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Anti-Accident Spell for the Car

Strength Tarot Card - Legacy of the Divine tarot deck by Ciro Marchetti
Legacy of the Divine Tarot

To be done on a Wednesday during the waxing moon while inside the vehicle you wish to protect, while parked in a quiet area.

Items Needed:


Rub the oil into the candle and with the front door open, place the candle on the ground and light it.

Working inside your car, imagine a triple white light of protection enveloping the vehicle.

Sprinkle the herbs around the car, concentrating on the driver side.

Take copper wire and form the shape of a star, then place the star on the center of the vehicle's hood.

Visualize a safety net coming from the star and encasing your vehicle as you sit inside it.

As you do so, chant the following:

Taliesin, Merlyn, and Cerridwen,
Protect me now, your safeguard send.
Help me see clearly on every street.
No accidents nor harm will I meet.
Copper star, by my fingers made,
protect me on this very day.
Keep me in your white glow,
behind the wheel, I'm in control.
East then South, then West and North.
All directions guarded from this day forth.
As I will it, so mote it be.
Place all herbs, copper star, tarot card, and drips from the candle into a white cloth and gather it into a bag. Tie the bag with black ribbon and hang inside car, or place under driver's seat.

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