling to them, you run the risk of overlooking your ideal mate simply because your conscious mind was focused on superficialities.

You will need:


This love spell can be performed at any time. Evening tends to the best.

When your mind is clear and open, hold the candle of your favorite color: this represents you.

Meditate, then speak aloud, all the qualities and energies you are willing to bring to an intimate relationship.

Replace that candle on the altar, and pick up the white one. This represents your ideal partner.

Speak aloud the essential qualities you desire in a mate, and ask Aphrodite to bring you together in this lifetime.

Now place the two candles in their holders at opposite ends of the altar. Draw a heart in the center with the red chalk, large enough for both candle holders.

Each day thereafter, meditate on the perfect loving relationship for a few minutes, and move the two candles an inch closer together. If you started on the new moon, then by full moon the candles should be touching in the center of the heart.

When they meet, draw two more hearts around the first heart, raise energy by singing your favorite love song, and charge the candles.

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