New Wiccan - Where do I Start?

Frequently asked questions about witchcraft, Wicca, magick, paganism, and the occult. Subjects include love spells, Ouija boards, curses, Law of Attraction, and what to do if you don't have the needed tools, ingredients, altar, etc.
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Floyd Pinkerton
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Re: New to Wicca.

Post by Floyd Pinkerton »

Wicca doesn't have a Bible. The Bible is the Christian holy text. However, most Wiccans do keep a Book of Shadows, which is handwritten by you (or typed up on the computer).
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Re: New to Wicca.

Post by YanaKhan »

Hey, captainspaulding.
I suggest you look and read through these threads ... 27774.html ... 26933.html
I also suggest you go and introduce yourself. Please feel free to ask questions about anything - there are lots of knowledgeable people here who are happy to help.
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Shub Niggurath
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Re: New to Wicca.

Post by Shub Niggurath »

Lol, there's plenty of books entitled "Wiccan Bible" or "Witches' Bible" so that's probably what captainspaulding is talking about.

Welcome to the forum! Make sure you read the topics YanaKhan linked and other topics from "Witchcraft & Wicca 101" subforum. There's plenty of information that will help you start :)
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Re: New to Wicca.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Replying to an OLD TOPIC

. “So I am completely new to Wicca, I have everything and all my items ready and even my Bible all given to me by my boyfriend. But I don't have a clue where to start.”

Some key points -
. the Goddess🪆and the Horned God 🦌 represent Nature’s duality
. Holidays represent nature’s cycles 🎃Halloween, 🕯Candlemas, 🌺May Day, 🍞Loafmas, ☀️❄️Solstices
. the elements manifest intentions - land🪨, sea🌊, sky☁️ & fire🔥
. the texts Charge of the Goddess, & full Wiccan Rede are guidelines
. Cunningham’s Solitary Wicca is available as a free pdf. ... tioner.pdf

Build skills
1. Focusing - gaze on a candle flame’s colorful dance & return your attention to it when your mind wanders; 5 min.
2. Grounding - think it to send your ⚡️energy down your spine to root into the 🌎.
3. Centering - draw power on the breath from Earth & Sky into the belly.
4. Casting - load-aim-shoot energy from the belly & thru 🙌🏽. Shake your hands to clear them.
5. Practice making psi balls between your hands 👏🏽 & move them back & forth to feel energy. Shake hands off to clear.

Build a Workspace
. Magnetize your work space before setting up gear: deep breathe & project good vibes to build on. Salt-water-wipe your table, fume it with incense, dab-&-wipe it with olive oil to hold a charge & magnetize 🙌🏽 it with your energy.
. Supplies - 💦H2O 🍶 - 🧂salt & herbs🌱 - 🥢incense -🕯candles, burning bowl🪔 &⚱️oil - they represent the Elements 🌊🪨☁️🔥
. Formal ritual tools 🍷🗡🪄⭐️ are not needed to get started, but since you have ‘em, learn to use ‘em. The cup is the Lady🪆symbol that holds and shapes fluid energies, the blade is the Lord🦌symbol that directs and divides energy. A wand moves energy both↔️ways. The pentagram represents the 5 elements, charges spells and protects.

Simplify Daily Practice
. greet Sun☀️ Moon🌛, Earth🌎-“Hail to Sol, Selene, Gaia” and 4-winds NESW “Hail to Boreas, Eurus, Notos, Zephyrus.”
. ground ⬇️, center *️⃣ & shield🛡
. practice psi-balls 👏🏽 load-aim-push from gut; move hands back & forth
. candle gaze🕯 & meditate (follow the breath) 10-30 min
. use empathic senses to greet the Genius Loci & make friendly offerings 💦🍞🍓
. spells are done when there’s true need and with proper timing & planning

Easy Circle Rite
1. Place gear inside your planned work space. There’s no summoning. Start & end at north to align with geomagnetic force
2. 🔄 🧹sweep; lite🥢incense; load-aim-&-push 👉🏼 to cast circle ↩️
3. Air-draw 👆🏽an invoking ↙️⭐️ to begin the rite
4. Center & meditate, honor Divinity, do divinations & up to 3 spells
5. End the rite with a banishing ↗️⭐️ sign, & ground your energy

. Decide on a single goal - to attract something, repel something or hold something in place
. Choose spell materials whose properties support the goal by scent, appearance or element
. Incantations tell power what to do - don’t say what you don’t want, say only what you want results to be. Rhyming helps memory, repetition adds strength.
. A Bible can be used for Psalm magic see viewtopic.php?f=71&t=36487 in the Types of Witchcraft section, Christian Witchcraft sub-section, Candle with Psalms topic.
. See “Post a Spell or Ritual” section viewtopic.php?f=4&t=36682

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