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Clear Away the Old with Crystals

A Spell to Banish Addictions and Bad Habits

There are many aspects of our lives which we would like to improve, but we just can't muster up the willpower. In your time of need, a crystal can come to your aid. You can program a crystal to help you lose weight, stop smoking, or overcome any negative attitudes about yourself. For example, you want to stop eating chocolate but just can't. You know you should stop for health reasons but you don't have the will power. Try programming a crystal by telling it something like, "I have completely lost any desire for chocolate."

Wear the crystal around your neck or keep it in a pocket. Whenever you want chocolate, touch your crystal and feel the urge dissipate. To get the most out of your crystal, you need to get the right crystal in the first place.

Pick a crystal by attraction, by being drawn to touch it, and then hold it loosely in your left hand. Notice the impressions, colors, sounds, and feelings you pick up. No two crystals are the same. Each crystal has its own unique vibration, and each will resonate differently. It should feel alive in your hand, vibrate, or radiate. In other words, it should feel good.

Before you use your crystal, cleanse it. The easiest way to cleanse your crystal is to hold it in the bright sunlight and order it to be completely cleansed. Then program it with your desired goal. Now you're ready to enjoy your crystal!

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