Pagan Lords Prayer

Many pagans and witches use prayer as a form of worship and for requesting help from deities. Share and discuss prayers here.
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loona wynd
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Pagan Lords Prayer

Post by loona wynd »

Many of us are familiar with the Lords prayer used in Christianity. Several years ago when I first started to practice witchcraft and paganism I found different versions of the Lords Prayer as well as Hail Mary that were written for Pagans. I found these useful in my practice. I did not save or write down the version of the Lords prayer I found then, but I did find a new version today.

Eternal Spirit, Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver,
Source of all that is and that shall be,
Father and Mother of us all,
Loving God, in whom is heaven:
The hallowing of your name echo through the universe!
The way of your justice be followed by the peoples of the world!
Your heavenly will be done by all created beings!
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom sustain our hope and come on earth.
With the bread we need for today, feed us.
In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.
In times of temptation and test, strengthen us.
From trials too great to endure, spare us.
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.
For you reign in the glory of the power that is love, now and for ever. Amen

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Re: Pagan Lords Prayer

Post by Lillady »

Beautiful prayer! Thanks so much for sharing. The only thing I do not care for in the entire thing is the Amen part, but that is solely due to I connect that with Christianity.
loona wynd
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Re: Pagan Lords Prayer

Post by loona wynd »

Lillady wrote:Beautiful prayer! Thanks so much for sharing. The only thing I do not care for in the entire thing is the Amen part, but that is solely due to I connect that with Christianity.
You could end it with so mote it be or In your essence we pray. The ending of the prayer can change. I just thought this prayer provided an excellent example of how we can adapt prayers from (in many of our cases) our former belief systems to have them fit our current belief systems.

I personally still occasionally say the original Lords prayer. That is also because I still have connections with Christianity in my practice. The archangels and the Saints are part of the Catholic religion and so when I am going to do workings with those spirit forces I will say the Lords prayer as an invitation for Yaweh to join me as well. I figure if I am working with his servants and those who have served him in life I should at least be willing to work with him to an extent.

I am not one to deny his power or his presence. I have felt them both in my life. He is one uncomfortable God to be with if you are seeking your path and your truths. In reality I have no issues with him. My issues with the church have to do with what has been done in his name by the Church. Yaweh is fine by me as a God, is he possesive of his followers? Yes. Does he ask his followers to share his word? Yes, but it doesn't have to be the way the Church has done it.

It was actually studying with a Jehova's witness that actually sort of repaired my relationship with Yaweh/Jehova. They are called to witness and tell of their experience with God in their life, but its not done forceful. Hell if you tell them you are interested in studying the bible with them to understand their beliefs, they wont try and forcefully convert you but will willing help you understand their beliefs. Will they ask you to join their church? Yes, but if you say no they willingly bless you and wish you well and move on to some one else. This to me is how it should be.

Any way I was getting off on a tangent there. My point is the prayer does work effectively, and I see no reason not to modify a prayer many people already know to suit a different path or practice. We do it with spells and other rituals all the time. Prayer is really no different than that in this respect.
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Re: Pagan Lords Prayer

Post by Lillady »

You could end it with so mote it be or In your essence we pray. The ending of the prayer can change. I just thought this prayer provided an excellent example of how we can adapt prayers from (in many of our cases) our former belief systems to have them fit our current belief systems.

Yes and If I use it I most certainly will. Sorry if what i stated before offended by any means, defintely not what i was intending. Prayer is a beautiful thing no matter what our beliefs or religion is.
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Re: Pagan Lords Prayer

Post by loona wynd »

Lillady wrote: Yes and If I use it I most certainly will. Sorry if what i stated before offended by any means, defintely not what i was intending. Prayer is a beautiful thing no matter what our beliefs or religion is.
Oh I wasn't offended at all. It was more of a discussion. I'm sure other people have the same issue with the ending of Amen. You can look at the prayers I have written and posted here to get an idea of how I generally end them. Sometimes with a thank you and sometimes with a blessed be. That is also why I address the concept of closing in the two threads I have on writing prayers yourself. How you end the prayer can be as important as how you address it. After all you don't want it to sound like there was something more coming or leave it feeling like its hanging in mid air.
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Re: Pagan Lords Prayer

Post by autumn swan »

I like this idea and I like the site you have linked, all very great! :D Sometimes I also work with Christian deities or angels (even though technically, the angels have been around so much longer than Christianity^^), very seldom but it happens and why not? An when it comes to prayers they sure rock the world of religion, lol.

By the way, 'Amen' is Hebrew and it means 'so mote it be', just as a useless fact to know... :wink:
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