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White Candle Spell to Attract Love

white candle

Items Needed:

Get a white candle that will burn down in the amount of time you have. You will need to watch it burn down completely. You will have to inscribe it (see below), so it should be bigger than a birthday candle, and you will also have to watch it burn down to nothing, so it should not be a long-burning or large candle. A plain white altar candle or, better yet, a white "bride and groom" figure candle, will be good.

Prepare an altar and decorate it with items that are precious to you and to the one you love. Using a rose thorn from a white rose bush, inscribe the words "All my love come to me" 3 times on the candle. (If you don't have access to a thorn, you can use whatever is handy. Exacto Knives are good for carving candles.) Place the inscribed candle in the center of the altar and light it.

For the entire time the candle burns, gaze upon it and visualize your love coming to you, full of love. When the candle burns out, collect the wax puddle that remains, wrap it up with the mementos from the altar and keep it in a safe place.

The result of this spell will not be "zombie" or "victim" thrall-love; but you will receive ALL the love that person has for you -- which may be less than, as much as, or more than the love you have for him. Accept the degree of love you receive with grace and tenderness.

If, at some future time, you no longer wish to receive that person's love, dispose of the ritual remains in a simple, ceremonial way. Depending on your mood, the wax puddle can be burned on a fire, buried at a crossroads, thrown into running water, mailed to the person, ground to shavings and baked into a cake -- or whatever you feel is appropriate. But it is your responsibility to dispose of it if you no longer want to be loved in any degree by that person.

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